- Hugo
- Fontawesome Pro
npm config set "@skymatic:registry" https://npm.pkg.github.com/ && npm config set "//npm.pkg.github.com/:_authToken" TOKEN
npm install
- run hugo
- for production builds simply run
npm run build
- for local development run
npm run dev
- for local production tests
npm run serve
To create subsets of font files, e.g. when we know only very few characters are required to render the title of the page "CRYPTOMATOR HUB":
- First install
pip install fonttools brotli
pyftsubset quicksand-bold.woff2 --text="CRYPTOMATOR HUB" --verbose --flavor=woff2 --output-file=quicksand-bold.reduced.woff2
Using WebP (for smaller images) or AVIF (for >80 kiB due to larger overhead) may yield in better compression. Here is a (rather old) comparison benchmark. However, we need to test the best format ourselves.
brew install libavif
(see GitHub Project Page for other installation methods)- Example (lossless):
avifenc -l input.png output.avif
- Example (lossy):
avifenc --qcolor 70 --qalpha 100 --depth 8 input.png output.avif
- Example (lossless):
brew install libwebm
- Example (lossless):
cwebp -preset drawing -lossless -z 6 input.png -o output.webp
- Example (lossy):
cwebp -preset drawing -q 90 -alpha_q 100 input.png -o output.webp
- Example (lossless):
brew install optipng
- Example:
optipng -o3 image.png
- Example:
If you see color banding in lossy conversions, try avif with 10 bit color depth.