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Kafka -> Influx 2.x forwarder in Golang


  1. Incoming data is formatted as:
  1. Outbound data writes to an Influx v2 compatible endpoint.



consumer_group: sisyphus-test
client_id: <hostname>

  - localhost:9092
starting_offset_type: earliest
normalize_metrics: false

  - influx_json_topics:
      - test
      - test2
  - influx_line_topics:
      - test5
      - test6
      - test3
      - test4
    output_hostname: localhost
    output_path: "/insert/0:0/influx"
    output_port: 8480
    go_channel_size: 10000
    # number of points to send on each write
    send_batch: 1000
    # in seconds
    tsd_flush_time: 10
    # milliseconds before a write is considered timed out
    write_timeout: 30
    # individual thread sizes
    kafka_reader_threads: 1
    processor_threads: 1
    filter_threads: 1
    write_threads: 1
    flip_single_fields: true
    max_retries: 0

failed_writes_topic: influx-failed-writes

stats_listen_port: 9999


Forces all incoming stat names/tags/field names to lowercase strings. This is useful if you are trying to migrate a from a system that already did this.


This is a strange config, but needed when using VictoriaMetrics as a destination with -influxSkipSingleField. You can end up needed this in the following situation:

  1. You are ingesting data from influx sources
  2. you would like to add prometheus sources

To successfully change the data model, we must enable -influxSkipSingleField so prometheus stats like:

{"value": 2,
 "timestamp": 0,
 "labels": {
   "__name__": "up",
   "dc": "dc1"

Will not produce a value like up_value in VictoriaMetrics.

But this means that an influx stat like:

{"fields": {
   "lag": 2
 "tags": {
   "dc": "dc1"
 "name": "kafka",
 "timestamp": 0

Will become kafka (dropping the _lag value that is descriptive and useful).

In this case, we can enable flip_single_fields, and kafka_lag will be submitted as kafka_lag_value, which VictoriaMetrics will then trim to kafka_lag.


Sisyphus uses to produce Prometheus compatible stats

Stats available http://<stats_listen_address>:<stats_listen_port>/<stats_listen_path>.

A quick breakdown:

  • ReceivedMsgs
    • Messages that have been received and marshalled into objects for processing
  • SentMsgs
    • Messages sent to our output
  • FilteredMsgs
    • Messages that have been altered in some way to conform to standards (removed tag, changed key name, etc.)
  • DroppedMsgs
    • Messages that can't be fixed to meet standards and must be dropped
  • FailedMsgs
    • Messages that failed to send to the output
    • failed messages are added to a dead-letter queue in Kafka
  • IngestMsgs
    • Messages initially received from Kafka
  • MetricsCounted
    • Individual metrics counted during the filtering process


sisyphus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, under version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see