This fork is only for addressing pertinent security vulns. Long-term we should remove our dependence on this module.
validate koa request params and format request params
$ npm install koa-validate --save
'use strict';
var koa = require('koa');
var app = koa();
var router = require('koa-router')();
app.use(require('koa-body')({multipart:true , formidable:{keepExtensions:true}}));
app.use(router.routes()).use(router.allowedMethods());'/signup', function * () {
//optional() means this param may not in the params.
this.checkBody('name').optional().len(2, 20,"are you kidding me?");
this.checkBody('email').isEmail("your enter a bad email.");
this.checkBody('password').notEmpty().len(3, 20).md5();
//empty() mean this param can be a empty string.
this.checkBody('nick').optional().empty().len(3, 20);
//also we can get the sanitized value
var age = this.checkBody('age').toInt().value;
yield this.checkFile('icon').notEmpty().size(0,300*1024,'file too large').move("/static/icon/" , function*(file,context){
//resize image
if (this.errors) {
this.body = this.errors;
router.get('/users', function * () {
this.checkQuery('department').empty().in(["sale","finance"], "not support this department!").len(3, 20);
this.checkQuery('name').empty().len(2,20,"bad name.").trim().toLow();
this.checkQuery('age').empty().gt(10,"too young!").lt(30,"to old!").toInt();
if (this.errors) {
this.body = this.errors;
router.get('/user/:id', function * () {
if (this.errors) {
this.body = this.errors;
//json body,we can check it using [json path]( xpath)'/json' , function*(){
if (this.errors) {
this.body = this.errors;
checkBody,checkQuery,checkParams will return a Validator instance.
when use require('koa-validate')(app)
,the request context will bind the method:
- checkBody(fieldName,[transFn]) - check POST body.
see will not use json path iftransFn
. - checkQuery(fieldName,[transFn]) - check GET query.
see will not use json path iftransFn
. - checkParams(fieldName) - check the params in the urls.
- checkFile(fieldName,[deleteOnCheckFailed]) - check the file object, if you use koa-body.this function will return
default value istrue
- checkHeader(fieldName) - check the params in the request http header.
- addError(tip) - add an error to validator errors.
- hasError() - check if validator has errors.
- value - the value of current validator.
or locale
please see validator
- optional() - the param may not in the params.if the param not exists,it has no error,no matter whether have other checker or not.
- empty([tip]) - the params can be a empty string.
- notEmpty([tip]) - check if the param is not empty.
- notBlank([tip]) - check if the param is not blank,use /^\s*$/gi reg to check.
- match(pattern,[tip]) - pattern must be a RegExp instance ,eg. /abc/i
- notMatch(pattern,[tip]) - pattern must be a RegExp instance ,eg. /xyz/i
- ensure(assertion, [tip], [shouldBail]) if assertion is false,the asserting failed.
- ensureNot(assertion, [tip], [shouldBail]) if assertion is true,the asserting failed.
- isInt([tip],[options]) - check if the param is integer.
- isFloat([tip],[options]) - check if the param is float.
- isLength(min,[max],[tip]) - check the param length.
- len(min,[max],[tip]) - the abbreviation of isLength.
- isIn(arr,[tip]) - check if the param is in the array.
- in(arr,[tip]) - the abbreviation of isIn.
- eq(value,[tip]) - check if the param equal to the value.
- neq(value,[tip]) - check if the param not equal to the value.
- gt(num,[tip]) - check if the param great then the value.
- lt(num,[tip]) - check if the param less then the value.
- ge(num,[tip]) - check if the param great then or equal the value.
- le(num,[tip]) - check if the param less then or equal the value.
- contains(str,[tip]) - check if the param contains the str.
- notContains(str,[tip]) - check if the param not contains the str.
- isEmail([tip],[options]) - check if the param is an email.
- isUrl([tip],[options]) - check if the param is an URL.
- isIp([tip]) - check if the param is an IP (version 4 or 6).
- isAlpha([tip],[locale]) - check if the param contains only letters (a-zA-Z).
- isNumeric([tip]) - check if the param contains only numbers.
- isAlphanumeric([tip],[locale]) - check if the param contains only letters and numbers.
- isBase64([tip]) - check if a param is base64 encoded.
- isHexadecimal([tip]) - check if the param is a hexadecimal number.
- isHexColor([tip]) - check if the param is a hexadecimal color.
- isLowercase([tip]) - check if the param is lowercase.
- isUppercase([tip]) - check if the param is uppercase.
- isDivisibleBy(num,[tip]) - check if the param is a number that's divisible by another.
- isNull([tip]) - check if the param is null.
- isByteLength(min,max,[tip]) - check if the param's length (in bytes) falls in a range.
- byteLength(min,max,[tip]) - the abbreviation of isByteLength.
