- /cartridges - Cartridges used in your project (Use https://plugins.jenkins.io/osf-builder-suite-for-sfcc-deploy to deploy them)
- /metadata - Metadata used in your project (Use https://plugins.jenkins.io/osf-builder-suite-xml-linter to lint it in your PRs and https://plugins.jenkins.io/osf-builder-suite-for-sfcc-data-import to deploy it)
- /xsds - XSD files used to lint the metadata files
- NodeJS version >=8.14.0 (to install and manage NodeJS see https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows for Windows or https://github.com/creationix/nvm for MacOS/Linux)
- Yarn (install it globally with
npm install --global yarn
- Clone this repository
- Run
yarn install
to install all of the local dependancies - Run
yarn run webpack:dev
to start watching for file changes and compile JS and SCSS files when that happens - Run
yarn run lint
to run all the code linters or run:yarn run lint:js-server
to run only the server side JS linteryarn run lint:js-client
to run only the client side JS linteryarn run lint:scss
to run only the SCSS linter
Visual Studio Code is recommended to be used along with the following plugins:
- SonarLint - To help you detect and fix quality issues as you write code. Like a spell checker, SonarLint squiggles flaws so they can be fixed before committing code.
- Prettier - To help you easily format and prettify your code (make sure you set
"prettier.tabWidth": 4
before you start using it) - Document This - To help you with writing JSDoc for your code
- CMD + Shift + P -> Format Document
- Select the text you want to Prettify and CMD + Shift + P -> Format Selection
- Path Intellisense - To help you autocomplete paths and filenames
- vscode-icons - To make your VSC explorer a bit nicer
- Create a feature branch from the develop branch (
) - Make sure all your comits have proper commit message (
[TASK-NR] Commit description
) - When creating your pull reqeust make sure it has:
- A proper title (use the following naming convention
[TASK-NR] Pull request title
) - A brief description of what the pull request does
- (optional) Screen shots
- A proper title (use the following naming convention
- Your code should pass the automation process:
- Lint your code:
yarn run lint
should run withouth errors - Build your code:
yarn run webpack:dev
should run withouth errors
- Lint your code: