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Releases: cernec1999/ssh-honeypot

Initial Development Release

06 Dec 23:00
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This release is not production ready. It simply implements the bare minimum of my vision of a high-interactivity ssh honeypot. Currently, no options are configurable through command line options and everything is set using variables in the code. I plan on changing this in the future.

I will use this version for testing, and for writing a paper on preliminary analysis on SSH connections. This will be used as a project for my computer security class.

There is network segmentation and isolation from the host, but we really should evaluate how secure this is. No piece of code is 100% secure, and we should work under this assumption. I hope to have all bugs and kinks ironed out in future releases, but there is no guarantee of stability in this release.

In a nutshell, though, this releases with the Docker SDK. It will create new containers from an image with the tag "sshh". It should also interface with a Docker network with name no-internet which has the bridge driver, and has the internal flag set.