π° NPM package to get stock and historical price from finance.yahoo.com
v2.0.0 of this package have breaking changes and can affect your code, please review it and change according to the documentation below!
npm i yahoo-stock-api
or yarn add yahoo-stock-api
if you use yarn.
Everything in this API will return Promise so remember to use async/await
or callback
getHistoricalPrices: async function({ startDate, endDate, symbol, frequency })
- startDate: Date
- endDate: Date
- symbol: String (stock symbol)
- frequency: String ('1d', '1wk' or '1mo' only)
- 1d: 1day
- 1wk: 1 week
- 1mo: 1 month
Return Promise
const yahooStockAPI = require('yahoo-stock-api').default;
const yahoo = new yahooStockAPI();
const startDate = new Date('08/21/2020');
const endDate = new Date('08/26/2020');
yahoo.getHistoricalPrices({ startDate, endDate, symbol: 'AAPL', frequency: '1d' }).then(console.log);
error: false,
currency: 'USD',
response: [
date: 1598418000,
open: 126.18,
high: 126.99,
low: 125.08,
close: 126.52,
adjClose: 124.81,
volume: 163022400
date: 1598331600,
open: 124.7,
high: 125.18,
low: 123.05,
close: 124.82,
adjClose: 123.13,
volume: 211495600
date: 1598245200,
open: 128.7,
high: 128.79,
low: 123.94,
close: 125.86,
adjClose: 124.15,
volume: 345937600
date: 1597986000,
open: 119.26,
high: 124.87,
low: 119.25,
close: 124.37,
adjClose: 122.68,
volume: 338054800
getSymbol({ symbol })
- symbol: String (stock symbol)
Return Promise
const yahooStockAPI = require('yahoo-stock-api').default;
const yahoo = new yahooStockAPI();
yahoo.getSymbol({ symbol: 'AAPL' }).then(console.log);
error: false,
currency: 'USD',
response: {
updated: 1673486286910,
previousClose: 130.73,
open: 131.25,
bid: { value: 133.42, shares: 900 },
ask: { value: 133.47, shares: 1000 },
dayRange: { low: 130.46, high: 133.49 },
fiftyTwoWeekRange: { low: 124.17, high: 179.61 },
volume: 69458949,
avgVolume: 83633004,
marketCap: 2124000000000,
beta: 1.27,
peRatio: 21.85,
eps: 6.11,
earningsDate: { start: 1675317600, end: undefined },
forwardDividend: 0.92,
forwardYield: 0.71,
exDividendDate: 1667538000,
oneYearTargetEst: 173.25
- Clone this Repo (git clone https://github.com/phamleduy04/yahoo-stock-api)
- Open Terminal (Command Line) in the folder.
- npm i
- npm test
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Duy Pham Le π» |
Rajat π€ |
Tommy Tang π» π |
keiichi π» |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!