A CLI utility the BOSH Agent uses for accessing the DAV blobstore.
Inside stemcells this binary is on the PATH as bosh-blobstore-dav
To update dependencies, use gvt update
. Here is a typical invocation to update the bosh-utils
gvt update github.com/cloudfoundry/bosh-utils
You can run the unit test with ginkgo
as follows.
ginkgo -r -race -progress -mod vendor .
The command sign
generates a pre-signed url for a specific object, action and duration:
bosh-davcli <objectID> <action: get|put> <duration>
The request will be signed using HMAC-SHA256 with a secret provided in configuration.
The HMAC format is:
<HTTP Verb><Object ID><Unix timestamp of the signature time><Unix timestamp of the expiration time>
The generated URL will be of format: