A Django authentication backend for Microsoft ADFS and Azure AD
- Free software: BSD License
- Homepage: https://github.com/jobec/django-auth-adfs
- Documentation: http://django-auth-adfs.readthedocs.io/
- Integrates Django with Active Directory on Windows 2012 R2, 2016 or Azure AD in the cloud.
- Provides seamless single sign on (SSO) for your Django project on intranet environments.
- Auto creates users and adds them to Django groups based on info received from ADFS.
- Django Rest Framework (DRF) integration: Authenticate against your API with an ADFS access token.
Python package:
pip install django-auth-adfs
In your project's settings.py
add these settings.
# Needed for the ADFS redirect URI to function
# checkout the documentation for more settings
"SERVER": "adfs.yourcompany.com",
"CLIENT_ID": "your-configured-client-id",
"RELYING_PARTY_ID": "your-adfs-RPT-name",
# Make sure to read the documentation about the AUDIENCE setting
# when you configured the identifier as a URL!
"AUDIENCE": "microsoft:identityserver:your-RelyingPartyTrust-identifier",
"CA_BUNDLE": "/path/to/ca-bundle.pem",
"CLAIM_MAPPING": {"first_name": "given_name",
"last_name": "family_name",
"email": "email"},
# Configure django to redirect users to the right URL for login
LOGIN_URL = "django_auth_adfs:login"
# With this you can force a user to login without using
# the LoginRequiredMixin on every view class
# You can specify URLs for which login is not enforced by
# specifying them in the LOGIN_EXEMPT_URLS setting.
In your project's urls.py
add these paths:
urlpatterns = [
path('oauth2/', include('django_auth_adfs.urls')),
This will add these paths to Django:
where users are redirected to, to initiate the login with ADFS./oauth2/login_no_sso
where users are redirected to, to initiate the login with ADFS but forcing a login screen./oauth2/callback
where ADFS redirects back to after login. So make sure you set the redirect URI on ADFS to this./oauth2/logout
which logs out the user from both Django and ADFS.
You can use them like this in your django templates:
<a href="{% url 'django_auth_adfs:logout' %}">Logout</a>
<a href="{% url 'django_auth_adfs:login' %}">Login</a>
<a href="{% url 'django_auth_adfs:login-no-sso' %}">Login (no SSO)</a>
Contributions to the code are more then welcome.
For more details have a look at the CONTRIBUTING.rst