Batch jpg, jpeg and png image resizer, optimiser and image profiler using ImageMagick convert, OptiPNG, JpegOptim and optional Mozilla MozJPEG, ZopfliPNG and Google Guetzli (work in progress for Guetzli).
- Install
- Features
- Requirements
- optimise-images.ini settings file
- Logging
- Other Examples
- Example Optimisation
- Unattended Subdirectory Runs
- Dockerfile
To install at /root/tools
where script full path will be /root/tools/optimise-images/
or change directory location of your choice
mkdir -p /root/tools
cd /root/tools
git clone --depth=1
- Profiler mode allows you to point the script to a directory of images and for JPG, JPEG and PNG files will profile and gather individual image's information such as image name, width, height, size, colour depth, whether it's a transparent image, image user/group permissions etc. Optionally, you can set
to also display each individual images transparent and background colours. For processing speed, these are disabled by default withPROFILE_EXTEND='n'
. - The profiler runs are logged to directory defined by
so you can use command line tools like grep, awk etc to filter information or diff comparison tools to compare before and after optimisation profile logs. This allows you to double check the optimised and resized images retain their properties you require like image transparency or whether or not image is interlaced/progressive. - Optimisation modes highlighted in examples linked below allow you to batch resize and optimise images as well as convert them to WebP format via tools such as ImageMagick, JpegOptim, OptiPNG and optionally support Mozilla MozJPEG, Google ZopfliPNG and Google Guetzli. Support for GraphicsMagick is still a work in progress though so is not fully supported for all modes of operation.
- By default the resize and optimisation routines will check to see if an original image is transparent and/or is interlaced/progressive and will retain those image properties through the process.
- There are specific optimisation modes which allow for more convenient conversions to WebP format - including automatic generation of a lazy load supported static html gallery displaying side by side, the optimised original versus the WebP converted image as well as Ngnx syntax for WebP conditional serving. You can turn off static html gallery generation via option
. - Each optimise run will prompt user to ask if they have backed up their image directory prior to batch optimisation and resizing and is now controlled via variable
which is set to default. You can skip the backup question prompt for more advanced scripted runs
by setting variableUNATTENDED_OPTIMISE='y'
. - webP conversion mode - will only keep converted webP image file if the webP file is smaller than original image format. If webP image ends up larger in file size than original image file size, the webP file is removed.
- Benchmark modes highlighted in example links below, are testing methods coded to work to test the before optimisation profiling + optimisation + after optimisation profiling routines on a preset directory of images.
- Running the script is timed so you get timed completion statistics information so you can measure the speed of profiling, optimisation and conversion.
- System resource usage logging is done via sysstat after each individual image processing so you can use sar command to understand the cpu, memory and disk usage profiles during or after the script runs.
- You can control nice and ionice priorities for the conversion and resize processes via variables
NICEOPT='-n 10'
andIONICEOPT='-c2 -n7'
to either set a higher or lower priority. - profile-age & optimise-age Mode allows you to filter and limit profiling and optimisation of images by image timestamp age.
- optimise-cron & optimise-cron-age Mode for use in cronjob scheduled runs which removes the post-optimisation profile routine run to save time.
- ADD_COMMENT variable optional variable when enabled
, the script's ImageMagick routine will add to optimised images a comment =optimised
marking optimised images. This will allow subsequent re-runs of script to detect the comment =optimised
and skip re-optimising of the previously optimised image and only optimise unoptimised images. This will speed up the optimisation process on re-runs. Note settingADD_COMMENT='y'
will disable subsequent webP conversion runs if you had already
on the same directory of files. So if you need to do webP conversions on subsequent runs on same directory, disableADD_COMMENT='n'
option first.
- ImageMagick 6+ or 7+
- CentOS Epel YUM repository
- CentOS/RHEL YUM install for
- Google Butteraugli source installed automatically by
will auto install via source compile if MozJPEG,zopflipng
is required- Alternatively, use the supplied Dockerfile to build a Docker image and run using it details:
- April 8, 2020: Add
settings file support to override and
settings. You create and place optimise-images.ini in same directory at for it to take effect. So if script is at/root/tools/optimise-images/
, then place ini settings file at/root/tools/optimise-images/optimise-images.ini
. Then in your/root/tools/optimise-images/optimise-images.ini
you can place your customised settings that override the script's defaults:
now logs both profile and optimise mode runs at /home/optimise-logs/
in date timestamped logs.
At start of profile runs, you will see the text i.e. /home/optimise-logs/profile-log-100420-003554.log
image profile
image name : width : height : quality : transparency : image depth (bits) : size : user: group
images in /home/optimise-benchmarks
logged at /home/optimise-logs/profile-log-100420-003554.log
At start of optimisation runs, you will see the text i.e. /home/optimise-logs/optimise-log-100420-003554.log
image optimisation start
logged at /home/optimise-logs/optimise-log-100420-003554.log
If you have webP conversion enabled, you will also get a line listed for webP logic determinations which you can filter for webP logic - which determines if a webP file is kept or not as webP files larger than original size are removed.
