This configuration is straightforward, without complex directory structures or dependencies.
Although simple, it configures an IDE for a robust development environment.
This is not just a basic vim
setup for editing a few lines on a remote server.
The setup is influenced by hundreds of articles, forum threads, Neovim setup videos, and my existing vim configuration.
This configuration is a continuous Work In Progress.
The setup depends on several CLI tools and libraries available on your system.
- Nerd Fonts - for icons and symbols
- rg - many Neovim plugins rely on this great
Additional tools may be required. Refer to lua/plugins/conform.lua, lua/plugins/mason.lua, or lua/plugins/lint.lua for examples. These plugin definitions list various external tools for linting and formatting. Neovim (via Mason plugin) can install them automatically, though many may already be available on your system.
Clone this repository into ~/.config/
git clone ~/.config/nvim
# Run Neovim
After the initial installation, check Neovim's health:
# In Neovim's command mode run
# This will report any missing critical binaries, among other messages.
# Note: Not all warnings or errors need to be addressed.
# Ignore warnings if the recommended actions don't align with your system setup.
If you want to test this configuration without affecting your existing Neovim installation. You can have multiple Neovim's distinct configurations in parallel.
git clone ~/.config/nvim-test
# Run Neovim
NVIM_APPNAME=nvim-test nvim
# Note: NVIM_APPNAME should match the Neovim directory name in `~/.config`.