This library generates CRUD resolvers for apollo server from configuration. (Example configuration given below) Currently mutation methods are not supported. They will be included soon.
So it can be used with queries builded by openCRUD standard.
Standard can be found here:
npm i git+
const resolversFactory = require('crudgql')({
databaseEngine: 'objection', // enum['objection'|'mongoose']
findAllMethod: 'findAll', // method to findAll entities in your data manipulator module
findOneMethod: 'find' // method to findOne entities in your data manipulator module
const resolvers = resolversFactory({
entityName: 'movie',
// controller should contain `findAllMethod` and `FindOneMethod` specified above
entityCtl: require('./path/to/movie/controller'),
// entity relations
relations: [{
name: 'actors', // name of relation must be specified as it specified in parent model
controller: require('./path/to/actor/controller'),
type: 'many', // type of relation relative to parent(e.g. movie --one to many-- actors)
relations: ['roles'] // relations of relation. Here you must specify only it`s names as specified in parent model(here parent model is `actor`)
}, {
name: 'franchise',
controller: require('./path/to/franchise/controller'),
type: 'one',
relations: ['lordOfTheRings', 'HP', 'starWars']
this will produce the following resolvers
resolvers == {
Query: {
movie: async (_, query) => {
const res = await entityCtl[findOneMethod](
formatQuery(query.where), // method from
{ relations: relationsExpression } // relationsExpression - specific to your databaseEngine
// examples:
// mongo: [{ path: 'actors' }, { path: 'franchise' }]
// objection: '[actors(selectId), franchise(selectId)]' or for one relation 'actors(selectId)'
if (!res) throw new ValidationError(`${entityNameUc} not found`)
return res
movies: async (_, query) => entityCtl[findAllMethod](
orderBy: formatOrderBy(query.orderBy), // method from
relations: relationsExpression
Mutations: {
createMovie: async (_, { data }) => entityCtl[createMethod](
{ relations: relationsExpression }
updateMovie: async (_, { where, data }) => entityCtl[updateMethod](
formatQuery(where), // method from
{ relations: relationsExpression }
deleteMovie: async (_, { id }) => entityCtl[deleteMethod](id)
Movie: {
actors: async function (parent, query) {
if (!parent[]) return []
const relatedIds = parent[].map(c =>
if (!query.where) query.where = { id_in: relatedIds } // id_in query parameter specific to OpenCRUD
else if (!query.where.id_in) query.where.id_in = relatedIds
else query.where.id_in.push(...relatedIds)
return relation.controller[findAllMethod](
orderBy: formatOrderBy(query.orderBy),
relations: relationsExpression
franchise: async function (parent, query) {
if (!parent[]) return null
const relatedId = parent[].id
if (!query.where) query.where = { id_in: [relatedId] }
else if (!query.where.id_in) query.where.id_in = [relatedId]
else query.where.id_in.push(relatedId)
return relation.controller[findOneMethod](
{ relations: relationsExpression })