Collection of Sentinel-1 workflows and tests using ESA SNAP
- docker
- 10-20 GB of disk space
We use the CDSE burst extractor tool from to get the Sentinel-1 bursts from 2024-08-14 to 2024-08-26 intersecting the point (x=10.756, y=46.747):
Build the cdse utilities docker as explained here: Then get the data with the following query (get the credentials for CDSE from and replace AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY):
docker run -it -v /home/<username>:/home/ubuntu -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID> -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY> cdse_utilities -o /home/ubuntu -s 2024-08-14 -e 2024-08-26 -x 10.756 -y 46.747 -p vv
At the moment the filtering based on relative orbit number is not available in the CDSE utilities. Thus we manually select only the image acquired by a single orbit (i.e. 15) in the period of interest. The resulting list of files are:
- S1A_SLC_20240814T171550_030345_IW3_VV_042880.SAFE
- S1A_SLC_20240826T171550_030345_IW3_VV_043168.SAFE
Clone this repo and follow the instructions:
The preprocessing SNAP xml graph is defined as
The SNAP xml graph for preprocessing is stored in the repo and can be run with the following command:
docker run -it -v /home/<username>/s1-workflows/:/src/preprocessing/ esa-snap-11 gpt /src/preprocessing/s1-workflows/graphs/pre-processing_stackOverview_2images_GeoTiff.xml -Pinput1=/src/preprocessing/S1A_SLC_20240814T171550_030345_IW3_VV_042880.SAFE/ -Pinput2=/src/preprocessing/S1A_SLC_20240826T171550_030345_IW3_VV_043168.SAFE/ -PstackOverview_filename=/src/preprocessing/docker_result/stackOverview_2images.json -PcoregisteredStack_filename=/src/preprocessing/S1A_SLC_20240814T171550_030345_IW3_VV_042880_Orb_Stack_2images
Running those command will run the same kind of docker image that OpenEO runs to get the preprocessed data. If not running on Ubuntu, replace /home/ubuntu with the path to the folder where the data will be stored. When no arguments are passed to, some example arguments are used.
docker build -t openeo_insar:1.2 . -f OpenEO_Dockerfile
docker run -it -v /home/ubuntu:/root -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID> -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY> --rm openeo_insar:1.2 python3