Updates to Customer Terms
We only list agreement documents that have been updated in the particular month. If a document is not listed, no changes have been made to those terms in that month.
Updates March 2025
General Terms
PREAMBLE: In the first sentence, inserted "for the products and services you use", and deleted "GitHub presents" and inserted "mutually agreed" in its place
PREAMBLE: Added a sentence at the end of the section for purchases of GitHub through Microsoft
General Terms Preamble: Inserted "below" at the end of the sentence
Section 1.3 (Accounts): Inserted "For volume-based Subscription Licenses" at the start of the second sentence, and added three new sentences at the end of the section for cloud-based services
Section 1.4 (End Users): Inserted "its" in the second sentence
Section 1.5 (Product Specific Terms): Made grammatical changes to clarify that Product Specific Terms are product-specific
Section 1.6 (Early Access): Rewrote this section to clarify that the General Terms do not apply to preview services that are still in development, which are instead governed by pre-release terms. The prior language in this section was moved to the end of Section 5.2.
Section 1.12 (Restrictions): Inserted a new subsection (f)
Section 3 (Data Protection): Inserted a new subsection 3.2
Section 4.1 (Existing NDA applies): Rewrote the section to clarify that a pre-existing NDA replaces the entirety of Section 4
Section 4.6 (Duration of confidentiality obligation): Inserted "or this Agreement ends, whichever is later." at the end of the sentence
Section 5.1(b) (Software): Deleted "it" in the second sentence and inserted "the Product" in its place, and deleted "(a)" and "(b)" and inserted "(i)" and "(ii)" in their place
Section 5.2 (Exclusions): Moved the language from the previous version of Section 1.6 to the end of this section. No language was changed.
Section 5.3 (Disclaimer): In the second sentence, inserted "To the maximum extent allowed by law," at the beginning, deleted "It" and inserted "GitHub" in its place, and deleted "any" and inserted "all" in its place
Section 7.1 (Limitation of Liability): Inserted "To the extent permitted by applicable law," at the beginning of the sentence
Section 7.1 (Limitation of Liability): In subsection (c) (Exclusions), corrected a typographical error by deleting the semicolon after "business," inserting a comma in its place, and deleting the comma after "however"
Section 7.1 (Limitation of Liability): In subsection (d) (Exceptions), deleted "defense obligations above" and inserted "obligations in Section 6 above" in its place
Section 8.1 (Fees): Inserted "For volume-based billing" at the start of the first sentence, inserted "For metered billing, and" at the start of the second sentence, and inserted "Customer agrees to pay in full" in the second sentence
Section 9.5 (Migration): Inserted "After termination of this Agreement" at the beginning of the sentence
Section 10.2 (Entire Agreement): Deleted the previous header for the section and inserted "Entire Agreement" in its place. Inserted "This Agreement contains the entire agreement and understanding of the parties, and supersedes all prior agreements relating to its subject matter." at the beginning of the section. Inserted "when an Order is placed" in the second sentence. Inserted "On subscription renewal, any applicable Product Specific Terms in this Agreement shall be superseded by the then-current versions as to those products." at the end of the section.
Section 10.3 (Order of precedence): Deleted "Other than that," at the start of the second sentence. In the last sentence, corrected the section titles in the parentheticals and added the words "also" and "mutually".
Section 10.10 (Notices): Updated the GitHub email address for legal notices
Section 10.15 (Educational Institution Amendment): added a new section regarding education customers
Section 11 (Definitions): Added new definitions for Controller, Data Protection Agreement, Educational Institution Amendment, GDPR, Privacy Statement, and Processor
Section 11 (Definitions): For "Previews," inserted "generally available" in the first portion of the definition, and inserted "as well as early access, technical preview, or other" in the second portion of the definition
Section 11 (Definitions): For "Product Specific Terms," deleted the long URL and inserted a short URL to the same location
Section 11 (Definitions): For "SLA," inserted the word "the", and deleted the long URL and inserted a short URL to the same location
Section 11 (Definitions): For "Support," deleted the long URL and inserted a short URL to the same location
Section 11 (Definitions): For "U.S. Public Sector Amendment," deleted the long URL and inserted a short URL to the same location
Updates December 2024
GitHub Data Protection Agreement
Section 7 (Data Transfers and Location): At the end of Section 7(A), added the sentence: "If you select and use an Online Service where certain data is stored at rest in a specific geographic area, GitHub will store the applicable data based on that instruction."
