# in git bash
cd ~
git clone [email protected]:chinwobble/dotfiles
cd dotfiles
" command prompt or powershell
git clone git@github.com:chinwobble/dotfiles
" delete empty folder
rd /S /Q "%userprofile%\documents\Visual Studio 2019\Code Snippets"
" symlink repository to VS studio documents folder
mklink /D "%userprofile%\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Code Snippets" "%CD%\dotfiles\documents\Visual Studio 2019\Code Snippets"
inside vim run the following command
dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | awk '{print S1}' > package.lst
sudo apt install package.lst
source ~/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
conda create --name myrepo python=3.7
conda activate myrepo
pip install databricks-cli
conda env config vars set DATABRICKS_HOST=https://australiaeast.azuredatabricks.net
conda env config vars set DATABRICKS_TOKEN=xxxxxx
sudo apt install jq ripgrep make unzip zip
sudo apt install socat cmake g++ gdb