Selenium client for interacting with web pages for browser automation.
Add the dependency to your
:dependencies: selenium: github: crystal-loot/
shards install
require "selenium"
driver = Selenium::Driver.for(:chrome, base_url: "http://localhost:9515")
Creating a driver this way assumes that you have the driver running already.
Available drivers:
- :chrome (using chromedriver)
- :firefox (using geckodriver)
- :remote (general purpose)
Rather than running chromedriver yourself, you can give the driver a service which will run the process for you.
service = File.expand_path("~/.webdrivers/chromedriver", home: true))
driver = Selenium::Driver.for(:chrome, service: service)
You must call driver.stop
when you are finished or it will leave the service running.
Consider using for automatically installing drivers and managing the driver path for you.
capabilities =
capabilities.chrome_options.args = ["no-sandbox", "headless", "disable-gpu"]
Use the appropriate Capabilities
class for whichever browser you choose.
# Navigate to Google's homepage
# Find the search input element by its name, which is "q"
element = session.find_element(:name, "q")
# Enter the text "Selenium library for Crystal" into the search input
element.send_keys("Selenium library for Crystal")
# Submit the form where the search input belongs to
# Define a Selenium Wait object, which will help us to wait until a certain condition is met.
# Here, we are setting a timeout of 5 seconds (the maximum time to wait) and a polling interval of 1 second (the time to wait between each check)
wait = 5.seconds, interval: 1.second)
# Use the wait object to wait until the search results are displayed.
# We do this by checking if the element with the CSS selector "#search" is found on the page.
wait.until { session.find_element(:css, "#search") }
# Print the title of the current page
puts session.title
# Take a screenshot of the current state of the browser window and save it to a file named "result.png"
# Close the browser session
# Stop the driver
Run crystal spec
to run the tests. It will run the tests in headless mode.
To run the tests with chrome headlessly:
SELENIUM_BROWSER=chrome crystal spec --tag "~chrome"
To run the tests with firefox headlessly:
SELENIUM_BROWSER=firefox crystal spec --tag "~firefox"
The tag skips any specs that are know to break with those browsers.
Running just crystal spec
will use chrome.
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git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
- Matthew McGarvey - creator and maintainer