grep 'webp logic' /home/optimise-logs/optimise-log-100420-003554.log
[webp logic]: dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg.webp size smaller than original 192268 < 10806424
[webp logic]: webp-study-source-firebreathing.png.webp size smaller than original 78652 < 1206455
[webp logic]: png24-interlaced-image1.png.webp size smaller than original 29324 < 456949
[webp logic]: dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg.webp size smaller than original 231510 < 3899287
[webp logic]: dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg.webp size smaller than original 66220 < 207430
[webp logic]: png24-image1.png.webp size smaller than original 29324 < 400998
[webp logic]: samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg.webp size smaller than original 78396 < 2100858
[webp logic]: bees.png.webp size smaller than original 11226 < 177424
There is a webP filter log automatically added to which does this for you now
ls -lahrt /home/optimise-logs/ | grep 010642
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 677 Apr 10 01:06 profile-log-100420-010642.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7.5K Apr 10 01:07 optimise-log-100420-010642.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 679 Apr 10 01:07 optimise-webp-filter-log-100420-010642.log
cat /home/optimise-logs/optimise-webp-filter-log-100420-010642.log
[webp logic]: dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg.webp size smaller than original 192268 < 10806424
[webp logic]: webp-study-source-firebreathing.png.webp size smaller than original 78652 < 1206455
[webp logic]: png24-interlaced-image1.png.webp size smaller than original 29324 < 456949
[webp logic]: dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg.webp size smaller than original 231510 < 3899287
[webp logic]: dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg.webp size smaller than original 66220 < 207430
[webp logic]: png24-image1.png.webp size smaller than original 29324 < 400998
[webp logic]: samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg.webp size smaller than original 78396 < 2100858
[webp logic]: bees.png.webp size smaller than original 11226 < 177424
- 24/04/17 Example
- 25/04/17 New Option: Compare Mode
- 26/04/17 New Option: WebP conversion support
- 26/04/17 New Option: WebP conversion + Compare Mode
- 27/04/17 New Option: ImageMagick 7 Custom Install
- 27/04/17 New Option: Benchmark Mode
- 27/04/17 New Option: Benchmark WebP + Compare Mode
- 28/04/17 New Option: Profile Log Only Option
- 29/04/17 Benchmark Compare - All JPG/PNG Compressors
- 30/04/17 New Option: optimise-webp mode
- 30/04/17 New Option: optimise-webp-nginx mode (updated 01/05/17 static gallery added)
- 17/08/17 New Option: profile-age & optimise-age Mode
- 17/08/17 New Option: optimise-cron & optimise-cron-age Mode
- 18/08/17 New Option: ADD_COMMENT variable marker to skip previously optimised images
Example below uses preset selection of images localed in directory /home/nginx/domains/
Create directory
mkdir -p /home/nginx/domains/
mkdir -p /root/tools
cd /root/tools
git clone --depth=1
Usage Options
./ {optimise-cron-age} /PATH/TO/DIRECTORY/WITH/IMAGES
./ {optimise-webp-nginx} /PATH/TO/DIRECTORY/WITH/IMAGES
./ {install}
./ {bench}
./ {bench-compare}
./ {bench-webp}
./ {bench-webpcompare}
./ {bench} all
./ {bench-compare} all
./ {bench-webp} all
./ {bench-webpcompare} all
Google Guetzli Notes
- Guetzli uses a large amount of memory. You should provide 300MB of memory per 1MPix of the input image.
- Guetzli uses a significant amount of CPU time. You should count on using about 1 minute of CPU per 1 MPix of input image.
- When enabled with
some of the additional sample jpg images are unable to optimise resulting in the following errors as it seems Guetzli is designed to work on high quality image sources which haven't already been compressed i.e. lossless format source images such as PNG google/guetzli#195:
Unsupported input JPEG file (e.g. unsupported downsampling mode).
Please provide the input image as a PNG file.
Variables by default
- sample image downloads are kept minimal with
. Large sample set of images to test against are available when setTESTFILES_MINIMAL='n'
- use ImageMagick convert to resize to max resolution
- with JPG image optimisation with JpegOptim with quality of
for jpeg/jpg whenJPEGOPTIM='y'
set - with PNG use OPTIPNG quality of
by default whenOPTIPNG='y'
set. - strip meta-data from images via
# control sample image downloads
# allows you to control how many sample images to work with/download
# guetzli testing is very resource and time consuming so working with
# a smaller sample image set would be better
# max width and height
# Quantum depth 8 or 16 for ImageMagick 7
# Source installs
IMAGICK_JPGOPTS=' -filter Triangle -define filter:support=2 -define jpeg:fancy-upsampling=off -unsharp 0.25x0.08+8.3+0.045'
IMAGICK_PNGOPTS=' -define png:compression-filter=5 -define png:compression-level=9 -define png:compression-strategy=2'
IMAGICK_WEBPOPTS=" -define webp:method=${IMAGICK_WEBPMETHOD} -define webp:alpha-quality=${IMAGICK_WEBPQUALITYALPHA} -define webp:lossless=false -quality ${IMAGICK_WEBPQUALITY}"
# strip meta-data
# additional image optimisations after imagemagick
# resizing
# choose either OPTIPNG or ZOPFLIPNG
# Speed control
# default is -o2 set 2
# Guetzli Options
# GUETZLI_JPEGONLY will only optimise original jpeg/jpg
# images and NOT convert png to Guetzli optimised jpgs
# set to = 'n' to convert png as well
# profile option display fields for transparency color and background color
# disabled by default to speed up profile processing
# comparison mode when enabled will when resizing and optimising images
# write to a separate optimised image within the same directory as the
# original images but with a suffix attached to the end of original image
# file name i.e. image.png vs image_optimal.png
# optionally create thumbnails in separate directory
# within image directory and thumbnail width x height
# and thumbnail image format default = .jpg
Populate via testfiles
command option passing the directory /home/nginx/domains/
with sample images on the command line
/root/tools/optimise-images/ testfiles /home/nginx/domains/
Downloading sample image files
to /home/nginx/domains/
2017-04-27 16:18:46 URL: [2100858/2100858] -> "samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg" [1]
2017-04-27 16:18:47 URL: [207430/207430] -> "dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg" [1]
2017-04-27 16:18:48 URL: [1206455/1206455] -> "webp-study-source-firebreathing.png" [1]
2017-04-27 16:18:48 URL: [400998/400998] -> "png24-image1.png" [1]
2017-04-27 16:18:49 URL: [456949/456949] -> "png24-interlaced-image1.png" [1]
total 4.3M
drwxr-sr-x 2 root nginx 4.0K Apr 27 16:18 .
