Built with nodejs, chrome-remote-interface, and blessed
To enter a new url press the urlbar with your mouse, scroll with your mouse scroll wheel or pgup and pgdown
Simpler pages renders and are somewhat readable :)
Please come and help with the project.
git clone https://github.com/calledit/termkit.git
cd termkit
#Get dependencies
#start chrome with Chrome DevTools Protocol in another tab
/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222 --headless
#On linux
google-chrome --headless --remote-debugging-port=9222
#start termkit
node termkit.js
#Your terminal emulator needs mouse support
#To scroll use pageup & pagedown keys or your mouse scroll wheel. To browse to a website use the address bar or click on links. (the clicking is not perfect and does not always work TODO someone FIX clicking)
#Sometimes website are not rendered properly at load time, use Ctr+R to refresh the render.
#When you scroll hold your mouse to the side, if you scroll and the cursor is above a link the page will not scroll.
#Exit the browser with Esc or Q
#TODO someone add proper keyboard support
I believe that chrome-remote-interface requires node v8. Some of the newer features of "Chrome DevTools Protocol" are used. Chrome v64 has been proven to work.