Releases: caarmen/nounours-android
Releases · caarmen/nounours-android
3.4.8-3.4.9: Maintenance release
Reorganize the apks:
ca.rmen.nounours: handheld + wear apks with nounours and bugdroid
ca.rmen.nounours.lwp.robo: handheld + wear apks with just bugdroid
Update build environment
Bump the minSdk for the handheld app to 10 (Gingerbread). It's not possible to install on devices <= 8 (Eclair), and not possible to test on an emulator at < 10.
3.4.6 - 3.4.7: Maintenance, icons, and apk split.
- Update build environment
- Add adaptive launcher icons to the handheld app
- Make the wear app standalone
3.4.5: Removed EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions
release-3.4.5 3.4.5: Removed EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions.
3.4.4: Maintenance release
3.4.3: Maintenance release
- update gradle plugin to 2.1.3
- update gradle to 2.14.1
- update play services to 9.4.0
3.4.0: Added dial numbers to the analog watch face.
3.4.0: Added dial numbers to the analog watch face.
3.3.0: Added daydream feature. Fixed audio bug
- Added a daydream service
- Fixed a bug where the sleep audio was cut off after 10 seconds. Use MediaPlayer instead of SoundPool
3.2.0: Added wear setting to show the digital time in ambient mode.
release-3.2.0 New version 320
3.1.0: Added full-screen mode
release-3.1.0 Android Studio code inspection fixes
3.0.1: fix theme name when loading
release-3.0.1 Attempt to handle an out of memory error when saving the animation.