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Case Western University's implementation of worthwhile

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ImageMagick, ffmpeg, and ghostscript can be installed using

sudo apt-get -y install imagemagick ffmpeg ghostscript

Fits can be installed using the following commands

sudo mkdir -p /opt/install
sudo wget -P /opt/install
sudo unzip /opt/install/ -d /opt/install
sudo chmod +x /opt/install/fits-0.6.2/
sudo cp -r /opt/install/fits-0.6.2/* /usr/local/bin/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/fits

Installing the Oracle instant clicent requites the basic client, the SDK, and sqlplus. Each of these will be downloaded as a zip file and should be unziped to /opt/oracle/. Once that is done you should set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and create the required symlinks using:

sudo ln -s /opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1/ /opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1/

Installing ImageMagick

Note: If you install ImageMagick using homebrew, and you see an error like this when you run the specs: "Magick::ImageMagickError: no decode delegate for this image format (something.tif)"

Reinstall with a switch for libtiff:

brew install imagemagick --with-libtiff

Installing ffmpeg & fits & ghostscript

See the instructions in the Sufia README about installing fits and installing ffmpeg. Ghostscript maintains installation instructions here.

Installing and Configuring Absolute

Install dependencies with Bundler

bundle install

Set up config files

cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
cp config/initializers/secret_token.rb.sample config/initializers/secret_token.rb
cp config/solr.yml.sample config/solr.yml
cp config/redis.yml.sample config/redis.yml
cp config/fedora.yml.sample config/fedora.yml
cp config/devise.yml.sample config/devise.yml

!!! Important. Open config/devise.yml and generate a new id !!! Edit config/initializers/secret_token.rb and config/devise.yml replace the sample keys with your own keys. You can use rake to generate a new secret key:

rake secret

Set up database

rake db:schema:load
rake db:seed

Get a copy of hydra-jetty

rake jetty:clean
rake jetty:config
rake jetty:start

to include the subject_sort field that is used to order the facets you need to copy the updated schema.xml file into jetty

cp solr_conf/conf/schema.xml jetty/solr/development-core/conf/schema.xml
cp solr_conf/conf/schema.xml jetty/solr/test-core/conf/schema.xml


Starting the workers

RAILS_ENV=development QUEUE=* VERBOSE=1 rake resque:work

# or start the workers in the background
RAILS_ENV=development QUEUE=* VERBOSE=1 rake -s resque:work > /dev/null 2>1&

# run the schedule workers
RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec resque-scheduler

If the workers do not start after deploying the application they can be started with the command

cd /opt/absolute/current && bundle exec resque-pool -d -E production -c config/resque-pool.yml -p /opt/absolute/shared/tmp/pids/ -e /opt/absolute/shared/log/resque-pool.stderr.log -o /opt/absolute/shared/log/resque-pool.stdout.log

Developer notes

Explaining what partials are being used

If you set an environment variable like this:


you'll get helpful comments in the source like this:

<!-- START PARTIAL app/views/shared/_header.html.erb -->

Importing fedora objects from Case Western's existing fedora

Information about importing object is now on the wiki

Exporting the imported URLs to a batch file:

rake export:handles

Exported 223 records to handles-2014-08-06T11:48:51.txt

Then take this file and import them using the batch tool.

Deploying to the Case vm with Oracle

First, set up an ssh config entry:

Host casehydraprod
  User deploy
  IdentityFile /path/to/my/private/key
  ForwardAgent no

Next, connect to casehydradev via ssh to test the config. (If this fails, your public keys are missing or outdated on the server - let the team know.)

Next, make sure that you are on the master branch with the command

git checkout master

Finally, deploy code and update the server with the command

bundle exec cap casehydraprod deploy

The code is now on the server and the application should be running. If the resque workers are not running you can start them by connecting to the vm over SSH and running the command in the section about starting the workers.


Case Western University's implementation of worthwhile






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