drwxr-s---. 4 nginx nginx 4.0K Apr 23 06:35 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root nginx 203K Apr 27 16:18 dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root nginx 392K Apr 27 16:18 png24-image1.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root nginx 447K Apr 27 16:18 png24-interlaced-image1.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root nginx 2.1M Apr 27 16:18 samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root nginx 1.2M Apr 27 16:18 webp-study-source-firebreathing.png
Profile original images via script's profile
flag and pass the directory path to the directory containing the images you want to optimise /home/nginx/domains/
. This is your baseline to compare resizing and optimisations applied to images using above default variable parameters.
Original images average 1491 pixel width, 1075 pixel height, 92% image quality and 874,438 bytes per image with total size of 4,270 KB.
/root/tools/optimise-images/ profile /home/nginx/domains/
image profile
image name : width : height : quality : transparency : image depth (bits) : size : user: group
images in /home/nginx/domains/
logged at /home/optimise-logs/profile-log-270417-161941.log
image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg : 1200 : 800 : 90 : False : 8 : 207430 : root : nginx
image : png24-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 400998 : root : nginx
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 456949 : root : nginx
image : samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg : 4032 : 3024 : 92 : False : 8 : 2100858 : root : nginx
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 1206455 : root : nginx
Original or Existing Images:
| Avg width | Avg height | Avg quality | Avg size | Total size (Bytes) | Total size (KB) |
| --------- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------ | --------------- |
| 1491 | 1075 | 92 | 874538 | 4372690 | 4270 |
ImageMagick Resource Limits
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.8-4 Q16 x86_64 2017-04-25
Resource limits:
Width: 214.7MP
Height: 214.7MP
Area: 67.057GP
Memory: 31.226GiB
Map: 62.4521GiB
Disk: unlimited
File: 196608
Thread: 4
Throttle: 0
Time: unlimited
Completion Time: 0.14 seconds
Optimise images using optimise
flag and pass the directory path to the directory containing the images you want to optimise /home/nginx/domains/
/root/tools/optimise-images/ optimise /home/nginx/domains/
Then use profile
flag again to profile the optimised images.
Optimised images average 1094 pixel width, 778 pixel height, 88% image quality and 476,711 bytes per image with total size of 2328 KB.
/root/tools/optimise-images/ profile /home/nginx/domains/
image profile
image name : width : height : quality : transparency : image depth (bits) : size : user: group
images in /home/nginx/domains/
logged at /home/optimise-logs/profile-log-270417-162213.log
image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg : 1200 : 800 : 82 : False : 8 : 161086 : root : nginx
image : png24-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386063 : root : nginx
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386063 : root : nginx
image : samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg : 2048 : 1536 : 82 : False : 8 : 256253 : root : nginx
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 1194091 : root : nginx
Original or Existing Images:
| Avg width | Avg height | Avg quality | Avg size | Total size (Bytes) | Total size (KB) |
| --------- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------ | --------------- |
| 1094 | 778 | 88 | 476711 | 2383556 | 2328 |
ImageMagick Resource Limits
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.8-4 Q16 x86_64 2017-04-25
Resource limits:
Width: 214.7MP
Height: 214.7MP
Area: 67.057GP
Memory: 31.226GiB
Map: 62.4521GiB
Disk: unlimited
File: 196608
Thread: 4
Throttle: 0
Time: unlimited
Completion Time: 0.08 seconds
Side by side comparison of original vs default resized/optimised image profiles using generated log files during profile runs. Originals (left) vs resized/optimised (right)
sdiff -w 180 /home/optimise-logs/profile-log-270417-161941.log /home/optimise-logs/profile-log-270417-162213.log
image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg : 1200 : 800 : 90 : False : 8 : 207430 : root : nginx | image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg : 1200 : 800 : 82 : False : 8 : 161086 : root : nginx
image : png24-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 400998 : root : nginx | image : png24-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386063 : root : nginx
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 456949 : root : ng | image : png24-interlaced-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386063 : root : ng
image : samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg : 4032 : 3024 : 92 : False : 8 : 2100858 : root : ngi | image : samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg : 2048 : 1536 : 82 : False : 8 : 256253 : root : ngin
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 1206455 : | image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 1194091 :
Use optional ZopfliPNG instead of OptiPNG for png file optimisations
# additional image optimisations after imagemagick
# resizing
# choose either OPTIPNG or ZOPFLIPNG
# max width and height
# strip meta-data
Resulting optimised image profiles
/root/tools/optimise-images/ profile /home/nginx/domains/
image profile
image name : width : height : quality : transparency : image depth (bits) : size : user: group
images in /home/nginx/domains/
logged at /home/optimise-logs/profile-log-270417-162455.log
image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg : 1200 : 800 : 82 : False : 8 : 161086 : root : nginx
image : png24-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386195 : root : nginx
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386195 : root : nginx
image : samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg : 2048 : 1536 : 82 : False : 8 : 256253 : root : nginx
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 1184812 : root : nginx
Original or Existing Images:
| Avg width | Avg height | Avg quality | Avg size | Total size (Bytes) | Total size (KB) |
| --------- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------ | --------------- |
| 1094 | 778 | 88 | 474908 | 2374541 | 2319 |
ImageMagick Resource Limits
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.8-4 Q16 x86_64 2017-04-25
Resource limits:
Width: 214.7MP
Height: 214.7MP
Area: 67.057GP
Memory: 31.226GiB
Map: 62.4521GiB
Disk: unlimited
File: 196608
Thread: 4
Throttle: 0
Time: unlimited
Completion Time: 0.08 seconds
Focus on png file optimisations for select files not much difference.
