List of examples which you can run using Aik.
Install Aik globally. Then clone the repo and follow instructions.
npm install -g aik
git clone [email protected]:d4rkr00t/aik-examples.git
cd aik-examples
Thinking in React tutorial from official react web site.
# Run
aik thinking-in-react/src/index.js
# Build
aik thinking-in-react/src/index.js --build thinking-in-react/dist
Just the simplest counter using cycle.js.
# Run
aik simple-counter-cyclejs/src/index.js
# Build
aik simple-counter-cyclejs/src/index.js --build simple-counter-cyclejs/dist
Based on blog post "Understanding Reactive Programming and RxJS".
Before run you have to get an API key as described in the blog or you can go straight to get api key page. Then add key to file weather-app-rxjs/src/key.js like this:
export default 'your_api_key';
# Run
aik weather-app-rxjs/src/index.js
# Build
aik weather-app-rxjs/src/index.js --build weather-app-rxjs/dist
Fork of some implementations of TodoMVC.
# Run
aik todomvc-vue/src/index.js
# Build
aik todomvc-vue/src/index.js --build todomvc-vue/dist