pip install sourmash_plugin_pangenomics
You can run all of these commands in the test_workflow
directory of the git repository.
(CTB: explain contents!)
The following command builds a pangenome database for the species present in the lineages file gtdb-rs214-agatha.lineages.csv.gz
(currently only s__Agathobacter faecis
), using the sketches present in the gtdb-rs214-agatha-k21.zip
sourmash scripts pangenome_createdb \
gtdb-rs214-agatha-k21.zip \
-t gtdb-rs214-agatha.lineages.csv.gz \
-o agatha-merged.sig.zip --abund -k 21
The output file is agatha-merged.sig.zip
and contains the following:
% sourmash sig summarize agatha-merged.sig.zip
num signatures: 1
** examining manifest...
total hashes: 27398
summary of sketches:
1 sketches with DNA, k=21, scaled=1000, abund 27398 total hashes
Note: the command pangenome_merge
(see below) will construct a pangenome
sketch by merging all provided signatures.
A "ranktable" is our name for a database that assigns hashes a pangenomic "rank" - central core, external core, shell, inner cloud, or surface cloud.
The following command builds a ranktable for the species s__Agathobacter faecis
, selected from the pangenome database created above:
sourmash scripts pangenome_ranktable \
agatha-merged.sig.zip \
-o test_output/agathobacter_faecis.csv \
-k 21 -l 'GCF_020557615 s__Agathobacter faecis'
The output file is test_output/agathobacter_faecis.csv
, and it contains two columns:
where the first column is the hash value, and the second column is the pangenome rank for that hash.
We can now use our ranktable to summarize any sketch, including a metagenome. Here we use a human gut metagenome, SRR5650070
sourmash scripts pangenome_classify \
SRR5650070.trim.sig.zip \
test_output/agathobacter_faecis.csv \
-k 21
This will yield the following output:
For 'test_output/agathobacter_faecis.csv', signature 'SRR5650070' contains:
497 (12.5%) hashes are classified as central core
427 (10.8%) hashes are classified as external core
1791 (45.2%) hashes are classified as shell
1251 (31.5%) hashes are classified as inner cloud
0 (0.0%) hashes are classified as surface cloud
...and 262716 hashes are NOT IN the csv file
(CTB: explain contents!)
The following command builds a pangenome sketch by combining all provided sketches. Here we use the sketches present in the gtdb-rs214-agatha-k21.zip
sourmash scripts pangenome_merge \
gtdb-rs214-agatha-k21.zip \
-o agatha-merged-2.sig.zip-k 21
The output file is agatha-merged-2.sig.zip
and is identical
(via e.g. sourmash compare
) to the agatha-merged.sig.zip
We suggest filing issues in the main sourmash issue tracker as that receives more attention (and is monitored by the same people anyway)!
is developed at https://github.com/sourmash-bio/sourmash_plugin_pangenomics.
The current tests are implemented as Snakemake workflow in test_workflow/
. To run them, execute the following command in the main directory:
make cleanrun
Bump version number in pyproject.toml
and push.
Make a new release on github.
Then pull, and:
python -m build
followed by twine upload dist/...