This contract provides an onchain registry for Chronicle Protocol validators via 1-byte validators ids.
A validators id is computed as the highest-order byte of the validators address, ie uint8 validatorId = uint8(uint(uint160(validator)) >> 152);
Due to validator ids being 1 byte, the maximum number of feeds supported is 256.
Note that a set of lifted validators can be encoded in a single uint. The code refers to it as uint bloom
Due to a vulnerability in Scribe this registry also implements a proof of possession to defend against rogue key attacks. The proof of possession is an ECDSA signature signing a message derived from the validator's public key, the Chronicle Validator Registration Message V2.
Install module via Foundry:
$ forge install chronicleprotocol/validator-registry@v2
The project uses the Foundry toolchain. You can find installation instructions here.
$ git clone
$ cd validator-registry/
$ forge install
Run tests:
$ forge test
$ forge test -vvvv # Run with full stack traces
$ FOUNDRY_PROFILE=intense forge test # Run in intense mode
$ forge fmt [--check]