Clovyr Code delivers full-featured VSCode in the browser, connected directly to any public or private git repository.
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Tip: Use CTRL+`
to show/hide the terminal, and CTRL+SHIFT+5
to open a new
terminal. More shortcuts
This repository includes a sample Haskell app for the purpose of demonstrating the Clovyr Code Haskell development environment.
TodoMVC is a project which offers the same Todo application implemented in several popular programming languages.
- Navigate to one of the example directories:
cd ~/git/
- Install dependencies
nix-build -E '(import dep/reflex-platform {}).ghcjs.callPackage ./. {}'
- Run the server
cd result/bin/reflex-todomvc.jsexe && python3 -m http.server 8080
- In a new browser tab, enter the url of your Clovyr Code instance
prefixed by
- The URL for your instance is found in the green bar at the bottom of the application space
- For example, if your Code environment is
, the served application is at
- To stop the server, enter
in the terminal where the program was invoked
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