is a parser for a configuration format designed to be more effective than JSON, YAML, INI, and HJSON. It also inherits aspects from 'OpenBSD style' configs like macros.
$self =
json: Too many quotes
yaml: Pays attention to whitespace
ini: No nesting
hjson: Data oriented. Support?
openbsd: Macros are awesome
/* If only something combined the good
parts and got rid of the bad */
answer: $self
Add this to your application's shard.yml
github: chris-huxtable/
require "config"
You can parse a file with:
config = Config.file("/path/to/file.conf")
You can access the entries via the Config::Any
config = Config.parse("username: chris, link:")
username = config.as_s("username")
link = config.as_a("link")
The root is considered an object. That is to say you must provide a key for any root entry and you should not wrap entries in {}
key: "value"
Unlike JSON, object keys can be specified without quotes.
rate: 1000
Unlike JSON, strings can be specified without quotes as long as it doesn't contain special characters like :
, =
, {
, }
, [
, ]
, or ,
. Though, :
, =
are allowed if they are not a key.
rate: This is a string.
Unlike JSON, entries can be separated with commas or newlines.
first: 1
second: 2, third: 3
There are three types of comments to support the common commenting styles.
A to-end-of-line comment initiated by a #
symbol. As common in Crystal, Ruby, Python, Shell, Perl, et al.
# hash style comments
# (because it's just one character)
A to-end-of-line comment initiated by a //
. As common in C, Objective-C, C++, D, Swift, PHP, JavaScript, et al.
// line style comments
// (because it's like C/Objective-C/...)
A block comment initiated by a /*
and terminated by */
. As common in C, Objective-C, C++, D, Swift, PHP, et al.
/* block style comments because
it allows you to comment out a block */
Note: This does not yet support nested comments.
A macro is a saved value which can be referenced in the rest fo the document. The key must be prefixed with a $
and assigned with a =
as opposed to a :
$defaultName = "Default Name"
$nameKey = name
$defaultObject = {
first: 1
second: 2
$nameKey: $defaultName
object: $defaultObject
Note: Macro's cannot yet be inserted into strings.
Recovers from easy to make mistakes. Like useless commas.
first: 1
second: 2,
third: 3,,,
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- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request
- Chris Huxtable - creator, maintainer