For OptiPNG - averages 1224 width, 1022 height, 92 quality, 268,831 KB per image
image : png24-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386063 : root : nginx
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386063 : root : nginx
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 1194091 : root : nginx
| 741 | 517 | 92 | 655406 | 1966217 | 1920 |
For ZopfliPNg - averages 1224 width, 1022 height, 92 quality, 256,931 KB per image (~4.4% smaller than OptiPNG)
image : png24-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386195 : root : nginx
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386195 : root : nginx
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 1184812 : root : nginx
| 741 | 517 | 92 | 652401 | 1957202 | 1911 |
Disabling JpegOptim, OptiPNG and ZopfliPNG and just rely on ImageMagick convert to resize images.
# additional image optimisations after imagemagick
# resizing
# choose either OPTIPNG or ZOPFLIPNG
# max width and height
# strip meta-data
/root/tools/optimise-images/ profile /home/nginx/domains/
image profile
image name : width : height : quality : transparency : image depth (bits) : size : user: group
images in /home/nginx/domains/
logged at /home/optimise-logs/profile-log-270417-163119.log
image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg : 1200 : 800 : 82 : False : 8 : 159911 : root : nginx
image : png24-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386195 : root : nginx
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386195 : root : nginx
image : samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg : 2048 : 1536 : 82 : False : 8 : 273460 : root : nginx
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 1200202 : root : nginx
Original or Existing Images:
| Avg width | Avg height | Avg quality | Avg size | Total size (Bytes) | Total size (KB) |
| --------- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------ | --------------- |
| 1094 | 778 | 88 | 481193 | 2405963 | 2350 |
ImageMagick Resource Limits
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.8-4 Q16 x86_64 2017-04-25
Resource limits:
Width: 214.7MP
Height: 214.7MP
Area: 67.057GP
Memory: 31.226GiB
Map: 62.4521GiB
Disk: unlimited
File: 196608
Thread: 4
Throttle: 0
Time: unlimited
Completion Time: 0.08 seconds
Switching from JpegOptim to Google Guetzli compressor just for .jpg image optimisations (not .png)
# additional image optimisations after imagemagick
# resizing
# choose either OPTIPNG or ZOPFLIPNG
Guetzli .jpg optimised profile
/root/tools/optimise-images/ profile /home/nginx/domains/
image profile
image name : width : height : quality : transparency : image depth (bits) : size : user: group
images in /home/nginx/domains/
logged at /home/optimise-logs/profile-log-270417-163538.log
image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg : 1200 : 800 : 82 : False : 8 : 116224 : root : nginx
image : png24-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386063 : root : nginx
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386063 : root : nginx
image : samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg : 2048 : 1536 : 82 : False : 8 : 273460 : root : nginx
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 1194091 : root : nginx
Original or Existing Images:
| Avg width | Avg height | Avg quality | Avg size | Total size (Bytes) | Total size (KB) |
| --------- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------ | --------------- |
| 1094 | 778 | 88 | 471180 | 2355901 | 2301 |
ImageMagick Resource Limits
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.8-4 Q16 x86_64 2017-04-25
Resource limits:
Width: 214.7MP
Height: 214.7MP
Area: 67.057GP
Memory: 31.226GiB
Map: 62.4521GiB
Disk: unlimited
File: 196608
Thread: 4
Throttle: 0
Time: unlimited
Completion Time: 0.08 seconds
Image State | Avg Width | Avg Height | Avg Quality | Avg Size (bytes) | Total Size (KB) | Reduction |
Original Images | 1491 | 1075 | 92 | 874538 | 4270 | |
Optimised Default JpegOptim/OptiPNG | 1094 | 778 | 88 | 476711 | 2328 | -45.48% |
Optimised JpegOptim/ZopfliPNG | 1094 | 778 | 88 | 474908 | 2319 | -45.69% |
Optimised Guetzli//OptiPNG | 1094 | 778 | 88 | 471180 | 2301 | -46.11% |
ImageMagick resize only disable JpegOptim/OptiPNG | 1094 | 778 | 88 | 481193 | 2350 | -44.96% |
only operates on the directory max depth = 1 so only images within the directory you point to are profiled and optimised. Subdirectories under the directory you point to are not processed. You can easily script this yourself using a while read loop or for loop.
