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Money Markets Logic Request

For OpenBlock Labs (OBL) to compute scores for participating Starknet Money Market protocols, we are asking protocols to provide code for calculations as described in the Starknet Money Markets New Data Guidelines.

This repository provides a framework for sharing your code with OBL. If you have any questions or comments about this process, please contact us in our Telegram channel.

1. Getting started

  1. Create a fork of this repository and clone it to your development environment. If you already have a fork, please update it.
  2. Set up your fork:
    1. Create a .env file in the root of the directory, following the format of example.env. Populate the fields with your database credentials. These will be safely stored on your local machine.
    2. Run ./ which will setup your virtual environment and install dependencies. If there is a dependency you need in your code, please reach out in Telegram and we will add it ASAP.
  3. Create your protocol directory. Duplicate protocol_template, and rename the duplicate with your protocol's name.

2. Write your code

  1. Write your code within your directory following the processes and schemas discussed in the Guidelines.
  2. If your code has any dependencies beyond those available in the requirements.txt file, please add them to the requirements and include them in your PR.

3. How to share your code

  1. Make sure your code is working as expected.
  2. Commit and push your changes to your fork.
  3. Submit a PR to add your protocol directory to the repository.

4. Pull Request Structure

When submitting a pull request, please ensure your contribution meets the following criteria:

  • New Directory: Each contribution should be within its own new directory. The directory name should be your protocol name. See protocol_example as a reference of contents.
  • Required Files: Your directory should include at least one python script:
    • A Python file with at least one function that computes the specified fields.


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