full-stack basic CRUD app that allows for user to set up a to-do list and interact with Venmo API to reward after to-do list completion
- npm init : node package manager
- npm install express react react-dom --> installing the dependencies and will add to the package.json.
- put devDependencies into package.json
- Webpack set up for npm run build and npm run dev
pre-plan: ER diagram + mental model of database, front end sketches, back end basic routes
Set up basic authorization process using cookies to load up/redirect user to their appropriate page (and get their page's contents)
SQL database set up locally and connect to elephantSQL for PostgreSQL online server
BackEnd: Using NodeJS + Express, we can handle the various routes coming our way from the front/client end.
- through middlewares, we'd be able to modularize our application, making it easier to scale up.
- User: create, read, update, delete
- AdultWallet: create, read, update
- Collection: create, read, update, delete
- Task: create, read, update, delete
- through middlewares, we'd be able to modularize our application, making it easier to scale up.
FrontEnd: React to manipulate DOM, implement handling of database response (send get request, and receive get response), such as:
- user name,
- loading up user's collections of to-do tasks (and its buttons: add, edit, delete),
- loading up each task's buttons (add, edit, delete), along with loading up each task's Reward Jar update button and User's adult_wallet's update button