An example for /home/testsubdir
has 4 subdirectories called subdir1
, subdir2
, subdir3
, subdir4
. For demo purposes each subdirectory has one image bees.png
ls -lah /home/testsubdir/
total 24K
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4.0K May 3 16:37 .
drwxr-xr-x. 11 root root 4.0K May 3 16:32 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 3 16:35 subdir1
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 3 16:35 subdir2
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 3 16:35 subdir3
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 3 16:35 subdri4
recursive listing
ls -lahR /home/testsubdir/
total 24K
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4.0K May 3 16:37 .
drwxr-xr-x. 11 root root 4.0K May 3 16:32 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 3 16:35 subdir1
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 3 16:35 subdir2
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 3 16:35 subdir3
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 3 16:35 subdri4
total 180K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 3 16:35 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4.0K May 3 16:37 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 172K May 3 16:35 bees.png
total 180K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 3 16:35 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4.0K May 3 16:37 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 172K May 3 16:35 bees.png
total 180K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 3 16:35 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4.0K May 3 16:37 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 172K May 3 16:35 bees.png
total 180K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 3 16:35 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4.0K May 3 16:37 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 172K May 3 16:35 bees.png
sample while read that just echo prints subdirectory name using find directory types under /home/testsubdir and pipe subdirectory list to while read loop making directory name a variable = d
find /home/testsubdir/ -mindepth 1 -type d | sort | while read d; do echo "directory: $d"; done
find /home/testsubdir/ -mindepth 1 -type d | sort | while read d; do echo "directory: $d"; done
directory: /home/testsubdir/subdir1
directory: /home/testsubdir/subdir2
directory: /home/testsubdir/subdir3
directory: /home/testsubdir/subdri4
if you want to include parent directory /home/testsubdir remove the -mindepth 1 from find command
find /home/testsubdir/ type d | sort | while read d; do echo "directory: $d"; done
directory: /home/testsubdir/
directory: /home/testsubdir/subdir2
directory: /home/testsubdir/subdir3
directory: /home/testsubdir/subdir1
directory: /home/testsubdir/subdri4
modify for command
to profile
find /home/testsubdir/ -type d | sort | while read d; do echo "profile directory: $d"; echo "/root/tools/optimise-images/ profile $d"; /root/tools/optimise-images/ profile $d; done
to optimise
images you need to first edit as per and set UNATTENDED_OPTIMISE='y' to disable the backup directory prompt so you can run unattended first. Edit optimise
command for command you want to use.
find /home/testsubdir/ -type d | sort | while read d; do echo "optimise directory: $d"; echo "/root/tools/optimise-images/ optimise $d"; /root/tools/optimise-images/ optimise $d; done
or use new optimise-cron
mode specifically made for use as a cronjob as it saves processing time by removing the post-optimisation profile run. Set UNATTENDED_OPTIMISE='y' to disable the backup directory prompt so you can run unattended first. Edit optimise-cron
command for command you want to use.
find /home/testsubdir/ -type d | sort | while read d; do echo "optimise directory: $d"; echo "/root/tools/optimise-images/ optimise-cron $d"; /root/tools/optimise-images/ optimise-cron $d; done
or use new optimise-cron-age
mode to filter by image timestamp age + specifically made for use as a cronjob as it saves processing time by removing the post-optimisation profile run. Set UNATTENDED_OPTIMISE='y' to disable the backup directory prompt so you can run unattended first. Edit optimise-cron-age
command for command you want to use.
find /home/testsubdir/ -type d | sort | while read d; do echo "optimise directory: $d"; echo "/root/tools/optimise-images/ optimise-cron-age $d"; /root/tools/optimise-images/ optimise-cron-age $d; done
or to optimise-webp
images you need to first edit as per and set UNATTENDED_OPTIMISE='y' to disable the backup directory prompt so you can run unattended first. Edit optimise-webp
command for command you want to use.
find /home/testsubdir/ -type d | sort | while read d; do echo "optimise-webp directory: $d"; echo "/root/tools/optimise-images/ optimise-webp $d"; /root/tools/optimise-images/ optimise-webp $d; done
or to optimise-webp-nginx
images you need to first edit as per and set UNATTENDED_OPTIMISE='y' to disable the backup directory prompt so you can run unattended first. Edit optimise-webp-nginx
command for command you want to use.
find /home/testsubdir/ -type d | sort | while read d; do echo "optimise-webp-nginx directory: $d"; echo "/root/tools/optimise-images/ optimise-webp-nginx $d"; /root/tools/optimise-images/ optimise-webp-nginx $d; done
This will
- find any subdirectories within
and sort them through a while read loop assigning the subdirectories found to variabled
. - so first directory found
will be assigned to variabled=/home/testsubdir/
- then echo directory name assigned to variable
- then echo the command you will run
- then finally run the actual command on the directory assigned to variable
- the while read loop will repeat the previous cycle of steps for next directory found
and so forth until all subdirectories found are looped through.
