Releases: deepskies/DeepBench
Releases · deepskies/DeepBench
Joss Release
What's Changed
- Update .readthedocs.yaml by @voetberg in #139
- Docs: Corrected examples in readme #142 by @voetberg in #144
- Tests: Corrected tests to use basic assert checks #141 by @voetberg in #143
- Edit JOSS manuscript by @plaplant in #149
- Review comments on figure captions by @voetberg in #148
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.2.3...v1.0-joss
What's Changed
- Adding the joss make paper action by @voetberg in #119
- Adding paper compiling action by @voetberg in #120
- Updated docs with image on the start page, build instructions in readme by @voetberg in #126
- Development by @voetberg in #129
- remove image with unknown source by @voetberg in #133
- remove image with unknown source by @voetberg in #135
- Updated paper with example images by @voetberg in #116
- Paper edits by @bnord in #136
- Paper: Remove redundent part of caption by @voetberg in #137
- Bump package and dependency versions by @voetberg in #138
Full Changelog: v0.2...v0.2.3
Time bug fix for pendulum
Placing time within cosine instead of sine.
What's Changed
- Package data generation files in one script by @tdps in #5
- copying baseline text from overleaf. by @bnord in #6
- Joss paper draft by @bnord in #11
- Fix naming bug by @voetberg in #16
- Add pendulum class by @beckynevin in #13
- skeleton module by @voetberg in #35
- base pendulum' by @voetberg in #49
- Feature/newtonian pendulum object code by @beckynevin in #53
- Feature/noise model flexibility by @beckynevin in #56
- Bug/git action by @voetberg in #58
- Simulate q p by @omaripaul57 in #59
- deleted noise on q and p by @omaripaul57 in #65
- Feature/increase testing coverage pendulum by @beckynevin in #66
- Feature/noise model adjustments by @beckynevin in #67
- Feature/hamiltonian add noisy mass by @omaripaul57 in #69
- Feature/plotting utilities by @beckynevin in #75
- Feature/plotting utilities by @beckynevin in #76
- Test/hamiltonian pendulum by @omaripaul57 in #78
- Added temporary noise fix to ham pendulum by @omaripaul57 in #81
- correct bug on acceleator noise so the program can init without noise… by @voetberg in #82
- Feature/logfile noise by @beckynevin in #84
- Feature/runner by @voetberg in #85
- Feature/updated tests by @voetberg in #88
- Readme by @voetberg in #94
New Contributors
- @tdps made their first contribution in #5
- @bnord made their first contribution in #6
- @voetberg made their first contribution in #16
- @beckynevin made their first contribution in #13
- @omaripaul57 made their first contribution in #59
Full Changelog: v0.0-alpha...v0.0.2-alpha