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This is an operating system independent implementation of iOS device features. You can run UI tests, launch or kill apps, install apps etc. with it.


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Welcome đź‘‹

npm install -g go-ios can be used to get going. Run ios --help after the installation for details. For iOS 17+ devices you need to run sudo ios tunnel start for go ios to work. This will start a tunnel daemon. To make this work on Windows, download the latest wintun.dll from here and copy it to C:/Windows/system32

The goal of this project is to provide a stable and production ready opensource solution to automate iOS device on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. I am delighted to announce that a few companies including and Sauce Labs will use or are using go-iOS.

Follow my twitter for updates or check out my medium blog:

If you are interested in using go-iOS please get in touch on LinkedIn, Twitter or the Github discussions above, I always love to hear what people are doing with it.

If you miss something your Mac can do but go-iOS can't, just request a feature in the issues tab.


Go-iOS is getting an experimental REST-API check it out

Design principles:

  1. Using golang to compile static, small and fast binaries for all platforms very easily.

    Build Manual: Install golang and run go build

  2. All output as JSON so you can easily use go-iOS from any other programming language

  3. Everything is a module, you can use go-iOS in golang projects as a module dependency easily


Most notable:

  • Install apps zipped as ipa or unzipped from their .app folder ios install --path=/path/to/app
  • Run XCTests including WebdriverAgent on Linux, Windows and Mac
  • Start and Stop apps
  • Use a debug proxy to reverse engineer every tool Mac OSX has, so you can contrib to go-ios or build your own
  • Pair devices without manual tapping on a popup
  • Install developer images automatically by running ios image auto
  • Set thermal states and network emulation on the device with the ios devicestate command

All features:

  -v --verbose              Enable Debug Logging.
  -t --trace                Enable Trace Logging (dump every message).
  --nojson                  Disable JSON output
  --pretty                  Pretty-print JSON command output
  -h --help                 Show this screen.
  --udid=<udid>             UDID of the device.
  --tunnel-info-port=<port> When go-ios is used to manage tunnels for iOS 17+ it exposes them on an HTTP-API for localhost (default port: 28100)
  --address=<ipv6addrr>     Address of the device on the interface. This parameter is optional and can be set if a tunnel created by MacOS needs to be used.
  >                         To get this value run "log stream --debug --info --predicate 'eventMessage LIKE "*Tunnel established*" OR eventMessage LIKE "*for server port*"'",
  >                         connect a device and open Xcode
  --rsd-port=<port>         Port of remote service discovery on the device through the tunnel
  >                         This parameter is similar to '--address' and can be obtained by the same log filter
  --proxyurl=<url>          Set this if you want go-ios to use a http proxy for outgoing requests, like for downloading images or contacting Apple during device activation.
  >                         A simple format like: "http://PROXY_LOGIN:PROXY_PASS@proxyIp:proxyPort" works. Otherwise use the HTTP_PROXY system env var.
  --userspace-port=<port>   Optional. Set this if you run a command supplying rsd-port and address and your device is using userspace tunnel

The commands work as following:
	The default output of all commands is JSON. Should you prefer human readable outout, specify the --nojson option with your command.
	By default, the first device found will be used for a command unless you specify a --udid=some_udid switch.
	Specify -v for debug logging and -t for dumping every message.

