"If you liked it then you should have put a test on it", Beyonce rule
Google.Test/Google.Mock/Cucumber on steroids
Improve your productivity with GUnit, a library which extends/simplifies Google.Test/Google.Mock and adds support for Gherkin (Behaviour Driven Development) to it.
- Why it's based on Google.Test/Google.Mock?
- (+) Google.Test is widely used (The most popular testing framework according to https://www.jetbrains.com/research/devecosystem-2017/cpp)
- (+) Google.Test is stable
- (+) Google.Test is powerful
- (+) Google.Test comes with Google.Mock
- (+) Google.Test is well documented
- (-) Google.Test doesn't have support for - gherkin style - tests
- (-) Google.Test and Google.Mock have a lot boilerplate macros
- Why it's based on Google.Test/Google.Mock?
No more base classes, labels as identifiers and special assertions - GUnit.GTest / GUnit.GTest-Lite
Google.Test | GUnit.GTest
#include <gtest/gtest.h> | #include <GUnit.h>
struct CalcTest : testing::Test { | GTEST("Calc Test") {
void SetUp() override { | Calc calc{};
calc = std::make_unique<Calc>(); |
} | // SetUp
void TearDown() override { } | SHOULD("return sum of 2 numbers") {
| EXPECT(5 == calc->add(4, 1));
std::unique_ptr<Calc> calc; | }
}; |
| SHOULD("throw if division by 0") {
TEST_F(CalcTest, ShouldReturnSumOf2Numbers) { | EXPECT_ANY_THROW(calc->div(42, 0));
EXPECT_EQ(5, calc->add(4, 1)); | }
} |
| // TearDown
TEST_F(CalcTest, ShouldThrowIfDivisionBy0) { | }
EXPECT_ANY_THROW(calc->div(42, 0)); |
} |
[----------] 2 tests from CalcTest | [----------] 1 tests from Calc Test
[ RUN ] CalcTest.ShouldReturnSumOf2Numbers| [ RUN ] Calc Test
[ OK ] CalcTest.ShouldReturnSumOf2Numbers| [ SHOULD ] return sum of 2 numbers
[ RUN ] CalcTest.ShouldThrowIfDivisionBy0 | [ SHOULD ] throw if division by 0
[ OK ] CalcTest.ShouldThrowIfDivisionBy0 | [ OK ] Calc Test (0 ms)
[----------] 2 tests from CalcTest (1 ms total)| [----------] 1 tests from Example (0 ms total)
No more hand written mocks - GUnit.GMock
struct interface {
virtual ~interface() = default;
virtual int get() const = 0;
virtual void foo(int) = 0;
virtual void bar(int, const std::string&) = 0;
Google.Test | GUnit.GMock
#include <gmock/gmock.h> | #include <GUnit.h>
struct mock_interface : interface { |
MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(get, int(int)); |
MOCK_METHOD1(foo, void(int)); |
MOCK_METHOD2(bar, void(int, const string&)); |
}; |
int main() { | int main() {
StrictMock<mock_interface> mock{}; | StrictGMock<interface> mock{};
EXPECT_CALL(mock, foo(42)); | EXPECT_CALL(mock, (foo)(42));
interface& i = mock; | interface& i = mock.object();
i.foo(42); | i.foo(42);
} | }
Simplified creation and injection of SUT (System Under Test) and mocks - GUnit.GMake
class coffee_maker {
coffee_maker(iheater&, ipump&, igrinder&);
Google.Test | GUnit.GMake
#include <gtest/gtest.h> | #include <GUnit.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h> |
TEST(CalcTest, ShouldMakeCoffee) { | GTEST("Calc Test") {
StrictMock<mock_heater> heater{}; | auto [sut, mocks] =
StrictMock<mock_pump> pump{}; | make<coffee_maker, StrictGMock>();
StrictMock<mock_grinder> grinder{}; |
coffee_maker sut{heater, pump, grinder}; | EXPECT_CALL(mocks.mock<iheater>(), (on)());
| EXPECT_CALL(mocks.mock<ipump>(), (pump)());
EXPECT_CALL(heater, on()); | EXPECT_CALL(mocks.mock<igrinder>(), (grind)());
EXPECT_CALL(pump, pump()); | EXPECT_CALL(mocks.mock<iheater>(), (off)());
EXPECT_CALL(grinder, grind()); |
EXPECT_CALL(heater, off()); | sut->brew();
| }
sut->brew(); |
Support for - Gherkin style - BDD (Behaviour Driven Development) scenarios - GUnit.GSteps
Feature specification
Feature: Calc Addition
In order to avoid silly mistakes
As a math idiot
I want to be told the sum of two numbers
Scenario: Add two numbers
Given I created a calculator with value 0
And I have entered 20 into the calculator
And I have entered 30 into the calculator
When I press add
Then The result should be 50
Steps Implementation
#include <GUnit.h>
GSTEPS("Calc*") { // "Calc Addition.Add two numbers"
auto result = 0;
Given("I created a calculator with value {n}") = [&](int n) {
