This program is based on gmastergreatee/ExternalCrosshairOverlay
Mouse hook is added for added function.
- Crosshair disappears while holding down the right mouse button.
- Disappears while holding down mouse button 5 button.
Credits : gmastergreatee
Simple external crosshair overlay, requires .Net v4.5
In some games like CSGO, this will work on fullscreen-windowed/windowed mode only. Whereas in games like UT2004, all display modes will be supported.
- custom sized crosshair
- choose crosshair color(for primary crosshair only)
- change crosshair transparency
- display crosshair on selected process
- entirely in C# (no DirectX dependencies)
- supports custom crosshair option(png/jpeg images - other formats experimental)
- set the crosshair offset manually(Hotkey : "-"(Minus key) [Movement: Arrows/WASD])
- saving of configuration based on the target game
- toggle display of crosshair while in-game using "=" key
- DPI aware
Note : Configs are stored at %APPDATA%\CrosshairOverlay
folder. Delete files to hard-reset the config.
ECO was developed as a prototype. Therefore, there will be no further enhancements to the app AFTER milestone 0.2.2 is reached.
Feature requests are still welcome.