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fix: <expand>@odata.count queries (#966)
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fixes OData requests like:


Co-authored-by: Johannes Vogel <[email protected]>
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BobdenOs and johannes-vogel authored Mar 4, 2025
1 parent 500a666 commit 6607a84
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Showing 5 changed files with 208 additions and 132 deletions.
35 changes: 20 additions & 15 deletions db-service/lib/cqn2sql.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -263,7 +263,13 @@ class CQN2SQLRenderer {
* @returns {string} SQL
SELECT_columns(q) {
return (q.SELECT.columns ?? ['*']).map(x => this.column_expr(x, q))
const ret = []
const arr = q.SELECT.columns ?? ['*']
for (const x of arr) {
if (x.SELECT?.count) arr.push(this.SELECT_count(x))
ret.push(this.column_expr(x, q))
return ret

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -292,24 +298,12 @@ class CQN2SQLRenderer {
? x => {
const name = this.column_name(x)
const escaped = `${name.replace(/"/g, '""')}`
let col = `${this.output_converter4(x.element, this.quote(name))} AS "${escaped}"`
if (x.SELECT?.count) {
// Return both the sub select and the count for @odata.count
const qc = cds.ql.clone(x, { columns: [{ func: 'count' }], one: 1, limit: 0, orderBy: 0 })
return [col, `${this.expr(qc)} AS "${escaped}@odata.count"`]
return col
return `${this.output_converter4(x.element, this.quote(name))} AS "${escaped}"`
: x => {
const name = this.column_name(x)
const escaped = `${name.replace(/"/g, '""')}`
let col = `'$."${escaped}"',${this.output_converter4(x.element, this.quote(name))}`
if (x.SELECT?.count) {
// Return both the sub select and the count for @odata.count
const qc = cds.ql.clone(x, { columns: [{ func: 'count' }], one: 1, limit: 0, orderBy: 0 })
return [col, `'$."${escaped}@odata.count"',${this.expr(qc)}`]
return col
return `'$."${escaped}"',${this.output_converter4(x.element, this.quote(name))}`

if (isSimple) return `SELECT ${cols} FROM (${sql})`
Expand All @@ -322,6 +316,17 @@ class CQN2SQLRenderer {
return `SELECT ${isRoot || ? obj.replace('jsonb', 'json') : `jsonb_group_array(${obj})`} as _json_ FROM (${sql})`

SELECT_count(q) {
const countQuery = cds.ql.clone(q, {
columns: [{ func: 'count' }],
one: 0, limit: 0, orderBy: 0, expand: 0, count: 0
}) = + '@odata.count'
countQuery.elements = undefined
countQuery.element = cds.builtin.types.Int64
return countQuery

* Renders a SELECT column expression into generic SQL
* @param {import('./infer/cqn').col} x
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion db-service/lib/cqn4sql.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ function cqn4sql(originalQuery, model) {
const subqueryBase = {}
const queryModifiers = { ...column }
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(queryModifiers)) {
if (key in { limit: 1, orderBy: 1, groupBy: 1, excluding: 1, where: 1, having: 1 }) subqueryBase[key] = value
if (key in { limit: 1, orderBy: 1, groupBy: 1, excluding: 1, where: 1, having: 1, count: 1 }) subqueryBase[key] = value

const subquery = {
Expand Down
272 changes: 164 additions & 108 deletions hana/lib/HANAService.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -515,35 +515,89 @@ class HANAService extends SQLService {
SELECT_columns(q) {
const { SELECT, src } = q
if (!SELECT.columns) return '*'
if (SELECT.expand !== 'root') {
const ret = []
for (const x of q.SELECT.columns) {
if (x.elements && x.element?.isAssociation) continue
ret.push(this.column_expr(x, q))
return ret
const structures = []
const blobrefs = []
let expands = {}
let blobs = {}
let hasBooleans = false
let path
let sql = SELECT.columns
SELECT.expand === 'root'
? x => {
if (x === '*') return '*'
// means x is a sub select expand
if (x.elements && x.element?.isAssociation) {
expands[this.column_name(x)] = ? null : []

const parent = src
this.extractForeignKeys(x.SELECT.where,, []).forEach(ref => {
const columnName = this.column_name(ref)
if (!parent.SELECT.columns.find(c => this.column_name(c) === columnName)) {
let sql = []

