Streamline of, (2/3 of the code was a banner animation) The original code was a big ol animation script and like, 20 lines of actual functional code. but the 20 lines were pretty good, so I edited it a wee bit.
Mostly I just removed the animations and made it so instead of asking where you are it just defaults to NZ, because thats where i live.
if you want to thank someone for this code, thank Yan3ikyt, I did very little actual coding.
It works by looking up a list of known insecure webcam ip:port combos, and tries all of them. telling you if it finds one, if the people running the camera were not critically stupid this script wont work, but its pretty quick so its got that going for it.
I am distributing this under GPL3 because Yan3ikyt didnt add a license, if you are Yan3ikyt and want me to change the license or delete this repo, just email me!
Have a nice day! also you lost the game.
BTW, I am not legally responsible for your usage of this tool! Dont be a cock!