DataIntegrity library for use with cryptosuites and jsonld-signatures.
For use with v11.0 and above.
See also related specs:
- Browsers and Node.js 18+ are supported.
To install from NPM:
npm install @digitalbazaar/data-integrity
To install locally (for development):
git clone
cd data-integrity
npm install
The following code snippet provides a complete example of digitally signing a verifiable credential using this library:
import * as Ed25519Multikey from '@digitalbazaar/ed25519-multikey';
import {DataIntegrityProof} from '@digitalbazaar/data-integrity';
import {cryptosuite as eddsa2022CryptoSuite} from
import jsigs from 'jsonld-signatures';
const {purposes: {AssertionProofPurpose}} = jsigs;
// create the unsigned credential
const unsignedCredential = {
'@context': [
AlumniCredential: '',
alumniOf: ''
id: '',
type: [ 'VerifiableCredential', 'AlumniCredential' ],
issuer: '',
issuanceDate: '2010-01-01T19:23:24Z',
credentialSubject: {
id: '',
alumniOf: 'Example University'
// create the keypair to use when signing
const controller = '';
const keyPair = await Ed25519Multikey.from({
'@context': '',
type: 'Multikey',
id: controller + '#z6MkwXG2WjeQnNxSoynSGYU8V9j3QzP3JSqhdmkHc6SaVWoT',
publicKeyMultibase: 'z6MkwXG2WjeQnNxSoynSGYU8V9j3QzP3JSqhdmkHc6SaVWoT',
secretKeyMultibase: 'zrv3rbPamVDGvrm7LkYPLWYJ35P9audujKKsWn3x29EUiGwwhdZQd' +
// export public key and add to document loader
const publicKey = await keyPair.export({publicKey: true, includeContext: true});
addDocumentToLoader({url:, document: publicKey});
// create key's controller document
const controllerDoc = {
'@context': [
id: controller,
assertionMethod: [publicKey]
addDocumentToLoader({url:, document: controllerDoc});
// create suite
const suite = new DataIntegrityProof({
signer: keyPair.signer(), cryptosuite: eddsa2022CryptoSuite
// create signed credential
const signedCredential = await jsigs.sign(unsignedCredential, {
purpose: new AssertionProofPurpose(),
// results in the following signed VC
"@context": [
"AlumniCredential": "",
"alumniOf": ""
"id": "",
"type": [
"issuer": "",
"issuanceDate": "2010-01-01T19:23:24Z",
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "",
"alumniOf": "Example University"
"proof": {
"type": "DataIntegrityProof",
"created": "2022-09-06T21:29:24Z",
"verificationMethod": "",
"cryptosuite": "eddsa-2022",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"proofValue": "zakT6XP6P7ZVAGJKjvnVi1YjC96RufyeasEEMkDQrCkvMnG3QeAqBuoVoWAWkEEd5w8FATEigPA5788ByuwnCZrd"
Note: To create or verify proofs using legacy draft data integrity suites, you
must pass legacyContext: true
when creating a DataIntegrityProof
this will cause the appropriate legacy data integrity context ( to be used.
See the contribute file!
PRs accepted.
If editing the Readme, please conform to the standard-readme specification.
Commercial support for this library is available upon request from Digital Bazaar: [email protected]
New BSD License (3-clause) © 2022 Digital Bazaar