This repository contains an template project for building a Telegraf plugin as a standalone binary that can be ran using the execd input plugin.
Following this method you can generate binary packages for plugins currently written as a Telegraf built-in input plugin without modifying the plugin. This allows you to have an open PR against the Telegraf repository and in the meantime produce binaries that will work with execd.
The code for the plugin is contained in another repository and referenced in
the go.mod
If you are interested in using this plugin to monitor OpenVPN, the state of the plugin is pre-alpha and is not recommended for production use.
Download the latest release package for your platform.
Unpack the build to your system:
mkdir /var/lib/telegraf chown telegraf:telegraf /var/lib/telegraf tar xf openvpn-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /var/lib/telegraf
Edit execd plugin configuration as needed:
vi /var/lib/telegraf/openvpn-linux-amd64/openvpn.conf
Add to
or into file in/etc/telegraf/telegraf.d
[[inputs.execd]] command = ["/var/lib/telegraf/openvpn-linux-amd64/openvpn --config /var/lib/telegraf/openvpn-linux-amd64/openvpn.conf"] signal = "STDIN"
Restart or reload Telegraf.
When updating the plugin the replace directive in go.mod
will need updated.
Generally it is expected that no tag will exist and the plugin will reside in a branch.
go mod edit -replace
go mod tidy
Packages are generated by a GitHub action whenever a new tag is pushed to the repository.
git tag v0.0.10
git push origin v0.0.10