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Releases: chocmake/Backup-to-Zip

v0.2.1 (2024-03-11)

11 Mar 17:10
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  • [Fix] When timeinfilename setting is disabled and square brackets occur elsewhere in path (eg: an upper directory) script now correctly renames first matching file of current date with counter.

    Previous behavior still generated a valid zip, just sans the expected incremental counter in that specific scenario.

  • [Change] Removed commented tip about not moving script location. As per the current readme Windows automatically detects a moved script and updates the LNK, regardless where it is on the local drive (though this is different for mapped network shares).

0.2 (2023-02-10)

10 Feb 11:02
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  • [New] Script now detects default (64-bit) 7-Zip install path, for users who don't have it added to the Windows PATH. Now script can just be opened without any prior configuration, assuming 7-Zip is installed to its default location.
  • [New] Workaround for Windows WScript.Shell limitation with specific Unicode characters. Now handles paths containing (U+FF1F), (U+2215) and (U+003A) characters.
  • [New] Error handling for inputs that are expected to exceed the maximum length allowed for the LNK arguments field.
  • [Change] Made preservealltimestamps disabled by default after noticing older 7-Zip versions lack support for the feature. Added comment in script that 7-Zip v21+ should be used if enabling the setting.
  • [Fix] Correctly handles source inputs from different drive letters now when manually adding paths to the script window.
  • [Fix] Better input handling. Trims leading/trailing whitespace from all input prompts (including between manually input paths) without affecting sequential spaces in a path itself (eg: C:\path\with double spaces), even if lacking double quotes. Also strips invalid Windows filename characters from user customized backup name.
  • [Fix] De-duplicates user input before LNK creation to avoid 7-Zip error. This de-duplication isn't reflected in the script UI, however.
  • [Fix] Correctly preserves user filename comments within square brackets if an additional set of square brackets precedes it and the timeinfilename setting is disabled (eg: 2023-02-10 (1) [m] [example note].zip).
  • [Fix] Fixes Powershell issue where here-string variables containing paths with consecutive spaces were being replaced with a single space.

0.1.3 (2023-02-06)

06 Feb 11:59
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  • [Fix] Midnight now correctly set as 12 when using the 12-hour format filenaming.
  • [Settings] Added new settings: archive type (just zip and 7z for now) and option to preserve all timestamps not just date modified (set to enabled by default).

0.1.2 (2022-08-14)

14 Aug 10:35
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Corrected issue where manually input paths weren't having window height calculated.

0.1.1 (2022-07-20)

20 Jul 08:20
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Minor correction to line height function used for calculating CMD window height.

0.1 (2022-07-18)

19 Jul 06:39
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First release