CKB local development network for your first try.
- One-line command to start a devnet
- No docker required
- Pre-funded test accounts
- Built-in scripts like Omnilock and Spore-contract
- Multiple minimal dApp templates to learn and get your hands dirty
Migrate from v0.2.x to v0.3.x:
There are BREAKING CHANGES between v0.2.x and v0.3.x, make sure to read the migration guide before upgrading.
- OffCKB
- Table of Contents
- Install
- Usage
- Get started
- REPL Mode
- Config Setting
- Built-in scripts
- Accounts
- About CCC
- Contributing
npm install -g @offckb/cli
We recommend using LTS version of Node to run offckb
Usage: offckb [options] [command]
ckb development network for your first try
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
create [options] [your-project-name] Create a new dApp from bare templates
node [options] [CKB-Version] Use the CKB to start devnet
proxy-rpc [options] Start the rpc proxy server
clean Clean the devnet data, need to stop running the chain first
accounts Print account list info
list-hashes [CKB-Version] Use the CKB to list blockchain scripts hashes
inject-config Add offckb.config.ts to your frontend workspace
sync-scripts Sync scripts json files in your frontend workspace
deposit [options] [toAddress] [amountInCKB] Deposit CKB tokens to address, only devnet and testnet
transfer [options] [toAddress] [amountInCKB] Transfer CKB tokens to address, only devnet and testnet
transfer-all [options] [toAddress] Transfer All CKB tokens to address, only devnet and testnet
balance [options] [toAddress] Check account balance, only devnet and testnet
deploy [options] Deploy contracts to different networks, only supports devnet and testnet
my-scripts [options] Show deployed contracts info on different networks, only supports devnet and testnet
config <action> [item] [value] do a configuration action
debug [options] CKB Debugger for development
system-scripts [options] Output system scripts of the local devnet
mol [options] Generate CKB Moleculec binding code for development
repl [options] A custom Nodejs REPL environment bundle for CKB.
help [command] display help for command
Use offckb [command] -h
to learn more about a specific command.
Start a local blockchain with the default CKB version:
offckb node
Or specify a CKB version:
offckb node 0.117.0
Or set the default CKB version:
offckb config set ckb-version 0.117.0
offckb node
Once you start the devnet, there is a RPC server running at http://localhost:8114
. There is also a RPC proxy server running at http://localhost:9000
which will proxy all the requests to the RPC server. The meaning of using a proxy RPC server is to record request and automatically dump failed transactions so you can debug them easily later.
The proxy server is optional, you can use the RPC server directly if you don't need a proxy:
offckb node --no-proxy
Or start the proxy server in a standalone terminal to better monitor the logs:
offckb proxy-rpc --ckb-rpc http://localhost:8114 --port 9000 --network devnet
List all the predefined scripts for the local blockchain:
offckb system-scripts
Or export the scripts info to a lumos JSON file:
offckb system-scripts --export-style lumos
Or print the scripts info in a CCC style:
offckb system-scripts --export-style ccc
By default, offckb use a fixed devnet config for the local blockchain. You can tweak the config to customize the devnet:
First, start a default CKB devnet and locate your devnet folder
offckb node
# after starting, press ctrl-c to kill the node
# then get the config
offckb config list
"devnet": {
"rpcUrl": "http://localhost:8114",
"configPath": "~/Library/Application Support/offckb-nodejs/devnet",
"dataPath": "~/Library/Application Support/offckb-nodejs/devnet/data"
Pay attention to the devnet.configPath
and devnet.dataPath
. They are the ones we need.
into thedevnet.configPath
, this is the config folder for the local blockchain. Modify the config in the folder to better customize the devnet. For customization, see Custom Devnet Setup and Configure CKB for better explanation of the config files.- After modifications, remove everything in the
folder. This will clean the chain data. - Restart local blockchain by running
offckb node
Create a new project from predefined boilerplates.
offckb create <your-project-name, eg:my-first-ckb-project>
The boilerplate can be targeting on different CKB networks. Check in the project to get started.
You can create a new script project without a frontend. This is useful when you only want to develop smart contracts for CKB.
offckb create <your-project-name> --script
Note: you need to have rust/cargo/cargo-generate/clang 16+ installed in your environment to use this command. offckb doesn't do anything really, it just call ckb-script-template to do all the magic.
The fullstack boilerplate project is a monorepo, which contains a script project and a frontend project.
To build the script, in the root of the project, run:
make build
To deploy the script, cd into the frontend folder where the default offckb.config.ts
file is located and run:
cd frontend && offckb deploy --network <devnet/testnet>
Or specific the offckb.config.ts
file path for deploy command to locate:
offckb deploy --network <devnet/testnet> --config <file-path-to-your-offckb.config.ts-file>
Pass --type-id
option if you want Scripts to be upgradable
cd frontend && offckb deploy --type-id --network <devnet/testnet>
Once the deployment is done, you can use the following command to check the deployed scripts:
offckb my-scripts --network <devnet/testnet>
Your deployed scripts will be also be listed in the frontend/offckb/my-scripts
folder in your frontend project.
To start the frontend project, cd into the frontend folder and run:
npm i & npm run dev
If you are using the proxy RPC server, all the failed transactions will be dumped and recorded so you can debug them later.
Everytime you run a transaction, you can debug it with the transaction hash:
offckb debug <transaction-hash>
It will verify all the scripts in the transaction and print the detailed info in the terminal.
offckb debug --tx-hash 0x64c936ee78107450d49e57b7453dce9031ce68b056b2f1cdad5c2218ab7232ad
Dump transaction successfully
****** Input[0].Lock ******
hello, this is new add!
Hashed 1148 bytes in sighash_all
sighash_all = 5d9b2340738ee28729fc74eba35e6ef969878354fe556bd89d5b6f62642f6e50
event = {"pubkey":"45c41f21e1cf715fa6d9ca20b8e002a574db7bb49e96ee89834c66dac5446b7a","tags":[["ckb_sighash_all","5d9b2340738ee28729fc74eba35e6ef969878354fe556bd89d5b6f62642f6e50"]],"created_at":1725339769,"kind":23334,"content":"Signing a CKB transaction\n\nIMPORTANT: Please verify the integrity and authenticity of connected Nostr client before signing this message\n","id":"90af298075ac878901282e23ce35b24e584b7727bc545e149fc259875a23a7aa","sig":"b505e7d5b643d2e6b1f0e5581221bbfe3c37f17534715e51eecf5ff97a2e1b828a3d767eb712555c78a8736e9085b4960458014fa171d5d169a1b267b186d2f3"}
verify_signature costs 3654 k cycles
Run result: 0
Total cycles consumed: 4013717(3.8M)
Transfer cycles: 44947(43.9K), running cycles: 3968770(3.8M)
****** Output[0].Type ******
verify_signature costs 3654 k cycles
Run result: 0
Total cycles consumed: 3916670(3.7M)
Transfer cycles: 43162(42.2K), running cycles: 3873508(3.7M)
If you want to debug a single cell script in the transaction, you can use the following command:
offckb debug <transaction-hash> --single-script <single-cell-script-option>
The single-cell-script-option
format is <cell-type>[<cell-index>].<script-type>
, eg: "input[0].lock"
could beinput
, refers to the cell typecell-index
is the index of the cell in the transactionscript-type
could belock
, refers to the script type
Or you can replace the script with a binary file in your single cell script debug session:
offckb debug <transaction-hash> --single-script <single-cell-script-option> --bin <path/to/binary/file>
All the debug utils are borrowed from ckb-debugger.
Moleculec is the official Serialization/Deserialization system for CKB smart contracts.
You will define your data structure in .mol
file(schema), and generate the bindings for different programming languages to use in your development.
offckb mol --schema <path/to/mol/file> --output <path/to/output/file> --lang <lang>
The lang
could be ts
, js
, c
, rs
and go
If you have multiple .mol
files, you can use a folder as the input and specify an output folder:
offckb mol --schema <path/to/mol/folder> --output-folder <path/to/output/folder> --lang <lang>
OffCKB pack a custom Nodejs REPL with built-in variables and functions to help you develop CKB right in the terminal with minimal effort. This is suitable for simple script testing task when you don't want to write long and serious codes.
offckb repl --network <devnet/testnet/mainnet, default: devnet>
Welcome to OffCKB REPL!
[[ Default Network: devnet, enableProxyRPC: false ]]
Type 'help()' to learn how to use.
OffCKB >
Type help()
to learn about the built-in variables and functions:
OffCKB > help()
OffCKB Repl, a Nodejs REPL with CKB bundles.
Global Variables to use:
- ccc, cccA, imported from CKB Javascript SDK CCC
- client, a CCC client instance bundle with current network
- Client, a Wrap of CCC client class, you can build new client with
const myClient ='devnet' | 'testnet' | 'mainnet');
// or
const myClient = Client.fromUrl('<your rpc url>', 'devnet' | 'testnet' | 'mainnet');
- accounts, test accounts array from OffCKB
- networks, network information configs
- help, print this help message
OffCKB > let amountInCKB = ccc.fixedPointFrom(63);
OffCKB > let tx = ccc.Transaction.from({
... outputs: [
... {
... capacity: ccc.fixedPointFrom(amountInCKB),
... lock: accounts[0].lockScript,
... },
... ],
... });
OffCKB > let signer = new ccc.SignerCkbPrivateKey(client, accounts[0].privkey);
OffCKB > await tx.completeInputsByCapacity(signer);
OffCKB > await tx.completeFeeBy(signer, 1000);
[ 0, true ]
OffCKB > await mySigner.sendTransaction(tx)
OffCKB > let myClient = Client.fromUrl(networks.testnet.rpc_url, 'testnet');
OffCKB > await myClient.getBalanceSingle(accounts[0].lockScript);
OffCKB >
offckb config list
offckb config get ckb-version
> 0.113.0
offckb config set ckb-version 0.117.0
offckb config get ckb-version
> 0.117.0
offckb config set proxy
> save new settings
offckb config get proxy
offckb config rm proxy
> save new settings
offckb config get proxy
> No Proxy.
- xUDT nervosnetwork/rfcs#428
- commit id: 410b16c
- Omnilock
- commit id: cd764d7
- AnyoneCanPay
- commit id: b845b3b
- AlwaysSuccess
- commit id: 410b16c
- Spore
- version: 0.2.2-beta.1
comes with 20 accounts, each account is funded with 42_000_000_00000000 capacity in the genesis block.
all the private keys are recorded in the account/keys
detail informations about each account are recorded in the account/account.json
uses CCC as the development framework to build the CKB dApp template projects.
Sometimes you might encounter sudo permission problems. Granting the current user write access to the node_modules directory can resolve the problem.
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/lib/node_modules
npm install -g @offckb/cli
check development doc