A more recent example of batch image optimisation for Wordpress uploaded images can be found here.
Dockerfile support is experimental so no guarantee that it works. Contributions by more Docker users in making it work are welcomed via git pull requests.
There are 2 ways to build the Docker image:
- Manual docker build
- Via
mkdir -p /root/tools
cd /root/tools
git clone --depth=1
cd /root/tools/optimage-images
docker build --tag optimise-images:1.0 .
mkdir -p /root/tools
cd /root/tools
git clone --depth=1
cd /root/tools/optimage-images
./ build also has a test feature which runs bench-webpcompare
benchmark mode which compares a test set of JPG & PNG images against both optimised JPG, PNG and webP format versions.
cd /root/tools/optimage-images
./ test test
resulting comparison output for preset test images which results in original image vs .webP vs _optimal
suffix optimised/resized version.
image profile
image name : width : height : quality : transparency : image depth (bits) : size : user: group
images in /home/optimise-benchmarks
logged at /home/optimise-logs/profile-log-090420-002424.log
image : bees.png : 444 : 258 : 92 : False : 8 : 177424 : root : root
image : bees.png.webp : 444 : 258 : 92 : False : 8 : 11226 : root : root
image : bees_optimal.png : 444 : 258 : 92 : False : 8 : 175256 : root : root
image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg : 1200 : 800 : 90 : False : 8 : 207430 : root : root
image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg.webp : 1200 : 800 : 92 : False : 8 : 66220 : root : root
image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1_optimal.jpg : 1200 : 800 : 89 : False : 8 : 192255 : root : root
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg : 6000 : 4000 : 96 : False : 8 : 10806424 : root : root
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg.webp : 2048 : 1365 : 92 : False : 8 : 192268 : root : root
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_1_optimal.jpg : 2048 : 1365 : 89 : False : 8 : 511249 : root : root
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg : 4000 : 6000 : 90 : False : 8 : 3899287 : root : root
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg.webp : 1365 : 2048 : 92 : False : 8 : 231510 : root : root
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_2_optimal.jpg : 1365 : 2048 : 89 : False : 8 : 605214 : root : root
image : png24-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 400998 : root : root
image : png24-image1.png.webp : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 29324 : root : root
image : png24-image1_optimal.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386063 : root : root
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 456949 : root : root
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png.webp : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 29324 : root : root
image : png24-interlaced-image1_optimal.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 443931 : root : root
image : samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg : 4032 : 3024 : 92 : False : 8 : 2100858 : root : root
image : samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg.webp : 2048 : 1536 : 92 : False : 8 : 78396 : root : root
image : samsung_s7_mobile_1_optimal.jpg : 2048 : 1536 : 89 : False : 8 : 375607 : root : root
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 1206455 : root : root
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png.webp : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 78652 : root : root
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing_optimal.png : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 1194070 : root : root
Original or Existing Images:
| Avg width | Avg height | Avg quality | Avg size | Total size (Bytes) | Total size (KB) |
| --------- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------ | --------------- |
| 2238 | 1954 | 92 | 2406978 | 19255825 | 18805 |
Optimised Images:
| Avg width | Avg height | Avg quality | Avg size | Total size (Bytes) | Total size (KB) |
| --------- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------ | --------------- |
| 1166 | 945 | 90 | 485456 | 3883645 | 3793 |
Optimised WebP Images:
| Avg width | Avg height | Avg quality | Avg size | Total size (Bytes) | Total size (KB) |
| --------- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------ | --------------- |
| 1166 | 945 | 92 | 89615 | 716920 | 700 |
docker images
optimise-images 1.0 f338939fb838 30 seconds ago 574MB
centos 7 5e35e350aded 4 months ago 203MB
docker run --rm -it optimise-images:1.0
/root/tools/optimise-images/ {optimise} /PATH/TO/DIRECTORY/WITH/IMAGES
/root/tools/optimise-images/ {optimise-age} /PATH/TO/DIRECTORY/WITH/IMAGES
/root/tools/optimise-images/ {optimise-cron} /PATH/TO/DIRECTORY/WITH/IMAGES
/root/tools/optimise-images/ {optimise-cron-age} /PATH/TO/DIRECTORY/WITH/IMAGES
/root/tools/optimise-images/ {optimise-webp} /PATH/TO/DIRECTORY/WITH/IMAGES
/root/tools/optimise-images/ {optimise-webp-nginx} /PATH/TO/DIRECTORY/WITH/IMAGES
/root/tools/optimise-images/ {profile} /PATH/TO/DIRECTORY/WITH/IMAGES
/root/tools/optimise-images/ {profile-age} /PATH/TO/DIRECTORY/WITH/IMAGES
/root/tools/optimise-images/ {profilelog} /PATH/TO/DIRECTORY/WITH/IMAGES
/root/tools/optimise-images/ {testfiles} /PATH/TO/DIRECTORY/WITH/IMAGES
/root/tools/optimise-images/ {install}
/root/tools/optimise-images/ {bench}
/root/tools/optimise-images/ {bench-compare}
/root/tools/optimise-images/ {bench-webp}
/root/tools/optimise-images/ {bench-webpcompare}
/root/tools/optimise-images/ {bench} all
/root/tools/optimise-images/ {bench-compare} all
/root/tools/optimise-images/ {bench-webp} all
/root/tools/optimise-images/ {bench-webpcompare} all
Would need to use docker volume to map system directory to docker container image directory if using within a docker container.
