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code curious Website Project

This is a community project to build the code curious website. It is using Jekyll.


Go to your terminal and run:

git clone [email protected]:codecurious-bln/CC-website.git
# or
git clone

bundle exec jekyll serve

…and then go to http://localhost:4000/


Inside Rakefile we run a library called HTMLProofer which checks for any broken links, and and can be configured to check for missing alternative text attributes etc.. you can run this locally by running bundle exec rake test in your command line.

Adding a post

Create a YYYY-MM-DD-title-to-display.markdown file inside {language}/_posts folder. Have a look at other files for example: en/_posts/2019-09-21-code-and-cake.markdown

Inside each post please check the Front Matter which looks like something below. If you leave the i18n_key blank, it will not look for files in other languages, with the same internationalization key. The categories help filter the posts by language and also topic. Current the en/_posts and de/_posts link to blog posts, but also event posts.

i18n_key: code_and_cake_2030
categories: de events
title: Haha

For adding a blog post, as opposed to say an event, it is similar but you would change the categories slightly e.g

i18n_key: unique_blog_key
categories: es blog
title: Yay a new blog post!

Adding a page

Most pages should be sorted into their respective language folder (en/de), exceptions may include pages like the 404 error page. If you want to link to a different translation of the page, make sure both pages have the same internationalization key as shown below, while allowing different titles and urls automatically. If you need to override a url regardless of their location, you can set it with permalink: /whatever

# inside `en/about.markdown`
title: About
i18n_key: about

# inside `de/about.markdown`
title: Veranstaltungen
i18n_key: about

Add a page to header

Inside each of the page front matters make sure they have a title or header_text

# en/about.markdown
title: "About"

Inside _config.yml update

  - en/about.markdown
  - en/events.markdown

Code of Conduct

See the code of conduct here.

Social Media

@codecurious_bln @codecurious_bln

@code.curious @code.curious