Official Go SDK for Deepgram. Start building with our powerful transcription & speech understanding API.
- Deepgram Go SDK
- SDK Documentation
- Getting an API Key
- Installation
- Requirements
- Quickstarts
- Examples
- Logging
- Testing
- Backwards Compatability
- Development and Contributing
- Getting Help
This SDK implements the Deepgram API found at
Documentation for specifics about the structs, interfaces, and functions of this SDK can be found here: Go SDK Documentation
For documentation relating to Speech-to-Text from Live/Streaming Audio:
- Live Client -
- Live API -
- Live API Interfaces -
For documentation relating to Speech-to-Text (and Intelligence) from PreRecorded Audio:
- PreRecorded Client -
- PreRecorded API -
- PreRecorded API Interfaces -
For documentation relating to Text-to-Speech:
- Speak REST Client -
- Speak REST API -
- Speak API -
- Speak REST Client -
- Speak REST API -
- Speak API Interfaces -
For documentation relating to Text Intelligence:
- Analyze Client -
- Analyze API -
- Analyze API Interfaces -
For documentation relating to Manage API:
- Management Client -
- Manage API -
- Manage API Interfaces -
🔑 To access the Deepgram API you will need a free Deepgram API Key.
To incorporate this SDK into your project's go.mod
file, run the following command from your repo:
go get
Go (version ^1.19)
This SDK aims to reduce complexity and abtract/hide some internal Deepgram details that clients shouldn't need to know about. However you can still tweak options and settings if you need.
You can find a walkthrough on our documentation site. Transcribing Live Audio can be done using the following sample code:
// options
transcriptOptions := &interfaces.LiveTranscriptionOptions{
Language: "en-US",
Punctuate: true,
Encoding: "linear16",
Channels: 1,
Sample_rate: 16000,
// create the client
dgClient, err := client.NewWebSocketWithDefaults(ctx, transcriptOptions, callback)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR creating LiveTranscription connection:", err)
// call connect!
wsconn := dgClient.Connect()
if wsconn == nil {
log.Println("Client.Connect failed")
You can find a walkthrough on our documentation site. Transcribing Pre-Recorded Audio can be done using the following sample code:
// context
ctx := context.Background()
c := client.NewRESTWithDefaults()
dg := prerecorded.New(c)
// transcription options
options := &interfaces.PreRecordedTranscriptionOptions{
Punctuate: true,
Diarize: true,
Language: "en-US",
// send URL
URL := ""
res, err := dg.FromURL(ctx, URL, options)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("FromURL failed. Err: %v\n", err)
You can find a walkthrough on our documentation site. Transcribing Live Audio can be done using the following sample code:
// set the TTS options
ttsOptions := &interfaces.SpeakOptions{
Model: "aura-asteria-en",
// create the callback
callback := MyCallback{}
// create a new stream using the NewStream function
dgClient, err := speak.NewWebSocketWithDefaults(ctx, ttsOptions, callback)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("ERROR creating TTS connection:", err)
// connect the websocket to Deepgram
bConnected := dgClient.Connect()
if !bConnected {
fmt.Println("Client.Connect failed")
You can find a walkthrough on our documentation site. Transcribing Live Audio can be done using the following sample code:
// set the Transcription options
options := &interfaces.SpeakOptions{
Model: "aura-asteria-en",
// create a Deepgram client
c := client.NewRESTWithDefaults()
dg := api.New(c)
// send/process file to Deepgram
res, err := dg.ToSave(ctx, "Hello, World!", textToSpeech, options)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("FromStream failed. Err: %v\n", err)
There are examples for *every- API call in this SDK. You can find all of these examples in the examples folder at the root of this repo.
These examples provide:
- Agent Simple - examples/agent/simple
- From a Microphone - examples/speech-to-text/websocket/microphone
- From an HTTP Endpoint - examples/speech-to-text/websocket/http
- From an Audio File - examples/speech-to-text/rest/file
- From an URL - examples/speech-to-text/rest/url
- From an Audio Stream - examples/speech-to-text/rest/stream
- From a Microphone - examples/speech-to-text/websocket/microphone
- From an HTTP Endpoint - examples/speech-to-text/websocket/http
- Websocket Simple Example - examples/text-to-speech/websocket/simple
- Interactive Websocket - examples/text-to-speech/websocket/interactive
- Save audio to a Path - examples/text-to-speech/rest/file
- Save audio to a Stream/Buffer - examples/text-to-speech/rest/stream
- Save audio to a user-defined Writer - examples/text-to-speech/rest/writer
Management API exercise the full CRUD operations for:
Balances - examples/manage/balances
Invitations - examples/manage/invitations
Keys - examples/manage/keys
Members - examples/manage/members
Models - examples/manage/models
Projects - examples/manage/projects
Scopes - examples/manage/scopes
Usage - examples/manage/usage
To run each example set the DEEPGRAM_API_KEY
as an environment variable, then cd
into each example folder and execute the example: go run main.go
This SDK provides logging as a means to troubleshoot and debug issues encountered. By default, this SDK will enable Information
level messages and higher (ie Warning
, Error
, etc) when you initialize the library as follows:
To increase the logging output/verbosity for debug or troubleshooting purposes, you can set the TRACE
level but using this code:
// init library
LogLevel: client.LogLevelTrace,
There are several test folders in /tests you can run:
- unit_test/ - Unit tests
- daily_test/ - Integration/daily tests
- edge_cases/ - Edge case testing
- response_data/ - Test data
- utils/ - Test utilities
To run the tests, you can use the following commands:
Run specific tests in a directory:
go run filename
Older SDK versions will receive Priority 1 (P1) bug support only. Security issues, both in our code and dependencies, are promptly addressed. Significant bugs without clear workarounds are also given priority attention.
Interested in contributing? We ❤️ pull requests!
To make sure our community is safe for all, be sure to review and agree to our Code of Conduct. Then see the Contribution guidelines for more information.
We love to hear from you so if you have questions, comments or find a bug in the project, let us know! You can either: