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Quick Guide
Use clojure.core.typed/ann
to assign types to vars
eg. Assign my-fn
in the current namespace the type [Any -> Any]
(a function of one argument).
(ann my-fn [Any -> Any])
Use clojure.core.typed/check-ns
to type check the current namespace.
This can be done at the REPL.
Note: Global annotations like ann
are only valid when found in a namespace currently being
checked with check-ns
, or wrapped in a cf
. A raw ann
in a REPL has no effect.
Global annotations should be top-level forms or inside a (possibly nested) top-level do
Use clojure.core.typed/ann-form
to annotate a function.
(ann-form #(+ 1 %) [Number -> Number])
core.typed is early in development and there are Clojure idioms it cannot
currently type check. Wrap top-level expressions in clojure.core.typed/tc-ignore
to ignore them.
Suggestion: If porting a namespace to core.typed, initially use tc-ignore
liberally to ignore problematic
code while determining the types for expressions. Once most vars are annotated, revisit
these sites to determine the issue.
takes a debug string and prints the local type environment at the current expression.
takes an expression and optionally an expected type and type checks the expression,
returning its inferred type.
clojure.core.typed=> (cf (fn [a]
{:pre [(number? a)]}
(inc a)))
[(Fn [Any -> java.lang.Number]) {:then tt, :else ff}]
If cf
returns a vector of results, the first element is the static type.
can be used as a kind of static assert
clojure.core.typed=> (cf (let [a (+ 1 2)
_ (ann-form a clojure.lang.Symbol)]
#<AssertionError java.lang.AssertionError: Assert failed: 6: Local binding a expected type clojure.lang.Symbol, but actual type clojure.core.typed/AnyInteger
(or (not expected) (subtype? t (ret-t expected)))>
Normal "untyped" Clojure code often use type predicates combined with assertions or conditionals to direct control flow. core.typed uses them to gain type information about the current environment.
(let [a (ann-form 1 Number)
_ (print-env "before assert")
_ (assert (integer? a))
_ (print-env "after assert")])
; "before assert"{:env {a java.lang.Number},
; :props ()}
; "after assert"{:env {_28338 nil, _ nil, a clojure.core.typed/AnyInteger},
; :props ((is clojure.core.typed/AnyInteger a) (when (! (U false nil) _) ff) (when (! (U false nil) _) ff) (when (! (U false nil) _28338) ff))}
The :env
map is maps local bindings to their current types.
is a list of propositions currently in scope (can usually be ignored, mostly useful for internal debugging purposes).
Notice the local binding a
has a more accurate type after the assert
Note: core.typed operates on a hygienic AST, so shadowed bindings will have gensymed names.
Use clojure.core.typed/ann-datatype
to give a datatype an expected type.
core.typed currently cannot understand protocol definitions. Simply replace references to defprotocol
with clojure.core.typed/defprotocol>
core.typed can infer accurate types for multimethods that dispatch on simple things like keywords or class
Just assign an expected type to the multimethod's var with ann
and core.typed will use it to infer accurate
types in each defmethod
If in doubt whether a multimethod is being inferred properly, use the debugging techniques to double check. core.typed may not throw an exception if the dispatch is too complex to type check currently.
Macro definitions are ignored. The type checker operates on the macroexpanded form from the Compiler's analysis phase.
Simply adding an (:import ...)
to the ns
declaration as usual in Clojure brings the class name into scope.
Otherwise, refers to classes via their fully qualified name.