Updates October 2024
GitHub Copilot Product Specific Terms
Preamble: Expanded the second paragraph to identify the terms that apply to other products
GitHub Enterprise Cloud Product Specific Terms
Preamble: Rewrote the preamble to more accurately reflect the applicable contract documents, and that purchases through Microsoft are governed by a different document
Section 1 (Accounts): Added letters for each subsection
Section 2 (Content): Added letters for each subsection
Section 3 (Other Products and Features): Deleted "Additional" from the section heading and replaced with "Other", and rephrased the rest of the clause to be more clear. The substantive legal meaning is not changed.
Section 4 (Non-GitHub Products): In the last sentence, deleted "the terms ... (if any)" and replaced with "any applicable terms"
Section 7 (Enterprise Managed Users): Added a new section for users of the EMU feature. See the related entry below regarding the GitHub Enterprise Cloud (Enterprise Managed Users) Product Specific Terms being deprecated and removed. The substantive legal terms are not changed.
Section 8 (Definitions): For "Acceptable Use Policies", inserted the word "GitHub", deleted "on" and replaced with "at", and replaced the long URL to the policies with a short URL to the same location
Section 8 (Definitions): Changed "Additional Products and Features" to "GitHub Terms for Additional Products and Features"
Section 8 (Definitions): For "Data Protection Agreement," replaced the long URL to the DPA with a short URL to the same location
Section 8 (Definitions): Added a new definition for "Enterprise Managed Users"
Section 8 (Definitions): Added a new definition for "Microsoft Product Terms for GitHub Offerings"
Section 8 (Definitions): For "Privacy Statement", replaced the long URL to the Privacy Statement with a short URL to the same location
Section 8 (Definitions): Added a new definition for "Product Specific Terms"
Section 8 (Definitions): For "Support", replaced the long URL to the Support documentation with a short URL to the same location
GitHub Enterprise Cloud (Enterprise Managed Users) Product Specific Terms
To help simplify GitHub's contract documents, effective 24 October 2024 the GitHub Enterprise Cloud (Enterprise Managed Users) Product Specific Terms has been deprecated and combined into the existing GitHub Enterprise Cloud Product Specific Terms. The substantive legal terms have not changed. If you need a copy of the deprecated GitHub Enterprise Cloud (Enterprise Managed Users) Product Specific Terms, please contact us.
Updates September 2024
GitHub Copilot Product Specific Terms
Preamble: Inserted ", including the Microsoft Product Terms for GitHub Offerings." at the end of the second paragraph
Preamble: Inserted "already" in the last clause of the third paragraph, so the section reads "...your Agreement with GitHub already includes a..."
Section 4 (Defense of Third Party Claims): Deleted the requirement to have the Duplicate Detection filter configured to its [Blocked] setting. Filter requirements are now found in the Microsoft Customer Copyright Commitment Required Mitigations document linked in the definitions.
Section 5 (Acceptable Use): In the first sentence, inserted "the AI Code of Conduct" and "the Required Mitigations"
Section 6 (Data): In subsection (B)(3), deleted the previous subsection header and replaced it with "Custom Settings", deleted "customized" and replaced it with "configured", and deleted "customization" and replaced it with "configuration"
Section 7 (Support): This is a new section confirming an entitlement to GitHub's support services; the previous Sections 7-8 have been re-numbered to Sections 8-9
Section 9 (Definitions): Inserted a new definition for "AI Code of Conduct"
Section 9 (Definitions): Inserted a new definition for "Required Mitigations"
Section 9 (Definitions): Inserted a new definition for "Support"
Updates August 2024
GitHub AE Product Specific Terms
GitHub AE was deprecated in July 2022. A copy of the Product Specific Terms for customers on legacy agreements was kept on the Customer Terms page for a 2-year transition window until July 2024, and has now been removed. If you need a copy of the GitHub AE Product Specific Terms, please contact us.
