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  1. BTVNanoCommissioning BTVNanoCommissioning Public

    Repository for Commissioning studies in the BTV POG based on (custom) nanoAOD samples

    Jupyter Notebook 9 39

  2. jet-tagging-sf jet-tagging-sf Public

    Python 4

  3. RecoBTag-PerformanceMeasurements RecoBTag-PerformanceMeasurements Public

    C++ 2 71

  4. CTagTraining CTagTraining Public

    Python 2 4

  5. CMSPOS-BTaggingExercise CMSPOS-BTaggingExercise Public

    BTagging exercise repository for the 2017 CMS Physics Object School in Bari

    Jupyter Notebook 2 12

  6. TTbarCalib TTbarCalib Public

    Forked from Wilsker/TTbarCalib

    BTV package used to perform the calibration of b-tagging algorithms using events of ttbar topology

    Python 2 1


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