Warning: Please be wise to clone and learn the flow of the app. You are not allowed to copy/create derivatives/steal/sell this program codes. I am not responsible for anything that happens if you get plagiarized / suspended by Dicoding.
Generate your github token here and replace this code with your token at [root]/local.properties
I am open for everyone that wants to improve this app. Feel free to pull-req this repository or you can contact me personally via email [email protected]
- Search User
- Searching github user using Githup API
- Details User
- Show details user using Githup API
- Favorite User
- Add/remove user into/from your favorite list
- Settings
- Change app theme (dark mode / light mode / follow system)
- Programming Language
- Architecture
- Clean Code Architecture by Uncle Bob
- Jetpack MVVM - Repository Pattern
- Modularization
- Dynamic Feature
- Jetpack Components
- Networking
- Other Libraries
- AndroidVeil - show a list with shimmer animation
- Kotlin Flow - reactive data stream
- Kotlin Coroutines - concurrency that simplifies asynchronous API consumption
- Koin V3 - dependency injection
- Lottie Animation - cool & smooth animation
- Coil - image loader
- Feature
- Reminder using work manager
- Localization for english - indonesia
- Login
- App
- Migrate to moshi converter
- Implement pagination using Paging 3
- Add CI using circleCI