Updates January 2024
GitHub Copilot Product Specific Terms
Preamble: Deleted "or a Microsoft volume licensing agreement" from the first sentence
Preamble: Inserted "If you purchase GitHub under a Microsoft agreement, this document does not apply to you. Your use of GitHub Copilot is instead governed by your Microsoft Product Terms."
Section 1: Inserted "GitHub Copilot includes tools for your code editor, as well as optional tools that can be used through a command- line interface, web browser, or mobile device." as the first sentence, and added "within your code editor" to the second sentence
Section 1: Deleted the last sentence
Section 2: Deleted "does not claim any ownership rights in" and replaced with "does not own"
Section 3: In the last sentence, deleted "all" and replaced with "the"
Section 4: Deleted "Block" and replaced with "Blocked"
Section 6: This section has been reformatted to accommodate new products (e.g. Copilot Enterprise) and new features to existing products (e.g. customization settings). The prior Section 6 terms are now split across subsections (A), (B)(3), and (C), with new subsections (B)(1) and (B)(2) inserted for the new products and features.
Section 7: This is a new section related to Copilot Labs and other pre-release Copilot services
Definitions ("Code" and "Your Code"): Deleted "extension in a code editor"
Definitions ("General Terms"): Deleted "or Microsoft equivalent, such as the Microsoft Business & Services Agreement"
Definitions ("Prompts"): Inserted "including data you submit through a chat interface"
Updates September 2023
GitHub Copilot Product Specific Terms
Section 4: At the end of the first sentence, inserted ", including to the Suggestions you receive."
Section 4: deleted subsection (i)
Section 6: Before the last sentence, inserted "If you have instructed GitHub otherwise, through purchasing or opting in to optional features or products that use alternative data processing such as custom private language models, those instructions will apply with respect to your use of those optional features or products."
GitHub Data Protection Agreement
The GitHub DPA has been completely rewritten from the ground up, based on your feedback that our old DPA was, to quote one particular customer, "a mess."
Our new DPA is –
Simpler: We have deleted language that was redundant, irrelevant, or outdated. We then simplified the terms that were left. The end result is a document that is (hopefully!) much easier to read and to understand.
Shorter: The simplification effort enabled us to make the document 64% shorter too. The May 2022 version of our DPA was 18,928 words in 9-point font spanning 47 pages; the new DPA is a svelte 6,759 words in 12-point font spanning just 22 pages.
Stronger: Even with the smaller size, we filled several gaps from the previous DPA. For example, Professional Services are now in the DPA scope instead of in a separate document. We also added EU SCC modules for more processing scenarios, such as when you process your customers' data and use GitHub as a subprocessor.
This September 2023 version of the GitHub DPA will apply to new customers and renewals beginning 22 September 2023. If your agreement uses an older GitHub Data Protection Agreement and you need a copy for your records, please contact us.
Updates June 2023
GitHub Copilot Product Specific Terms
Preamble: Inserted "or" after "the GitHub Customer Agreement's General Terms,"
Section 1: Deleted "an integrated development environment (IDE) or editor" and replaced with "your code editor"
Section 4: In subsection (ii), deleted "all filtering features" and rewrote the section to read "(ii) you have not set the Duplicate Detection filtering feature available in GitHub Copilot to its 'Block' setting"
Section 4: After subsection (ii), inserted "You can learn how to enable the Duplicate Detection filter at gh.io/cfb-dd."
Section 6: Deleted "snippets of Your Code" and replaced with "an encrypted Prompt", and deleted "IDE" and replaced with "code editor", rewriting the first sentence to now read "GitHub Copilot sends an encrypted Prompt from your code editor to GitHub to provide Suggestions to you."