// Remove sub expands and track special return column types
for (const x of SELECT.columns) {
if (x === '*') sql.push('*')
// means x is a sub select expand
if (x.elements && x.element?.isAssociation) {
if (x.SELECT?.count) {
// Add count query to src query and output query
const cq = this.SELECT_count(x)
if (q !== src) q.SELECT.columns.push({ ref: [], element: cq.element })

expands[this.column_name(x)] = ? null : []

const parent = src
this.extractForeignKeys(x.SELECT.where,, []).forEach(ref => {
const columnName = this.column_name(ref)
if (!parent.SELECT.columns.find(c => this.column_name(c) === columnName)) {

if (x.SELECT.from) {
x.SELECT.from = {
join: 'inner',
args: [x.SELECT.from, { ref: [parent.alias], as: }],
on: x.SELECT.where,
} else {
x.SELECT.from = { ref: [parent.alias], as: }
x.SELECT.columns.forEach(col => {
// if (col.ref?.length === 1) { col.ref.unshift( }
if (col.ref?.length > 1) {
const colName = this.column_name(col)
if (!parent.SELECT.columns.some(c => this.column_name(c) === colName)) {
const isSource = from => {
if ( === col.ref[0]) return true
return from.args?.some(a => {
if (a.args) return isSource(a)
return === col.ref[0]

if (x.SELECT.from) {
x.SELECT.from = {
join: 'inner',
args: [x.SELECT.from, { ref: [parent.alias], as: }],
on: x.SELECT.where,
// Inject foreign columns into parent selects (recursively)
const as = `$$${col.ref.join('.')}$$`
let rename = col.ref[0] !==
let curPar = parent
while (curPar) {
if (isSource(curPar.SELECT.from)) {
if (curPar.SELECT.columns.find(c => === as)) {
rename = true
} else {
rename = rename || curPar === parent
curPar.SELECT.columns.push(rename ? { __proto__: col, ref: col.ref, as } : { __proto__: col, ref: [...col.ref] })
} else {
curPar.SELECT.columns.push({ __proto__: col, ref: [, as], as })
curPar = curPar.SELECT.parent
if (rename) { = colName
col.ref = [, as]
} else {
col.ref = [, colName]
} else {
x.SELECT.from = { ref: [parent.alias], as: }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -590,98 +644,91 @@ class HANAService extends SQLService {

x.SELECT.where = undefined
x.SELECT.expand = 'root'
x.SELECT.parent = parent

const values = this.values
this.values = []
parent.SELECT.expand = true
this.values = values
return false
if (x.element?.type in this.BINARY_TYPES) {
blobs[this.column_name(x)] = null
return false
if (x.element?.elements || x.element?.items) {
// support for structured types and arrays
return false
const columnName = this.column_name(x)
if (columnName === '_path_') {
path = this.expr(x)
return false
if (x.element?.type === 'cds.Boolean') hasBooleans = true
const converter = x.element?.[this.class._convertOutput] || (e => e)
const sql = x.param !== true && typeof x.val === 'number' ? this.expr({ param: false, __proto__: x }) : this.expr(x)
return `${converter(sql, x.element)} as "${columnName.replace(/"/g, '""')}"`
: x => {
if (x === '*') return '*'
// means x is a sub select expand
if (x.elements && x.element?.isAssociation) return false
return this.column_expr(x)
.filter(a => a)

if (SELECT.expand === 'root') {
this._blobs = blobs
const blobColumns = Object.keys(blobs)
this.blobs.push(...blobColumns.filter(b => !this.blobs.includes(b)))
if (
cds.env.features.sql_simple_queries &&
(cds.env.features.sql_simple_queries > 1 || !hasBooleans) &&
structures.length + ObjectKeys(expands).length + ObjectKeys(blobs).length === 0 &&
!q?.src?.SELECT?.parent &&
this.temporary.length === 0
) {
return `${sql}`
x.SELECT.where = undefined
x.SELECT.expand = 'root'
x.SELECT.parent = parent

expands = this.string(JSON.stringify(expands))
blobs = this.string(JSON.stringify(blobs))
// When using FOR JSON the whole dataset is put into a single blob
// To increase the potential maximum size of the result set every row is converted to a JSON
// Making each row a maximum size of 2gb instead of the whole result set to be 2gb
// Excluding binary columns as they are not supported by FOR JSON and themselves can be 2gb
const rawJsonColumn = sql.length
? `(SELECT ${path ? sql : => c.slice(c.lastIndexOf(' as "') + 4))} FROM JSON_TABLE('{}', '$' COLUMNS("'$$FaKeDuMmYCoLuMn$$'" FOR ORDINALITY)) FOR JSON ('format'='no', 'omitnull'='no', 'arraywrap'='no') RETURNS NVARCHAR(2147483647))`
: `'{}'`

let jsonColumn = rawJsonColumn
if (structures.length) {
// Appending the structured columns to prevent them from being quoted and escaped
// In case of the deep JSON select queries the deep columns depended on a REGEXP_REPLACE which will probably be slower
const structuresConcat = structures
.map((x, i) => {
const name = this.column_name(x)
return `'${i ? ',' : '{'}"${name}":' || COALESCE(${this.quote(name)},'null')`
.join(' || ')
jsonColumn = sql.length
? `${structuresConcat} || ',' || SUBSTRING(${rawJsonColumn}, 2)`
: `${structuresConcat} || '}'`
const values = this.values
this.values = []
parent.SELECT.expand = true
this.values = values

