OWASP Coraza Caddy Module provides Web Application Firewall capabilities for Caddy.
OWASP Coraza WAF is 100% compatible with OWASP Coreruleset and Modsecurity syntax.
go run mage.go -l
lists all the available commands:
▶ go run mage.go -l
buildCaddy builds the plugin.
buildCaddyLinux builds the plugin with GOOS=linux.
buildExample builds the example deployment.
check runs lint and tests.
coverage runs tests with coverage and race detector enabled.
doc runs godoc, access at http://localhost:6060
e2e runs e2e tests with a built plugin against the example deployment.
format formats code in this repository.
ftw runs CRS regressions tests.
lint verifies code quality.
precommit installs a git hook to run check when committing
reloadExample reload the test environment.
runExample spins up the test environment, access at http://localhost:8080.
teardownExample tears down the test environment.
test runs all tests.
coraza_waf {
directives `
Include /path/to/config.conf
SecAction "id:1,pass,log"
Sample usage:
Important: order coraza_waf first
must be always included in your Caddyfile for Coraza module to work
order coraza_waf first
} {
coraza_waf {
directives `
SecAction "id:1,pass,log"
SecRule REQUEST_URI "/test5" "id:2, deny, log, phase:1"
SecRule REQUEST_URI "/test6" "id:4, deny, log, phase:3"
Include file1.conf
Include file2.conf
Include /some/path/*.conf
xcaddy build --with github.com/corazawaf/coraza-caddy/v2
You may run the test suite by executing:
go run mage.go test
You can load OWASP CRS by passing the field load_owasp_crs
and then load the CRS files in the directives as described in the coraza-coreruleset documentation.
:8080 {
coraza_waf {
directives `
Include @coraza.conf-recommended
Include @crs-setup.conf.example
Include @owasp_crs/*.conf
SecRuleEngine On
reverse_proxy httpbin:8081
go run mage.go buildExample runExample
curl -i localhost:8080/
# in terminal 1
go run github.com/mccutchen/go-httpbin/v2/cmd/[email protected] -port 8081
# in terminal 2
go run mage.go buildCaddy
./build/caddy run --config example/Caddyfile --adapter caddyfile
# in terminal 3
curl -i localhost:8080/
In order to respond with a custom message or HTML page, you can take advantage of handle_errors directive:
handle_errors 403 {
header X-Blocked "true"
respond "Your request was blocked. Request ID: {http.request.header.x-request-id}"
handle_errors {
@block_codes `{err.status_code} in [403]`
handle @block_codes {
root * /path/to/html/dir
rewrite * /{err.status_code}.html
It is possible to use the templates directive to render data dynamically. Take a look at example/403.html