So for /home/optimise-benchmarks
system directory full of images to profile it, you would run:
docker run --rm -it -v /home/optimise-benchmarks:/home/optimise-benchmarks optimise-images:1.0 profile /home/optimise-benchmarks
To optimise the directory
docker run --rm -it -v /home/optimise-benchmarks:/home/optimise-benchmarks optimise-images:1.0 optimise /home/optimise-benchmarks
Profile mode run:
docker run --rm -it -v /home/optimise-benchmarks:/home/optimise-benchmarks optimise-images:1.0 profile /home/optimise-benchmarks
image profile
image name : width : height : quality : transparency : image depth (bits) : size : user: group
images in /home/optimise-benchmarks
logged at /home/optimise-logs/profile-log-050420-015006.log
image : bees.png : 444 : 258 : 92 : False : 8 : 175256 : root : root
image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg : 1200 : 800 : 82 : False : 8 : 161442 : root : root
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg : 2048 : 1365 : 82 : False : 8 : 377126 : root : root
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg : 1365 : 2048 : 82 : False : 8 : 520565 : root : root
image : png24-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386063 : root : root
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 443931 : root : root
image : samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg : 2048 : 1536 : 82 : False : 8 : 259901 : root : root
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 1194070 : root : root
Original or Existing Images:
| Avg width | Avg height | Avg quality | Avg size | Total size (Bytes) | Total size (KB) |
| --------- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------ | --------------- |
| 1166 | 945 | 87 | 439794 | 3518354 | 3436 |
ImageMagick Resource Limits
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.11-3 Q16 x86_64 2020-03-30
Resource limits:
Width: 214.7MP
Height: 214.7MP
List length: unlimited
Area: 3.8543GP
Memory: 1.79481GiB
Map: 3.58962GiB
Disk: unlimited
File: 786432
Thread: 2
Throttle: 0
Time: unlimited
Completion Time: 0.58 seconds
Optimise mode run:
docker run --rm -it -v /home/optimise-benchmarks:/home/optimise-benchmarks optimise-images:1.0 optimise /home/optimise-benchmarks
!!! Important !!!
Have you made a backup of images in /home/optimise-benchmarks? [y/n]: y
image optimisation start
### samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg (jpg) ###
/bin/nice -n 10 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 /usr/bin/convert -define registry:temporary-path=/home/imagicktmp samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg -define jpeg:size=4096x4096 -filter triangle -define filter:support=2 -define jpeg:fancy-upsampling=off -unsharp 0.25x0.08+8.3+0.045 -interlace none -strip -set comment optimised -resize 2048x2048\> samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg
/bin/nice -n 10 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 jpegoptim -p --max=82 samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg
samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg 2048x1536 24bit N JFIF [OK] 260188 --> 260142 bytes (0.02%), optimized.
### dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg (jpg) ###
/bin/nice -n 10 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 /usr/bin/convert -define registry:temporary-path=/home/imagicktmp dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg -define jpeg:size=4096x4096 -filter triangle -define filter:support=2 -define jpeg:fancy-upsampling=off -unsharp 0.25x0.08+8.3+0.045 -interlace none -strip -set comment optimised -resize 2048x2048\> dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg
/bin/nice -n 10 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 jpegoptim -p --max=82 dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg
dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg 1200x800 24bit N JFIF [OK] 161453 --> 161388 bytes (0.04%), optimized.
### dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg (jpg) ###
/bin/nice -n 10 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 /usr/bin/convert -define registry:temporary-path=/home/imagicktmp dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg -define jpeg:size=4096x4096 -filter triangle -define filter:support=2 -define jpeg:fancy-upsampling=off -unsharp 0.25x0.08+8.3+0.045 -interlace none -strip -set comment optimised -resize 2048x2048\> dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg
/bin/nice -n 10 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 jpegoptim -p --max=82 dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg
dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg 2048x1365 24bit N JFIF [OK] 376994 --> 376881 bytes (0.03%), optimized.
### dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg (jpg) ###
/bin/nice -n 10 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 /usr/bin/convert -define registry:temporary-path=/home/imagicktmp dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg -define jpeg:size=4096x4096 -filter triangle -define filter:support=2 -define jpeg:fancy-upsampling=off -unsharp 0.25x0.08+8.3+0.045 -interlace none -strip -set comment optimised -resize 2048x2048\> dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg
/bin/nice -n 10 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 jpegoptim -p --max=82 dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg
dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg 1365x2048 24bit N JFIF [OK] 520648 --> 520648 bytes (0.00%), skipped.