Section 6: Deleted "Code snippets data" and replaced with "Prompts", and deleted "discarded" and replaced with "deleted", rewriting the second sentence to now read "Prompts are transmitted only to generate Suggestions in real-time and are deleted once Suggestions are generated."
Section 6: Added "Prompts are not used for any other purpose, including the training of language models. Prompts are encrypted during transit and are not stored at rest."
Section 6: Deleted "Copilot for Business" from the last sentence, and replaced the long URL to GitHub's privacy policies with a short URL to the same location
Section 7: In the definition for Acceptable Use Policies, replaced the long URL to the policies with a short URL to the same location
Section 7: In the definition for Code, deleted "an IDE or editor" and replaced with "a code editor"
Section 7: In the definition for Data Protection Agreement, replaced the long URL to the DPA with a short URL to the same location
Section 7: In the definition for General Terms, deleted "Microsoft Enterprise Agreement" and replaced with "Microsoft Business & Services Agreement"
Section 7: Added a definition for "Prompt"
Updates April 2023
GitHub Enterprise Cloud Product Specific Terms
Section 1: Deleted the word "Policy" and replaced with "Policies".
Section 7: Revised the definition of "Data Protection Agreement" to delete references to the GitHub Addendum to Microsoft DPA. Please see the March 2023 terms update for more information on the de-listing of the Addendum following its March 2021 deprecation.
Section 7: Revised the definition of "General Terms" to delete the reference to the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement and replace it with a reference to the Microsoft Business & Services Agreement.
Section 7: Revised the definition of "SLA" to correct the link where the SLA is located.
GitHub Enterprise Cloud (EMU) Product Specific Terms
Section 7: Revised the definition of "Data Protection Agreement" to delete references to the GitHub Addendum to Microsoft DPA. Please see the March 2023 terms update for more information on the de-listing of the Addendum following its March 2021 deprecation.
Section 7: Revised the definition of "General Terms" to delete the reference to the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement and replace it with a reference to the Microsoft Business & Services Agreement.
Section 7: Revised the definition of "SLA" to correct the link where the SLA is located.
Updates March 2023
GitHub Copilot Product Specific Terms
Section 4: Deleted the sentence containing a dollar limit for the defense of third party claims, and replaced it with "If your Agreement provides for the defense of third party claims, that provision will apply to your use of GitHub Copilot."
Section 4: Deleted subsection (ii) and re-numbered subsection (iii) accordingly.
GitHub is retroactively providing the benefits of these updated terms to all Copilot for Business customers, even if they have already agreed to the previous more-restrictive terms. If you need a signed copy memorializing this update, please contact us.
GitHub Addendum to Microsoft DPA
The Addendum was deprecated in March 2021, and removed from the Microsoft Product Terms for GitHub Offerings at that time. A copy for customers on legacy agreements was kept on the Customer Terms page for a 2-year transition window until March 2023, and has now been removed. If you need a copy of the Addendum, please contact us.
Updates December 2022
General Terms
Introduction: Capitalized the O in Orders.
Section 1.5: Added "but not limited to."
Section 1.12: Added "optional" to the first sentence. Changed "maybe" to "may be" and added "as long as the Customer’s confidential information remains confidential" in the second sentence.
Section 2: Added subsection (a): "Customer fails to update their Product to the newest release".
Section 6.3: Added "subject to the limitations set out in Section 7 ("Limitation of liability")" to the introductory clause.
Section 7.1(b): The maximum liability was changed to $500.00
Section 7.1(d): "(except for liability related to Customer Content, which is subject to the above limitation for Products);" was deleted and replaced with "unrelated to Customer Content."
Sections 9.4 and 9.5: were swapped with each other. The language did not change.
Section 10.10: Added "Customer shall ensure its contact for notices is up-to-date at least annually."
Definitions: Defined Order. "Order” means the method by which Customer acquires its license to use a Product.