More than 500.000 downloads since first version. Thanks! Check live statistics at GitHub Release Stats
Yooki Adair, Adrien Jarton, YP, JOY_EASY, RodrigoRios, Zhou Mi, Dongmei Chen, Jung Yi Hung, Tah Kwang Tomas Tso
- Windows/Linux version compiled with Nuitka ( instead of pyInstaller to improve stability and fix random crashes while transcribing audio. If you still experience issues please report at Issues section.
- Support for Ogg/ogv/mkv/webm media files on file selector
- Fixed bug: language codes for Chinese Languages updated accordingly to Speech API. Changed to "cmn-Hans-CN" and "cmn-Hant-TW" instead of "zh / zh-TW").. The output was always mistakenly coming in Cantonese (yue-Hant-HK). Now they come properly in Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. Thanks to "Specter Hi" for reporting!
- Added GUI language switch feature
- Updated link to funding campaign at GitHub Sponsors
- add proxy setting
- change the function 'pytranscriber.util.MyUtil.is_internet_connected'
- add requirements.txt
- rebuilt using pyInstaller 5.3 - more stability to prevent multithreading crashes on Windows
- Added pipfile