      ios --version | version [options]                                  Prints the version
   ios -h | --help                                                    Prints this screen.
   ios activate [options]                                             Activate a device
   ios apps [--system] [--all] [--list] [--filesharing]               Retrieves a list of installed applications. --system prints out preinstalled system apps. --all prints all apps, including system, user, and hidden apps. --list only prints bundle ID, bundle name and version number. --filesharing only prints apps which enable documents sharing.
   ios assistivetouch (enable | disable | toggle | get) [--force] [options] Enables, disables, toggles, or returns the state of the "AssistiveTouch" software home-screen button. iOS 11+ only (Use --force to try on older versions).
   ios ax [--font=<fontSize>] [options]                               Access accessibility inspector features.
   ios batterycheck [options]                                         Prints battery info.
   ios batteryregistry [options]                                      Prints battery registry stats like Temperature, Voltage.
   ios crash cp <srcpattern> <target> [options]                       copy "file pattern" to the target dir. Ex.: 'ios crash cp "*" "./crashes"'
   ios crash ls [<pattern>] [options]                                 run "ios crash ls" to get all crashreports in a list,
   >                                                                  or use a pattern like 'ios crash ls "*ips*"' to filter
   ios crash rm <cwd> <pattern> [options]                             remove file pattern from dir. Ex.: 'ios crash rm "." "*"' to delete everything
   ios date [options]                                                 Prints the device date
   ios debug [--stop-at-entry] <app_path>                             Start debug with lldb
   ios devicename [options]                                           Prints the devicename
   ios devicestate enable <profileTypeId> <profileId> [options]       Enables a profile with ids (use the list command to see options). It will only stay active until the process is terminated.
   >                                                                  Ex. "ios devicestate enable SlowNetworkCondition SlowNetwork3GGood"
   ios devicestate list [options]                                     Prints a list of all supported device conditions, like slow network, gpu etc.
   ios devmode (enable | get) [--enable-post-restart] [options]	  Enable developer mode on the device or check if it is enabled. Can also completely finalize developer mode setup after device is restarted.
   ios diagnostics list [options]                                     List diagnostic infos
   ios diskspace [options]											  Prints disk space info.
   ios dproxy [--binary] [--mode=<all(default)|usbmuxd|utun>] [--iface=<iface>] [options] Starts the reverse engineering proxy server.
   >                                                                  It dumps every communication in plain text so it can be implemented easily.
   >                                                                  Use "sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/Apple/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/"
   >                                                                  to stop usbmuxd and load to start it again should the proxy mess up things.
   >                                                                  The --binary flag will dump everything in raw binary without any decoding.
   ios erase [--force] [options]                                      Erase the device. It will prompt you to input y+Enter unless --force is specified.
   ios forward [options] <hostPort> <targetPort>                      Similar to iproxy, forward a TCP connection to the device.
   ios fsync [--app=bundleId] [options] (pull | push) --srcPath=<srcPath> --dstPath=<dstPath>    Pull or Push file from srcPath to dstPath.
   ios fsync [--app=bundleId] [options] (rm [--r] | tree | mkdir) --path=<targetPath>            Remove | treeview | mkdir in target path. --r used alongside rm will recursively remove all files and directories from target path.
   ios httpproxy <host> <port> [<user>] [<pass>] --p12file=<orgid> [--password=<p12password>] set global http proxy on supervised device. Use the password argument or set the environment variable 'P12_PASSWORD'
   >                                                                  Specify proxy password either as argument or using the environment var: PROXY_PASSWORD
   >                                                                  Use p12 file and password for silent installation on supervised devices.
   ios httpproxy remove [options]                                     Removes the global http proxy config. Only works with http proxies set by go-ios!
   ios image auto [--basedir=<where_dev_images_are_stored>] [options] Automatically download correct dev image from the internets and mount it.
   >                                                                  You can specify a dir where images should be cached.
   >                                                                  The default is the current dir.
   ios image list [options]                                           List currently mounted developers images' signatures
