Feel free to use and modify anything on this repo as you wish.
git clone https://github.com/dalyc/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
This is up to each individual, but this repo is structured in a way that allows for the GNU stow utility to be used. Stow allows for very easy creation and deletion of symbolic links.
For example, if you want to grab use my vim configs you would just need to write stow -v vim
, and after you get tired of my vim configs you just delete the symbolic links with stow -v --delete vim
The deploy script on this repo is esentially just an alias for stow -v git newsbeuter vim zsh
- xmobar/dev/clipsync requires xclip and dmenu
I recommend you to check $HOME/.config/zsh/.zprofile to check the configured exports. For instance, I configured my PATH to ${PATH}:${HOME}/dev/bin:${HOME}/.cabal/bin:${HOME}/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bin
. You may want to modify several settings here.
The last worthwhile thing to mention is that I have configured .zshrc so that it expects the following files:
- $HOME/.config/zsh/$HOST-alias
- $HOME/.config/zsh/$HOST-functions Here you may keep host specific alias and functions, and if you decide to use my zsh settings across many machines, you may keep the base functions and aliases in:
- $HOME/.config/zsh/base-alias
- $HOME/.config/zsh/base-functions
My vimrc expects certain directories within the .vim folder, so let us create them with mkdir -p ~/.vim/{autoload,bundle,backup,swap}
My vim config expects the Vundle vim plugin to be installed. If you start vim without installing Vundle first it will scream at you. The deploy script will do this automatically for you. The command would be: ./deploy --vim
For a list of all plugins I use check the lines that say Plugin in the vimrc file.