Mebla is an elasticsearch wrapper for Mongoid based on Slingshot.
Mebla is now obsolete, currently Tire does way much better job.
USE Mebla at your own descretion.
Mebla is derived from the word "Nebla", which means slingshot in arabic.
Also since its a wrapper for mongoid ODM, the letter "N" is replaced with "M".
Mebla requires a running elasticsearch installation.
To install elasticsearch follow the uptodate instructions here or simply copy and paste in your terminal window:
$ curl -k -L -o elasticsearch-0.15.0.tar.gz
$ tar -zxvf elasticsearch-0.15.0.tar.gz
$ ./elasticsearch-0.15.0/bin/elasticsearch -f
Once elasticsearch is installed, add Mebla to your gem file:
gem "mebla"
then run bundle in your application root to update your gems' bundle:
$ bundle install
next generate the configuration file:
$ rails generate mebla:install
finally index your data:
$ rake mebla:index_data
To enable searching models, you first have to define which fields mebla should index:
class Post
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Mebla
field :title
field :author
field :body
field :publish_date, :type => Date
field :tags, :type => Array
embeds_many :comments
search_in :author, :body, :publish_date, :tags, :title => { :boost => 2.0, :analyzer => 'snowball' }
In the example above, mebla will index the author field, body field, publish_date field and finally indexes the title field with some custom mappings.
You can also index embedded documents as follows:
class Comment
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Mebla
field :comment
field :author
embedded_in :blog_post
search_in :comment, :author, :embedded_in => :blog_post
This will index all comments and make it available for searching directly through the Comment model.
You can also index method results:
class Post
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Mebla
field :title
field :author
field :body
field :publish_date, :type => Date
field :tags, :type => Array
embeds_many :comments
search_in :author, :body, :publish_date, :tags, :permalink, :title => { :boost => 2.0, :analyzer => 'snowball' }
def permalink
self.title.gsub(/\s/, "-").downcase
This will index the result of the method permalink.
You can also index fields of relations:
class Post
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Mebla
field :title
field :author
field :body
field :publish_date, :type => Date
field :tags, :type => Array
embeds_many :comments
search_in :author, :body, :publish_date, :tags, :title => { :boost => 2.0, :analyzer => 'snowball' },
:search_relations => {:comments => :author}
This will index authors of all comments embedded with this Post.
Mebla supports two types of search, index search and model search; in index search Mebla searches the index and returns all matching documents regardless of their types, in model search however Mebla searches the index and returns matching documents of the model(s) type(s).
Using the same models we defined above, we can search for all posts and comments with the author "cousine": "author: cousine"
This will return all documents with an author set to "cousine" regardless of their type, if we however want to search only Posts and Comments, we would explicitly tell Mebla: "author: cousine", [:post, :comment]
Instead of searching all models like index searching, we can search one model only:"title: Testing Search").desc(:publish_date).only(
:author => ["cousine"],
:tags => ["ruby", "rails"]
).facet('tags', :tags, :global => true).facet('authors', :author)
In the above example we are taking full advantage of slingshot's searching capabilities, we are getting all posts with the title "Testing Search", filtering the results with author "cousine", tagged "ruby" or "rails", and sorting the results with their publish_date fields.
One more feature we are using is "Faceted Search", from Slingshot's homepage:
Faceted Search
ElasticSearch makes it trivial to retrieve complex aggregated data from the index/database, so called facets.
In the example above we are retrieving two facets, "tags" and "authors"; "tags" are global which means that we want to get the counts of posts for each tag over the whole index, "authors" however will only get the count of posts matching the search query for each author.
To retrieve the results of the model search we performed above we would simply:
hits ="title: Testing Search").desc(:publish_date).only(
:author => ["cousine"],
:tags => ["ruby", "rails"]
).facet('tags', :tags, :global => true).facet('authors', :author)
hits.each do |hit|
puts hit.title
To retrieve the facets:
# Get the count of posts for each tag across the index
hits.facets['tags']['terms'].each do |facet|
puts "#{facet['term']} : #{facet['count']}"
# Get the count of posts matching the query for each author
hits.facets['authors']['terms'].each do |facet|
puts "#{facet['term']} : #{facet['count']}"
By default Mebla synchronizes all changes done to your models with your index, if however you would like to bypass this behavior:
Post.without_indexing do
Post.create :title => "This won't be indexed"
You can index existing data by using the "index" rake task:
$ rake mebla:index
This will create the index and index all the data in the database
Just like indexing, you can reindex your data using the "reindex" rake task:
$ rake mebla:reindex
This will rebuild the index and index all your data again, note that unlike other full-text search engines, you don't need to reindex your data frequently (if ever) however you might want to refresh the index so changes are reflected on the index.
Refreshing the index makes changes done to the index available for searching or modification.
Mebla automatically refreshes the index whenever a change is done, but just incase you need to refresh the index:
$ rake mebla:refresh
Mebla provides a number of rake tasks to perform various tasks on the index, you can list all tasks using this command:
$ rake -T mebla
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
- Fork the project
- Start a feature/bugfix branch
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
- Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
Copyright (c) 2011 Omar Mekky. See LICENSE.txt for further details.