A command-line utility to work with docx files. Can be useful for unix stream-based operations such as searching through a large amount of docx files on the commandline. It can also be useful for batch operations.
is written in Rust, platform-specific binary downloads can be found in the Release area: https://github.com/coderthoughts/docxtools/releases
General usage:
$ ./docxtools --help
A command-line tool to work with docx files, for example to make bulk-changes in them without the need to open a word processor.
Usage: docxtools [OPTIONS] <IN_FILE> <COMMAND>
cat List the text from the document to the console
links List the links in the document to the console
grep Search the text in the document
replace Search and replace in document text and tables
replace-links Search and replace hyperlinks in the document
style-change Change styles inside the document
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
<IN_FILE> The docx file to operate on
-t, --temp-dir <TEMP_DIR> The temporary directory to use. If not specified a system temp directory will be used and cleaned after use
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
$ docxtools docs/test.docx cat
docs/test.docx: Normal.dotm
docs/test.docx: Microsoft Office Word
docs/test.docx: 2023-08-25T10:13:00Z
docs/test.docx: A test document written in Microsoft Word.
The grep
subcommand supports regex syntax to find text.
$ find docs/folder -name "*.docx" -exec docxtools {} grep '[tT]ext' \;
docs/folder/sample1.docx: text
docs/folder/sample1.docx: Text
docs/folder/sample2.docx: This is a different file that also contains some textual content.
Change the word 'Test' or 'test' into zzzz and write the modifications to a new file test_mod1.docx
$ docxtools docs/test.docx replace '[Tt]est' zzzz docs/test_mod1.docx
Replace all occurrences of https://main--test--hlxsites.hlx.page
with https://foo.bar.com
. Any subpaths after the
URLs are kept, so https://main--test--hlxsites.hlx.page/contact
will become https://foo.bar.com/contact
$ docxtools docs/links.docx replace-links https://main--test--hlxsites.hlx.page https://foo.bar.com
It's also possible to use capture groups in the regular expressions and replacements. For example let's say you want
to replace all links of either http:
or https:
from www.example.com
to http(s)://www.foo.bar/
but not any other
URLs and you want to keep the protocol intact.
For this you can use the usual Regular Expression capturing groups (brackets) and references to these with the $<group#>
find docs -name "*.docx" -exec ./docxtools {} replace-links '(http[s]?)://www.example.com/' '$1://www.foo.bar/' \;
Replace all occurrences of a certain style with a different one, for example, to replace all 'Heading 2' occurrences
in a document execute the following style-change
$ docxtools mydoc.docx style-change 'Heading 2' 'Heading 1'