This module automates the creation of a ROSA HCP cluster with an opinionated configuration targeting Camunda 8 on AWS using Terraform.
For more detailed usage and configuration options, please refer to the module's inputs and outputs documentation below.
To gather all specifics versions of this project, we use:
- asdf version manager (see installation).
- just as a command runner
- install it using asdf:
asdf plugin add just && asdf install just
- install it using asdf:
Then we will install all the tooling listed in the .tool-versions
of this root project using just:
just install-tooling
# list available recipes
just --list
- Terraform (installed by asdf)
- AWS CLI (installed by asdf)
- ROSA CLI (installation guide)
- OpenShift CLI (installation guide)
Base tutorial
- Login onto AWS
- Check if ELB role exists
# To check if the role exists for your account, run this command in your terminal:
aws iam get-role --role-name "AWSServiceRoleForElasticLoadBalancing"
# If the role doesn't exist, create it by running the following command:
aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name ""
- Login onto Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console
- Generate an Offline token, click on "Load Token"
export RHCS_TOKEN=yourToken
rosa login --token="$RHCS_TOKEN"
rosa whoami
rosa verify quota --region="$AWS_REGION"
# this may fail due to org policy
rosa verify permissions --region="$AWS_REGION"
rosa create account-roles --mode auto
- Enable HCP ROSA on AWS MarkePlace
- Navigate to the ROSA console :
- Choose Get started.
- On the Verify ROSA prerequisites page, select I agree to share my contact information with Red Hat.
- Choose Enable ROSA
Please note that Only a single AWS account that will be used for service billing can be associated with a Red Hat account.
To use this module with Terraform, follow these steps:
- Create a Terraform provider configuration file (e.g.,
) and copy the content of[modules/fixtures/](modules/fixtures/
, ensure thatRHCS_URL
is set as an environment variable with the token previously loaded from the console. - Create a Terraform configuration file (e.g.,
). - Include the ROSA HCP module in your configuration file.
Here's an example configuration:
module "rosa_hcp" {
source = ""
cluster_name = "my-ocp-cluster"
htpasswd_password = "your_password"
openshift_version = "4.15.11"
replicas = "2"
For more details, refer to the Terraform module ROSA HCP README.
Initialize Terraform by running:
terraform init
Review the execution plan with:
terraform plan
Apply the configuration to create the resources:
terraform apply
You can automate the deployment and deletion of the ROSA HCP cluster using GitHub Actions. Below are examples of GitHub Actions workflows for deploying and deleting the cluster.
Create a file in your repository's .github/workflows
directory, for example deploy-rosa-hcp.yml
, with the following content:
name: Deploy ROSA HCP Cluster
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Add profile credentials to ~/.aws/credentials
run: |
aws configure set aws_access_key_id ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY }} --profile ${{ env.AWS_PROFILE }}
aws configure set aws_secret_access_key ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_KEY }} --profile ${{ env.AWS_PROFILE }}
aws configure set region ${{ env.AWS_REGION }} --profile ${{ env.AWS_PROFILE }}
- name: Deploy ROSA HCP Cluster
uses: camunda/camunda-tf-rosa/.github/actions/rosa-create-cluster@main
id: create_cluster
timeout-minutes: 125 # cluster creation can take up to 45 minutes
rh-token: ${{ secrets.RH_OPENSHIFT_TOKEN }}
cluster-name: "my-ocp-cluster"
admin-username: "kube-admin"
admin-password: ${{ secrets.CI_OPENSHIFT_MAIN_PASSWORD }}
aws-region: "us-west-2"
s3-backend-bucket: ${{ secrets.TF_S3_BUCKET }}
- name: Use your created cluster
shell: bash
run: |
oc new-project "myns"
oc whoami
oc get pods
For more details, refer to the Deploy ROSA HCP Cluster Action README.
Create another file in your repository's .github/workflows
directory, for example delete-rosa-hcp.yml
, with the following content:
name: Delete ROSA HCP Cluster
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Delete ROSA HCP Cluster
uses: camunda/camunda-tf-rosa/.github/actions/rosa-delete-cluster@main
timeout-minutes: 125 # cluster deletion can take some time
rh-token: ${{ secrets.RH_OPENSHIFT_TOKEN }}
cluster-name: "my-ocp-cluster"
aws-region: "us-west-2"
s3-backend-bucket: ${{ secrets.TF_S3_BUCKET }}
For more details, refer to the Delete ROSA HCP Cluster Action README.
- In the output, you will have the created cluster id:
cluster_id = "2b3sq2r4geb7b6htaibb4uqk9qc9c3fa"
- Describe the cluster
export CLUSTER_ID="2b3sq2r4geb7b6htaibb4uqk9qc9c3fa"
rosa describe cluster --output=json -c $CLUSTER_ID
- Generate the kubeconfig:
export NAMESPACE="myNs"
export SERVER_API=$(rosa describe cluster --output=json -c "$CLUSTER_ID" | jq -r '.api.url')
oc login --username "$ADMIN_USER" --password "$ADMIN_PASS" --server=$SERVER_API
kubectl config rename-context $(oc config current-context) "$CLUSTER_NAME"
kubectl config use "$CLUSTER_NAME"
# create a new project
oc new-project "$NAMESPACE"
Please note that the modules have been tested with Terraform in the version described in the .tool-versions of this project.