A simple runnable Python package that sets up virtual environments as
specified in a configuration file using the builtin venv
The configuration files for the construction of virtual environments are
files like the following example (compare venv_devel.yaml
in the root directory of this repo):
min_version: ">=3.7"
- directory: venv@venvfromfile
- requirements.txt
- src
This constructs a virtual environment next to the configuration file if
at least Python 3.7 is used. The directory will be named
"venv@venvfromfile" and requirements from a file "requirements.txt"
which should be placed next to the configuration file will be installed
in the virtual environment.
Additionally, a file "[email protected]" is installed in the virtual
environment containing the path to the directory "src" relative to the
configuration file. This instructs Python to search this path for
installed packages when importing. More information on .pth
files can
be found in the
documentation of the site
Note that all relative paths specified in the configuration files are interpreted relative to the configuration file. This includes, for example the directory names of the virtual environment.
For further information on the available options see the classes
contained in the conf.py
module and their fields' docstrings.
In order to construct the virtual environment specified by the file above, the package can be invoked as
python -m venvfromfile filename.yaml
where filename.yaml
is the file name of the configuration file.
For further information on available command line options type
python -m venvfromfile -h
Another simple example:
min_version: ">=3.7"
- directory: py37
max_version: "<=3.7"
- directory: py38_39
min_version: ">=3.8"
max_version: "<3.10"
This would construct a plain virtual environment without any requirements in the "py37" directory if Python version 3.7 or below is used and in the "py38_39" directory if the Python version is above 3.8 and strictly below 3.10. Note that the first comparison will only hold for Python version 3.7 exactly, since the entire config only applies to Python versions 3.7 and above.
You can install this package directly from git:
pip install git+https://github.com/devds96/venvfromfile
Alternatively, clone the git repo and run in its root directory:
pip install .