### bees.png (png) ###
/bin/nice -n 10 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 /usr/bin/convert -define registry:temporary-path=/home/imagicktmp bees.png -interlace none -set comment optimised -define png:compression-filter=5 -define png:compression-level=9 -define png:compression-strategy=2 -resize 2048x2048\> bees.png
/bin/nice -n 10 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 optipng -o2 bees.png -preserve -out bees.png
Output IDAT size = 175199 bytes (no change)
Output file size = 175480 bytes (60 bytes = 0.03% decrease)
### webp-study-source-firebreathing.png (png) ###
/bin/nice -n 10 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 /usr/bin/convert -define registry:temporary-path=/home/imagicktmp webp-study-source-firebreathing.png -interlace none -set comment optimised -define png:compression-filter=5 -define png:compression-level=9 -define png:compression-strategy=2 -resize 2048x2048\> webp-study-source-firebreathing.png
/bin/nice -n 10 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 optipng -o2 webp-study-source-firebreathing.png -preserve -out webp-study-source-firebreathing.png
Output IDAT size = 1194013 bytes (5679 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 1194294 bytes (6111 bytes = 0.51% decrease)
### png24-image1.png (png) ###
/bin/nice -n 10 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 /usr/bin/convert -define registry:temporary-path=/home/imagicktmp png24-image1.png -interlace none -set comment optimised -define png:compression-filter=5 -define png:compression-level=9 -define png:compression-strategy=2 -resize 2048x2048\> png24-image1.png
/bin/nice -n 10 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 optipng -o2 png24-image1.png -preserve -out png24-image1.png
Output IDAT size = 386006 bytes (no change)
Output file size = 386287 bytes (132 bytes = 0.03% decrease)
### png24-interlaced-image1.png (png) ###
/bin/nice -n 10 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 /usr/bin/convert -define registry:temporary-path=/home/imagicktmp png24-interlaced-image1.png -interlace plane -set comment optimised -define png:compression-filter=5 -define png:compression-level=9 -define png:compression-strategy=2 -resize 2048x2048\> png24-interlaced-image1.png
/bin/nice -n 10 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 optipng -o2 png24-interlaced-image1.png -preserve -out png24-interlaced-image1.png
Output IDAT size = 443874 bytes (2304 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 444155 bytes (2460 bytes = 0.55% decrease)
Completion Time: 22.58 seconds
image profile
image name : width : height : quality : transparency : image depth (bits) : size : user: group
images in /home/optimise-benchmarks
logged at /home/optimise-logs/profile-log-050420-020515.log
image : bees.png : 444 : 258 : 92 : False : 8 : 175480 : root : root
image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg : 1200 : 800 : 82 : False : 8 : 161388 : root : root
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg : 2048 : 1365 : 82 : False : 8 : 376881 : root : root
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg : 1365 : 2048 : 82 : False : 8 : 520648 : root : root
image : png24-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386287 : root : root
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 444155 : root : root
image : samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg : 2048 : 1536 : 82 : False : 8 : 260142 : root : root
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 1194294 : root : root
Original or Existing Images:
| Avg width | Avg height | Avg quality | Avg size | Total size (Bytes) | Total size (KB) |
| --------- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------ | --------------- |
| 1166 | 945 | 87 | 439909 | 3519275 | 3437 |
ImageMagick Resource Limits
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.11-3 Q16 x86_64 2020-03-30
Resource limits:
Width: 214.7MP
Height: 214.7MP
List length: unlimited
Area: 3.8543GP
Memory: 1.79481GiB
Map: 3.58962GiB
Disk: unlimited
File: 786432
Thread: 2
Throttle: 0
Time: unlimited
Completion Time: 0.59 seconds
is now enabled by default to skip already optimised images which are tagged with comment `optimised' so on subsequent re-runs:
docker run --rm -it -v /home/optimise-benchmarks:/home/optimise-benchmarks optimise-images:1.0 optimise /home/optimise-benchmarks
!!! Important !!!
Have you made a backup of images in /home/optimise-benchmarks? [y/n]: y
image optimisation start
### samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg (jpg) skip already optimised ###
### dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg (jpg) skip already optimised ###
### dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg (jpg) skip already optimised ###
### dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg (jpg) skip already optimised ###
### bees.png (png) skip already optimised ###
### webp-study-source-firebreathing.png (png) skip already optimised ###
### png24-image1.png (png) skip already optimised ###
### png24-interlaced-image1.png (png) skip already optimised ###
Completion Time: 5.73 seconds
image profile
image name : width : height : quality : transparency : image depth (bits) : size : user: group
images in /home/optimise-benchmarks
logged at /home/optimise-logs/profile-log-050420-020634.log
image : bees.png : 444 : 258 : 92 : False : 8 : 175480 : root : root
image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg : 1200 : 800 : 82 : False : 8 : 161388 : root : root
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg : 2048 : 1365 : 82 : False : 8 : 376881 : root : root
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg : 1365 : 2048 : 82 : False : 8 : 520648 : root : root
image : png24-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386287 : root : root
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 444155 : root : root
image : samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg : 2048 : 1536 : 82 : False : 8 : 260142 : root : root
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 1194294 : root : root
Original or Existing Images:
| Avg width | Avg height | Avg quality | Avg size | Total size (Bytes) | Total size (KB) |
| --------- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------ | --------------- |
| 1166 | 945 | 87 | 439909 | 3519275 | 3437 |
ImageMagick Resource Limits
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.11-3 Q16 x86_64 2020-03-30
Resource limits:
Width: 214.7MP
Height: 214.7MP
List length: unlimited
Area: 3.8543GP
Memory: 1.79481GiB
Map: 3.58962GiB
Disk: unlimited
File: 786432
Thread: 2
Throttle: 0
Time: unlimited
Completion Time: 0.61 seconds