utilities for Amazon SP API, mostly for my annoyances
fill the .halycon.dummy.yaml
, rename to .halycon.yaml
, move the config to home directory, then
# for swagger models
just generate
just build-current
mv ./dist/halycon /usr/local/bin/halycon
halycon --help
converts list of UPCs or a single UPC to ASIN
On Send To Amazon
page, while creating shipment plans, you can search by SKU, Title, ASIN and FNSKU for the products you want to ship.
Guess what is missing? UPC!!!!!!!!!!!!
So whenever my brother sends a three page invoice to me like "create shipments for this", I have to do this
switch tab -> fba inventory -> search with upc -> copy asin -> switch tab -> send to amazon -> search with asin -> enter quantity
for every single product.
simplifies this process just to
send to amazon -> search with asin -> enter quantity
(dw, there is another command for creating shipment plans and skipping this process too)
single upc, for debugging purposes
halycon upc-to-asin --single --input 754603373000 -vvv
for list of upcs
halycon upc-to-asin --input list.txt --output out.txt
where list is newline delimited (one per line) text file
output will be in same format.
for creating shipment plans, you need, SKU and ASIN's.
single asin, for debugging purposes
halycon asin-to-sku --single --input B07H2WGKVB -vvv
for list of asins
halycon asin-to-sku -vvv --input out.txt --output out.csv
where input is list of ASIN's
and output will be
ASIN,SKU,Product Name,Quantity
B07H2WGKVB,some_sku,"Aneco 6 Pairs Over Knee Thigh Socks Knee-High Warm Stocking Women Boot Sock Leg Warmer High Socks for Daily Wear, Cosplay",
fill the quantity column and move on to Shipments from SKU Data
halycon shipment create -i sku.csv -v
where the input is the output of asin-to-sku
ASIN,SKU,Product Name,Quantity
B07H2WGKVB,some_sku,"Aneco 6 Pairs Over Knee Thigh Socks Knee-High Warm Stocking Women Boot Sock Leg Warmer High Socks for Daily Wear, Cosplay",5
so for creating a shipment from list of UPCs (which is one of the main goals here), usual workflow is
halycon upc-to-asin -i upc.txt -o asin.txt
halycon asin-to-sku -i asin.txt -o sku.csv
halycon shipment create -i sku.csv -v
after this, operation and workflow ID will be displayed
2:40AM INF success! inbound_plan_id=wf00a0e0a5-XXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX operation_id=78200213-XXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
then, if requested, https://sellercentral.amazon.com/fba/sendtoamazon/confirm_content_step?wf=wf00a0e0a5-XXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
will open with default browser for confirming and finalizing the shipment on dashboard.
if you see the error Please review SKUs with errors or unconfirmed SKUs
on dashboard, check the operation status.
halycon shipment operation status -i 78200213-XXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX -v
which will give you the status, if success or in progress, message will be displayed with INFO
level, so you may not see anything.
if operation failed, problems will be displayed line by line
halycon shipment operation status -i 0aa45ad9-XXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
2:34AM WRN problem 1 code=FBA_INB_0049 details="There's an input error with the resource 'SU-XXXX-XXXX'." severity=ERROR
amazon name (product type) is required for PUT /listings/2021-08-01/items/{sellerId}/{sku}
# --item string The title of the ASIN to get the product type recommendation. Note: Cannot be used with keywords
# --keywords stringArray A comma-delimited list of keywords to search product types. Note: Cannot be used with itemName.
halycon definition search --keywords SOCKS
# or
halycon definition search --item "Aneco 6 Pairs Over Knee Thigh Socks Knee-High Warm Stocking Women Boot Sock Leg Warmer High Socks for Daily Wear, Cosplay"
| Sock | SOCKS |
attributes are required for PUT /listings/2021-08-01/items/{sellerId}/{sku}
halycon definition get --type SOCKS -v
no examples on this, because, --detailed
output is over 500, compact output is around 150 lines.
if you are on mac, I highly suggest you piping the result to pbcopy
halycon definition get --type SOCKS -v | pbcopy
and paste the output somewhere for easier reading.
create a JSON file for the listing with the following schema
"productType": "SOCKS",
"requirements": "LISTING",
"attributes": {}
you can find the requirements from
halycon definition get --type SOCKS -v
6:21PM INF basic info display_name=Sock locale=en_US requirements=LISTING
then, with the attributes from same definition get
command, fill the rest of json.
for example, for a wallet:
"productType": "WALLET",
"requirements": "LISTING",
"attributes": {
"country_of_origin": ["US"],
"bullet_point": ["mirror", "mirror", "on the wall", "who is the", "most pretty", "of all"],
"wallet_card_slot_count": ["6"],
"number_of_compartments": ["6"],
"number_of_pockets": ["6"],
"number_of_sections": ["2"],
"item_display_dimensions": ["3\"D x 1\"W x 4\"H"],
"item_weight": ["4 Ounces"],
"compliance_wallet_type": "billfold",
"leather_type": "Genuine Leather",
"care_instructions": ["Wipe Clean", "Avoid Water Exposure"],
one of ma favourite mono song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_OYaI37bi0
amazon SP-API is, literally, one of the worst API's you can ever work with, especially the Listing side has one of the worst documentation you can ever read. i am doing this to save myself trouble, and possibly saving you some trouble in future. LICENSE is as free as it can get, as long as you do one push up, you can do whatever you want with the code.