   ios image mount [--path=<imagepath>] [options]                     Mount a image from <imagepath>
   >                                                                  For iOS 17+ (personalized developer disk images) <imagepath> must point to the "Restore" directory inside the developer disk
   ios image unmount [options]                                        Unmount developer disk image
   ios info [display | lockdown] [options]                            Prints a dump of device information from the given source.
   ios install --path=<ipaOrAppFolder> [options]                      Specify a .app folder or an installable ipa file that will be installed.
   ios instruments notifications [options]                            Listen to application state notifications
   ios ip [options]                                                   Uses the live pcap iOS packet capture to wait until it finds one that contains the IP address of the device.
   >                                                                  It relies on the MAC address of the WiFi adapter to know which is the right IP.
   >                                                                  You have to disable the "automatic wifi address"-privacy feature of the device for this to work.
   >                                                                  If you wanna speed it up, open apple maps or similar to force network traffic.
   >                                                                  f.ex. "ios launch"
   ios kill (<bundleID> | --pid=<processID> | --process=<processName>) [options] Kill app with the specified bundleID, process id, or process name on the device.
   ios lang [--setlocale=<locale>] [--setlang=<newlang>] [options]    Sets or gets the Device language. ios lang will print the current language and locale, as well as a list of all supported langs and locales.
   ios launch <bundleID> [--wait] [--kill-existing] [--arg=<a>]... [--env=<e>]... [options] Launch app with the bundleID on the device. Get your bundle ID from the apps command. --wait keeps the connection open if you want logs.
   ios list [options] [--details]                                     Prints a list of all connected device's udids. If --details is specified, it includes version, name and model of each device.
   ios listen [options]                                               Keeps a persistent connection open and notifies about newly connected or disconnected devices.
   ios memlimitoff (--process=<processName>) [options]                Waives memory limit set by iOS (For instance a Broadcast Extension limit is 50 MB).
   ios mobilegestalt <key>... [--plist] [options]                     Lets you query mobilegestalt keys. Standard output is json but if desired you can get
   >                                                                  it in plist format by adding the --plist param.
   >                                                                  Ex.: "ios mobilegestalt MainScreenCanvasSizes ArtworkTraits --plist"
   ios pair [--p12file=<orgid>] [--password=<p12password>] [options]  Pairs the device. If the device is supervised, specify the path to the p12 file
   >                                                                  to pair without a trust dialog. Specify the password either with the argument or
   >                                                                  by setting the environment variable 'P12_PASSWORD'
   ios pcap [options] [--pid=<processID>] [--process=<processName>]   Starts a pcap dump of network traffic, use --pid or --process to filter specific processes.
   ios prepare [--skip-all] [--skip=<option>]... [--certfile=<cert_file_path>] [--orgname=<org_name>] [--locale] [--lang] [options] prepare a device. Use skip-all to skip everything multiple --skip args to skip only a subset.
   >                                                                  You can use 'ios prepare printskip' to get a list of all options to skip. Use certfile and orgname if you want to supervise the device. If you need certificates
   >                                                                  to supervise, run 'ios prepare create-cert' and go-ios will generate one you can use. locale and lang are optional, the default is en_US and en.
   >                                                                  Run 'ios lang' to see a list of all supported locales and languages.
   ios prepare create-cert                                            A nice util to generate a certificate you can use for supervising devices. Make sure you rename and store it in a safe place.
   ios prepare printskip                                              Print all options you can skip.
   ios profile add <profileFile> [--p12file=<orgid>] [--password=<p12password>] Install profile file on the device. If supervised set p12file and password or the environment variable 'P12_PASSWORD'
   ios profile list                                                   List the profiles on the device
   ios profile remove <profileName>                                   Remove the profileName from the device
   ios ps [--apps] [options]                                          Dumps a list of running processes on the device.
   >                                                                  Use --nojson for a human-readable listing including BundleID when available. (not included with JSON output)
