A simple wrapper around the Boilerpipe text extraction library.
is released on Clojars.
With Leiningen, add it to the dependencies in project.clj
[io.curtis/boilerpipe-clj "0.3.0"]
The main namespace for Boilerpipe operations in the Clojure wrapper is
user=> (use 'boilerpipe-clj.core)
The main function for extracting human-readable text from an HTML document is
user=> (def article (slurp "https://help.github.com/articles/open-source-licensing"))
user=> (get-text article)
"all\nPublic repositories on GitHub are often used to share open source software. Open source software is software that is licensed so that others are free to use, change, [...]"
It expects HTML as a String for its first argument, but you can also opt to use different strategies for extracting text by passing it an extractor instance as the second arg.
user=> (get-text article boilerpipe-clj.extractors/default-extractor)
"Open source licensing\nWhich license is right for me?!\nDon't fret! Choosing an open source license can be confusing. That's why we created choosealicense.com , a website that helps you make decisions about how to license your code. [...]"
The most frequently used extraction strategies are definied in
. These are
- DefaultDefaultExtractor
Defining your own strategies is not currently possible from Clojure. Please refer to the Boilerpipe documentation for more info on implementing them in Java.
- Curtis Gagliardi (@cgag)
- Nick Barnwell (@nickbarnwell)
Copyright © 2013 Curtis Gagliardi Copyright © 2013 Nick Barnwell
boilerpipe-clj is provided under the ASL 2.0 license.
The full license is available in LICENSE.md
Remove util namespace, it's outside the scope of this library. It only made it in here due to lazyness when pulling this code out of another project. I suspect no one but me was using them anyway.