Text search routine for the ePubJS project. Searches text (case insensitive) on per text-node basis. It uses the 'rangy' plugin, installed via npm.
searchAction(search_text, hog_tie){// 'hog_tie' toggles between 'SearchChapter' and 'SearchBook'
this.searchResult = [];
return new Promise((resolve,reject) =>{
this.ePub.spine.each((item) => {
item.load( this.ePub.book.load.bind(this.ePub.book) ).then((contents) => {
let bod = contents.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var rangey = rangy.createRange();
let textNodes = rangey.getNodes([3], (node) => {
let foo = search_text; //'produce';
let regExp = new RegExp("\\b" + foo + "\\b", "i"); // the word 'foo'
return regExp.test(node.data);
});//the above will obtain all the text nodes within the document body that contain the word in the variable "foo", case insensitively:
var found: any = [], itemx: any = {}, itemers: any = [];
textNodes.forEach(textNode => {
itemx[item.href] = found;
for (let itx = 0; itx < itemers.length; itx++) {
const itemer = itemers[itx];
if(!((itemer !== this.ePub.currentHref) && (hog_tie === 'SearchChapter'))){
if(itemx[itemer].length > 0){
/* what matters */
// create search value range..
var reSrange = rangy.createRange();
(itemx[itemer]).forEach(foundx => {
var iot: number = 0;
while( foundx.textContent.toLowerCase().indexOf( (search_text).toLowerCase(), iot ) > -1 ){
reSrange.setStart(foundx, foundx.textContent.toLowerCase().indexOf( (search_text).toLowerCase(), iot ) )
reSrange.setEnd(foundx, foundx.textContent.toLowerCase().indexOf( (search_text).toLowerCase(), iot ) + (search_text).length )
let mcontents = this.ePub.movingContentOBJECT[itemer];//this.ePub.currentHref
var searchCFI = mcontents.cfiFromRange( reSrange );
href: itemer,//this.ePub.currentHref
cfi: searchCFI.toString(),
range: reSrange
iot = reSrange.endOffset;
return resolve(this.searchResult);