Calculator calc{n};
Given("I have entered {n} into the calculator") = [&](int n) {
When("I press add") = [&] {
result = calc.add();
Then("The result should be {expected}") = [&](int expected) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected, result);
SCENARIO="Test/Features/Calc/addition.feature" ./test --gtest_filter="Calc Addition.Add two numbers"
[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 tests from Calc Addition
[ RUN ] Calc Addition.Add two numbers
[ Given ] I have created a calculator with value 0 # CalcSteps.cpp:10
[ Given ] I have entered 20 into the calculator # CalcSteps.cpp:12
[ Given ] I have entered 30 into the calculator # CalcSteps.cpp:14
[ When ] I press add # CalcSteps.cpp:16
[ Then ] the result should be 50 on the screen # CalcSteps.cpp:19
[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (7 ms total)
[ PASSED ] 1 tests.
- Google.Test with strings and more friendly macros- Test cases with string as names
- No more SetUp/TearDown (SHOULD clauses)
- One (GTEST) macro for all types of tests
- 100% Compatible with tests using GTest
- lightweight, limited, no-macro way of defining simple testsGUnit.GMock
- Google.Mock without hand written mocks- No more hand written mocks!
- Support for more than 10 parameters
- Quicker compilation times
- Support for unique_ptr without any tricks
- Support for overloaded operators
- Support for mocking classes with constructors
- 100% Compatible with Google Mocks
- Makes creation of System Under Test (SUT) and Mocks easier- No need to instantiate SUT (System Under Test) and mocks
- Automatic mocks injection
- No need to instantiate SUT (System Under Test) and mocks
- Behaviour Driven Development- Support for - Gherkin style - BDD tests
- Google.Test assertions without postfixes- Simple/consised interface -
EXPECT(true); EXPECT(.0 > 2.0); ASSERT(11 != 42), ...
- No more confusing error messages depending on expected, given parameters
- No more bugs due to using the wrong EXPECT for floating point numbers (EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ) and/or strings
- No more implicit conversions between types!
- Simple/consised interface -
- If your project is NOT using Google.Test/Google.Mock
- Follow instructions from https://github.com/google/googletest/tree/master/googletest
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/cpp-testing/GUnit.git
- Add
directory to your include path-I GUnit/include
- Write some tests...
- Compile and Run!
- Add to your CMakeLists.txt the following lines:
include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare( gunit GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/cpp-testing/GUnit.git GIT_TAG master ) FETCHCONTENT_MAKEAVAILABLE(gunit)
- Write some tests...
- Compile and Run
When using the installation method as described here you may fully skip this step.
- gherkin support using CMake
using add_subdirectory# using add_subdirectory from the top-level CMakeLists.txt file: add_subdirectory(gunit)
# src/CMakeLists.txt contains either this: add_executable(myprogram) target_link_libraries(myprogram gunit) ... # or you could have also been more explicit, then you would write this: target_link_libraries(myprogram gtest gtest_main)
using a ExternalProject_Add(gunit ...) Note: This sections needs updates, when writing the gherkin-cpp CMake integration I used add_subdirectory:- Add include paths
-I GUnit_install_dir/include
- Link with
libgherkin-cpp.{a, so}
Note: I wasn't able to nest the fmem/gherkin into libghekin-cpp, so two more libs to add: fmem/gherkin!-L gherkin-cpp
-L fmem
-L gherkin
- Write some feature tests...
- Compile and Run!
- Add include paths
- To run GUnit tests/benchmarks
$mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. $make && ctest
- C++14
- libs/googletest - compatible with all versions
- Thanks to Google Open Source for Google.Test/Google.Mock libraries
- Thanks to Eran Pe'er for FakeIt library
- Thanks to Peter Bindels for HippoMocks library
- Thanks to Niels Lohmann for json library
- Thanks to Aslak Hellesøy for gherkin-c library
- Thanks to Cucumber Open Source for cucumber-cpp library