   >                                                                  --apps limits output to processes flagged by iOS as "isApplication". This greatly-filtered list
   >                                                                  should at least include user-installed software.  Additional packages will also be displayed depending on the version of iOS.
   ios readpair                                                       Dump detailed information about the pairrecord for a device.
   ios reboot [options]                                               Reboot the given device
   ios resetax [options]                                              Reset accessibility settings to defaults.
   ios resetlocation [options]                                        Resets the location of the device to the actual one
   ios rsd ls [options]											  List RSD services and their port.
   ios runtest [--bundle-id=<bundleid>] [--test-runner-bundle-id=<testbundleid>] [--xctest-config=<xctestconfig>] [--log-output=<file>] [--xctest] [--test-to-run=<tests>]... [--test-to-skip=<tests>]... [--env=<e>]... [options]                    Run a XCUITest. If you provide only bundle-id go-ios will try to dynamically create test-runner-bundle-id and xctest-config.
   >                                                                  If you provide '-' as log output, it prints resuts to stdout.
   >                                                                  To be able to filter for tests to run or skip, use one argument per test selector. Example: runtest --test-to-run=(TestTarget.)TestClass/testMethod --test-to-run=(TestTarget.)TestClass/testMethod (the value for 'TestTarget' is optional)
   >                                                                  The method name can also be omitted and in this case all tests of the specified class are run
   ios runwda [--bundleid=<bundleid>] [--testrunnerbundleid=<testbundleid>] [--xctestconfig=<xctestconfig>] [--log-output=<file>] [--arg=<a>]... [--env=<e>]...[options]  runs WebDriverAgents
   >                                                                  specify runtime args and env vars like --env ENV_1=something --env ENV_2=else  and --arg ARG1 --arg ARG2
   ios runxctest [--xctestrun-file-path=<xctestrunFilePath>]  [--log-output=<file>] [options]                    Run a XCTest. The --xctestrun-file-path specifies the path to the .xctestrun file to configure the test execution.
   >                                                                  If you provide '-' as log output, it prints resuts to stdout.
   ios screenshot [options] [--output=<outfile>] [--stream] [--port=<port>]  Takes a screenshot and writes it to the current dir or to <outfile>  If --stream is supplied it
   >                                                                  starts an mjpeg server at Use --port to set another port.
   ios setlocation [options] [--lat=<lat>] [--lon=<lon>]              Updates the location of the device to the provided by latitude and longitude coordinates. Example: setlocation --lat=40.730610 --lon=-73.935242
   ios setlocationgpx [options] [--gpxfilepath=<gpxfilepath>]         Updates the location of the device based on the data in a GPX file. Example: setlocationgpx --gpxfilepath=/home/username/location.gpx
   ios syslog [--parse] [options]                                     Prints a device's log output, Use --parse to parse the fields from the log
   ios sysmontap                                                      Get system stats like MEM, CPU
   ios timeformat (24h | 12h | toggle | get) [--force] [options] Sets, or returns the state of the "time format". iOS 11+ only (Use --force to try on older versions).
   ios tunnel ls                                                      List currently started tunnels. Use --enabletun to activate using TUN devices rather than user space network. Requires sudo/admin shells. 
   ios tunnel start [options] [--pair-record-path=<pairrecordpath>] [--enabletun]   Creates a tunnel connection to the device. If the device was not paired with the host yet, device pairing will also be executed.
   >           														  On systems with System Integrity Protection enabled the argument '--pair-record-path=default' can be used to point to /var/db/lockdown/RemotePairing/user_501.
   >                                                                  If nothing is specified, the current dir is used for the pair record.
   >                                                                  This command needs to be executed with admin privileges.
   >                                                                  (On MacOS the process 'remoted' must be paused before starting a tunnel is possible 'sudo pkill -SIGSTOP remoted', and 'sudo pkill -SIGCONT remoted' to resume)
   ios voiceover (enable | disable | toggle | get) [--force] [options] Enables, disables, toggles, or returns the state of the "VoiceOver" software home-screen button. iOS 11+ only (Use --force to try on older versions).
   ios zoom (enable | disable | toggle | get) [--force] [options] Enables, disables, toggles, or returns the state of the "ZoomTouch" software home-screen button. iOS 11+ only (Use --force to try on older versions).


This is an operating system independent implementation of iOS device features. You can run UI tests, launch or kill apps, install apps etc. with it.







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