// Calculate final output columns once
let outputColumns = ''
outputColumns = `${path ? this.quote('_path_') : `'$['`} as "_path_",${blobs} as "_blobs_",${expands} as "_expands_",${jsonColumn} as "_json_"`
if (blobColumns.length)
outputColumns = `${outputColumns},${ => `${this.quote(b)} as "${b.replace(/"/g, '""')}"`)}`
this._outputColumns = outputColumns
if (path) {
sql = `*,${path} as ${this.quote('_path_')}`
} else {
structures.forEach(x => sql.push(this.column_expr(x)))
blobrefs.forEach(x => sql.push(this.column_expr(x)))
if (x.element?.type in this.BINARY_TYPES) {
blobs[this.column_name(x)] = null
if (x.element?.elements || x.element?.items) {
// support for structured types and arrays
const columnName = this.column_name(x)
if (columnName === '_path_') {
path = this.expr(x)
if (x.element?.type === 'cds.Boolean') hasBooleans = true
const converter = x.element?.[this.class._convertOutput] || (e => e)
const s = x.param !== true && typeof x.val === 'number' ? this.expr({ param: false, __proto__: x }) : this.expr(x)
sql.push(`${converter(s, x.element)} as "${columnName.replace(/"/g, '""')}"`)

this._blobs = blobs
const blobColumns = Object.keys(blobs)
this.blobs.push(...blobColumns.filter(b => !this.blobs.includes(b)))
if (
cds.env.features.sql_simple_queries &&
(cds.env.features.sql_simple_queries > 1 || !hasBooleans) &&
structures.length + ObjectKeys(expands).length + ObjectKeys(blobs).length === 0 &&
!q?.src?.SELECT?.parent &&
this.temporary.length === 0
) {
return `${sql}`

expands = this.string(JSON.stringify(expands))
blobs = this.string(JSON.stringify(blobs))
// When using FOR JSON the whole dataset is put into a single blob
// To increase the potential maximum size of the result set every row is converted to a JSON
// Making each row a maximum size of 2gb instead of the whole result set to be 2gb
// Excluding binary columns as they are not supported by FOR JSON and themselves can be 2gb
const rawJsonColumn = sql.length
? `(SELECT ${path ? sql : => c.slice(c.lastIndexOf(' as "') + 4))} FROM JSON_TABLE('{}', '$' COLUMNS("'$$FaKeDuMmYCoLuMn$$'" FOR ORDINALITY)) FOR JSON ('format'='no', 'omitnull'='no', 'arraywrap'='no') RETURNS NVARCHAR(2147483647))`
: `'{}'`

let jsonColumn = rawJsonColumn
if (structures.length) {
// Appending the structured columns to prevent them from being quoted and escaped
// In case of the deep JSON select queries the deep columns depended on a REGEXP_REPLACE which will probably be slower
const structuresConcat = structures
.map((x, i) => {
const name = this.column_name(x)
return `'${i ? ',' : '{'}"${name}":' || COALESCE(${this.quote(name)},'null')`
.join(' || ')
jsonColumn = sql.length
? `${structuresConcat} || ',' || SUBSTRING(${rawJsonColumn}, 2)`
: `${structuresConcat} || '}'`

// Calculate final output columns once
let outputColumns = ''
outputColumns = `${path ? this.quote('_path_') : `'$['`} as "_path_",${blobs} as "_blobs_",${expands} as "_expands_",${jsonColumn} as "_json_"`
if (blobColumns.length)
outputColumns = `${outputColumns},${ => `${this.quote(b)} as "${b.replace(/"/g, '""')}"`)}`
this._outputColumns = outputColumns
if (path) {
sql = `*,${path} as ${this.quote('_path_')}`
} else {
structures.forEach(x => sql.push(this.column_expr(x)))
blobrefs.forEach(x => sql.push(this.column_expr(x)))
return sql
Expand All @@ -690,6 +737,15 @@ class HANAService extends SQLService {
return sql

SELECT_count(q) {
const countQuery = super.SELECT_count(q)
countQuery.SELECT.from = countQuery.SELECT.from
countQuery.SELECT.where = countQuery.SELECT.where
// Ensure that the query is not considered an expand query
countQuery.SELECT.parent = undefined
return countQuery

from_dummy() {
return ' FROM DUMMY'
Expand Down
9 changes: 1 addition & 8 deletions postgres/lib/PostgresService.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -389,14 +389,7 @@ GROUP BY k
const cols = => {
const name = this.column_name(x)
const outputConverter = this.output_converter4(x.element, `${queryAlias}.${this.quote(name)}`)
let col = `${outputConverter} as ${this.doubleQuote(name)}`

if (x.SELECT?.count) {
// Return both the sub select and the count for @odata.count
const qc = cds.ql.clone(x, { columns: [{ func: 'count' }], one: 1, limit: 0, orderBy: 0 })
col += `,${this.expr(qc)} as ${this.doubleQuote(`${name}@odata.count`)}`
return col
return `${outputConverter} as ${this.doubleQuote(name)}`
const isRoot = SELECT.expand === 'root'
const isSimple = cds.env.features.sql_simple_queries &&
Expand Down

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