- isUUID([tip],[version]) - check if the param is a UUID (version 3, 4 or 5).
- isDate([tip]) - check if the param is a date.
- isAfter(date,[tip]) - check if the param is a date that's after the specified date.
- isBefore(date,[tip]) - check if the param is a date that's before the specified date.
- isCreditCard([tip]) - check if the param is a credit card.
- isISBN([tip],version) - check if the param is an ISBN (version 10 or 13).
- isJSON([tip]) - check if the param is valid JSON (note: uses JSON.parse).
- isMultibyte([tip]) - check if the param contains one or more multibyte chars.
- isAscii([tip]) - check if the param contains ASCII chars only.
- isFullWidth([tip]) - check if the param contains any full-width chars.
- isHalfWidth([tip]) - check if the param contains any half-width chars.
- isVariableWidth([tip]) - check if the param contains a mixture of full and half-width chars
- isSurrogatePair([tip]) - check if the param contains any surrogate pairs chars.
- isCurrency([tip],[options]) - check if the param is a currency.
- isDataURI([tip]) - check if the param is a data uri.
- isMobilePhone([tip],[locale]) - check if the param is a mobile phone.
- isISO8601([tip]) - check if the param is a ISO8601 string. eg.2004-05-03
- isMACAddress([tip]) - check if the param is a MAC
- isISIN([tip]) - check if the param is a ISIN.
- isFQDN([tip],[options]) - check if the param is a fully qualified domain name.
- default(value) - if the param not exits or is an empty string, it will take the default value.
- toDate() - convert param to js Date object.
- toInt([tip],[radix],[options]) - convert param to integer.
. - toFloat([tip]) - convert param to float.
- toLowercase() - convert param to lowercase.
- toLow() - same as toLowercase.
- toUppercase() - convert param to uppercase.
- toUp() - same as toUppercase.
- toBoolean() - convert the param to a boolean. Everything except for '0', 'false' and '' returns true. In strict mode only '1' and 'true' return true.
- toJson([tip]) - convert param to json object.
- trim([chars]) - trim characters (whitespace by default) from both sides of the param.
- ltrim([chars]) - trim characters from the left-side of the param.
- rtrim([chars]) - trim characters from the right-side of the param.
- escape() - replace <, >, & and " with HTML entities.
- stripLow() - remove characters with a numerical value < 32 and 127, mostly control characters.
- whitelist(value) - remove characters that do not appear in the whitelist.
- blacklist(value) - remove characters that appear in the blacklist.
- encodeURI() - ref mdn encodeURI
- decodeURI([tip]) - ref mdn decodeURI
- encodeURIComponent() - ref mdn encodeURIComponent
- decodeURIComponent([tip]) - ref mdn decodeURIComponent
- replace(regexp|substr, newSubStr|function) - the same as String replace
- clone(newKey,[newValue]) - clone current value to the new key, if newValue supplied , use it. eg.
; then your can usethis.request.body.md5
. - encodeBase64() - encode current value to base64 string.
- decodeBase64([inBuffer],[tip]) - decode current base64 to a normal string,if inBuffer is true , the value will be a Buffer.
- hash(alg , [encoding]) - hash current value use specified algorithm and encoding(if supplied , default is 'hex'). ref hash
- md5() - md5 current value into hex string.
- sha1() - sha1 current value into hex string.
- check(fn,tip,scope) - if fn return
then check failed.fn formatfunction(value,key,requestParams):boolean
- filter(fn,scope) - filter the value if value is array.fn format
- get(index) - change the value to the specified index value
- first() - get the first value!
- empty() - current file field can to be a empty file.
- notEmpty([tip]) - current file field can not to be a empty file.
- size(min,max,[tip]) - limit the file size.
- contentTypeMatch(reg,[tip]) - check the file's contentType with regular expression.
- isImageContentType([tip]) - check the file's contentType if is image content type.
- fileNameMatch(reg,[tip]) - check the file's name with regular expression.
- suffixIn(arr,[tip]) - check the suffix of file's if in specified arr.
eg. ['png','jpg']
File sanitizers are generators,we should use yield
to execute them. eg. yield this.checkFile('file').notEmpty().copy('/')
- move(target,[afterMove]) - move upload file to the target location. target can be a
.if target end with '/' or '\',the target will be deemed as directory. target function interface:string function(fileObject,fieldName,context)
.this function will return a string of the target file. afterMove:it can be afunction
- copy(target,[afterCopy]) - move upload file to the target location. target can be a
. target function interface:function (fileObject,fieldName,context)
. afterCopy:it can be afunction
- delete() - delete upload file.
var Validator = require('koa-validate').Validator;
// to do what you want to.
//you can use this.key ,this.value,this.params,this.context,this.exists
//use addError(tip) , if you meet error.